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Andromeda to the Rescue

Posted on 20 Nov 2019 @ 4:06am by Commander Amelia Fox & Captain Jonathan Reynolds & Lieutenant Commander Aidan Datari & Lieutenant Commander True Keading & Lieutenant JG Lilura Karakalakss & "Don" & Civilian J'Tan & Civilian Iola Hawkins

Mission: Mission 2 - The Agora crossroads
Location: A small moon
Timeline: MD6 0900
1631 words - 3.3 OF Standard Post Measure


Amelia was pacing at the back of the bridge. The last two locations they had searched had turned up nothing. She hoped that this next set of co-ordinates would turn up something more productive.

"Fox, will you sit down or stop with the pacing. You are going to wear the carpet out," Jon said simply. The XO was taking the loss of Aidan personally. He decided to have a word with True to go speak with her.

"Initiate life sign scans. Hopefully 3rd times the charm."

Lilura smiled as she tied into Science with her Engineering panel. With Sciences short, she volunteered to man the station for this mission. "I have Lt. Datari's life signature overlayed into the scanners, with seven degree of variances. Any Trill signatures within deterioration or buildup of his mainline physique should show up after several passes of the sensors. They are now at Sciences discretion."

Derek Han frowned at his computer display, making manual adjustments to the Andromeda's sensors. "Give me a second, sir. There's some background radiation coming from a subterranean source on the planet. It's clouding up my scans." After a few more seconds of uncomfortable silence, during which Derek was sure he could feel the captain breathing down his neck from several feet away, he finally got a faint reading. "Got something." His eyebrow went up. "But it's not from the planet, sir. It's from the moon orbiting."

Jon smiled at the confirmation of a Trill life sign. He was just about to order a channel be opened in the direction on that moon when someone bet him to the punch.

"Sir incoming transmission,"

"On screen," Jon said.

Amelia came and sat down next to Jon as a man appeared on the view screen.

“Welcome. My name is Laemia. How may I assist you?

"Captain Jonathan Reynolds of the Federation starship the USS Andromeda."

The man had heard Jon’s greeting but he was staring at Amelia. Finally he spoke. “And who is this...... Lovely creature?”

Jon shared a confused look with Amelia. Was this a ploy of some sort? "This is my executive officer Lieutenant Fox. However that's not really the issue I am looking to discuss."

Laemia quickly recovered. “Forgive me Captain. We Don’t get many beautiful women out here. I am a trader of..... various wares. What brings you to my door?”

"We are in search of our science officer who I am told has been sold from the Agora Crossroads. Any information as to his whereabouts would be greatly appreciated as I would like to negotiate his release back into my custody. We have scanned the area and his bio signs seem to indicate he is on the moon below us."

“Ah! I believe I know of whom you speak. Alas, he is... a guest of one of my neighboring business men called The Don. You would have to speak with them about his return. He is very reasonable and I’m sure he would be willing to negotiate with you.”

While he spoke with Jon he kept stealing glances at Amelia. “I would invite you and your executive officer to my home for a meal. Perhaps we could open a dialogue with the Don to get your Science officer back. At the very least I would like to meet you in person and perhaps negotiate some business.”

Jon wasn't overly happy with that idea. Amelia and True next to him could probably tell that from his demeanor.

"That is a very kind and generous offer. And I would like to take you up on that and get to know your people once I have my science officer back where he should be, on my ship. I would rather directly speak with the Don."

The alien studied the Captain and said, "The direct approach. I like that and understand completely. Let me send you the frequency to contact who you seek."

"Thank you. On behalf of myself and my crew we appreciate that. I hope we can talk later," Jon added happy that had gone fairly well. Well assuming this was the frequency he needed to speak to who he needed to speak too.

Leamia nodded. "I will be around Captain. Contact me again." He stole one last look at Fox before ending the transmission.

Amelia shuddered and turned to Jon and True. "I don't know about you but that guy was creeping me out."

"He's very used to charming people to get his way." True replied quietly. "Maybe we should act like it worked? At least for the moment?"

