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26 Aug 2020 @ 12:48am


Name "Don"

Position Don

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Klingon
Age early 40s

Physical Appearance

Height 187cm
Weight 84kg
Hair Color Golden Brown
Eye Color Dark Brown
Physical Description Tall and intimidating, not much else can be said. When not masked and shrouded, shows Klingon ridges.


Father Prior Don
Other Family

Personality & Traits

General Overview The Don, or simply referred to as Don, is always clad in a black shroud which covers his entire body from head to to. He never shows his face in public and only a handful trusted servants have ever seen him without the shroud.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Ambitions Control the sector and bring order to chaos. Eventually abolish slavery.
Hobbies & Interests

Personal History Not much is known about the Don. Though referred to as 'he' noone has any real clue as to the Don's actual gender. It is only known that his predecessor found him as a child, but other than that nothing was ever revealed.

Don carries himself as a strong individual, harsh when he needs to be but otherwise fair and respectful. He is feared throughout the sector, and the lower slaves are terrified of him. He is however known to be a fair and just master.

Upon acquiring new servants or slaves, he gives them the choice of service, or actual slavery with all the attached consequences. This allows him to select only the most deserving and loyal to get close to him.

Only one person knows his true identity, and that is his personal servant; a young Orion woman named Iola. Like himself, the servant was found as an abandoned child, and raised in the service of the Don.

The Don's true gender is female, her species Klingon though she has no idea what exactly a Klingon is. She is spirited and knows exactly what she wants. She does, however know nothing about her true history.

As a baby, K'Tosht was left behind by her parents whose house had been disgraced. Not wanting to bring their shame on their infant, they left her somewhere in the hope she would be found.

Eventually, baby K'Tosht was found by what was known as the Sector Don, and he raised her as his own daughter and taught her how to hide herself and grow to be the new sector master.

As a Don, K'Tosht strives to be fair but makes her presence known by throwing an act which has her feared throughout. She doesn't believe in corporeal punishment but understands that slaves must be disciplined. As such she will only allow them to be given lashes and skin is -next to never- broken.

She is fair and just to her own workforce, providing them with the comforts and food they need to survive. It is her firm belief that loyalty will get them far.

In 2396 she revealed her identity to a small group of Starfleet officers, after one of their crew had become one of her slaves. It is her hope to form an alliance and thus strengthen her position and improve the lives of everyone in the sector. Her identity however, must be remain unknown to the public. she still considers such breach of confidence as being punishable by death. Her most trusted advisor is a young Orion woman known as Iola. While a servant, K'Tosht almost treats her as a daughter, having found and raised her since she was a small child.
Service Record