Lilura spoke up, "I agree with True. The way into a person's offered graces is to accept and find out the limits of those graces, with the understanding that those graces have limits. It would give us insight into how these people negotiate and live the lives they do. Just saying."

Jon nodded at ops. "Let's see how this goes. Connect us to that frequency."

"This is Captain Jonathan Reynolds of the USS Andromeda currently in orbit. I would like to speak with the Don as a matter of urgency."

Shrouded as always, the Don appeared on the monitor. "Your arrival was predicted," he said calmly, "state your business."

Predicted Jon mused. So either Aidan had said something, told them a little about the Federation or they were keeping tabs on them somehow. "I want to negotiate for my science officer back. Your recent slave. A Trill alien. I request an audience."

"He is not up for bargain," the Don answered neutrally, "he is too valuable for me. His life is here now." He paused for a moment, glancing sideways at a green skinned female, before turning back to the screen. "Perhaps...we can bargain. You may come down with a single transport. Just you and one companion, you will come unarmed."

== Unnamed moon ==

Too sore to move, Aidan had remained in bed this morning. The prior day had been eventful but it hadn't ended well for him. His vow to lay low had gone terribly wrong after another slaver had managed to get under his skin. Opening his eyes, he spotted the clean clothes that had been left for him, as well as a simple breakfast. Knowing he had to get up, he yelped as he hoisted himself up and onto his feet.

Today was probably going to be a day similar to the prior ones. Get up, breakfast, read reports, translate reports, lunch with Iola... And yet, something felt terribly off. He couldn't point it down, but something felt off. He shivered and suppressed another yelp. "I can't take much more of this," he whispered miserably, "I just want to go home."

== Andromeda ==

As soon as The Don had issued the invitation to beam down, Amelia was almost jumping out of her seat. She wouldn’t have let the Captain beam down alone, especially unarmed. She waited for the Captain to finish speaking with the Don.

"Expect our away team shortly. Reynolds out," Jon could already feel Fox's mix of eagerness to get off the ship and concern about him going. Next to him he could also sense some worry off his blond girlfriend.

He stood up and said, "With me Fox I haven't time for an argument. Counselor your in charge, keep a lock on us and if you don't hear back from us in 2 hours you just beam us out. Also keep scanning and get as much information as you can about that moon, planet and system. And keep an eye out in case that other person who seems rather too interested in the XO here try's anything further," he told her setting off to the turbolift.

"Fox you better pick up that latiunum," he said as an afterthought although that sudden change of mind from this mysterious Don led him to believe there was more than Aidan at play here.

"Yes sir," True felt some uneasiness that had nothing to do with Jon going down to the planet, though she disliked the idea a lot. The last time she was in command the starship had fallen to pieces around her. Surely Jon knew that.

Lilura spoke up, "Captain, as we keep a sensor lock on you, not only can we beam you away, we can beam you down items that you require. How about we keep the latinum here, with the understanding that only when conditions are met, you will have it within your grasp? And, for a veiled threat that is not, that you have a Soliodaran as security for the Latinum? Please, Captain, this is a frontier zone, play it as such with potentials and possibilities."

“We do not know if what Latium we have left will even be enough of interest to this Don. Better to take a show of good faith first and if more is required we may have to dip into your reserves Lieutenant. So good idea but we will keep it in reserve in case a longer play is needed. And I’m fully aware we are not in Kansas any more,” Jon replied. “That Don has a secret and I’m betting figuring that outs more valuable and the key to getting a negotiation out of them.”


●●● Commander Jonathan Reynolds
Commanding Officer
USS Andromeda

●● Lieutenant Amelia Fox
Executive Officer
USS Andromeda

The Don
Feared sector Master
pnpc Aidan

●○ Lieutenant JG Lilura Siana Karakalakss
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Andromeda

●● Lieutenant True Keading
Chief Counselor
USS Andromeda

Ens. Derek Han
PNPC Graham

○● Lieutenant JG Rosaline Belikov
Chief Security / Tactical Officer
USS Andromeda


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