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Birthday surprise

Posted on 04 Jan 2020 @ 2:50am by Captain Jonathan Reynolds

Mission: Mission 2 - The Agora crossroads
Location: Captains Ready room
Timeline: MD10
557 words - 1.1 OF Standard Post Measure


It had come to Jons attention that there was a very important event coming up in the near future and he needed to get something special. He decided to use his new Ops chief as a sounding board.

"Reynolds to Hawkins. Can I see you for a minute in my ready room," he said to his comm. badge.

"Acknowleged,Captain" Michael responded, checking off an item on his list of being done.

Not long after, he arrived at the ready room. "You wished to see me?" he asked when the door closed behind him.

Jon nodded. "Yes take a seat. I need help with something personal. So I also need to ask for your discretion," he answered.

Taking a seat he looked at the Captain, a small amount of curiosity crossing his mind as well as mildly surprised.

"I am someone of a great amount of discretion." he replied, "And I will do what I can do to help you"

"Myself and Counselor Keating are in a relationship. I have been trying to keep it low key but am sure thats not really fooling anyone ….." he said with a small smile.

"Anyway that's not where the discretion is required. Her birthdays coming up in about a month you see and I need help to get her something. She likes cats and wants a pet. Your my new ops wizard. I was hoping you could help me out," he asked. "Can you make some enquiries into if anyone has any kittens they might be willing to give a new home?"

"Congratulations are in order" Michael gave an answering smile, "I will definitely make the inquiries for you, sir. I wonder if the trade post we are near might have cats there. Cats have been known to be found in different areas."

"We have no plans to have Andromeda personal go back to the Agora Crossroads at present. I have asked Mr J'Tan to be our envoy there. So you need to liase with him to organise potential trade going forward," Jon told him. "Until the Don we agreed to take Iola onboard manages to get the other Dons to seriously consider abolishing the slavery or I have some personal assurances none of our crew will be snatched or tortured in any way, I won't be risking letting another crew member step foot on that station," Jon said firmly. "I'm sorry that makes your job a lot more complicated I am aware."

"Understood, and honestly I hadn't known about that happening to some of the crew members." Hawkins frowned at hearing that bit of information. "I'll work on another angle and see about getting the kitty or... kitties. Sometimes having another helps the other cat not to get bored or feel so lonely if they have another companion."

His face changed his eyes lighting up." Don't worry about any so called complications, I've got an idea and I am sure of delivering said feline or felines."

"I appreciate that but lets stick at just one for now," Jon suggested. "If it gets lonely then we can look further."

Michael nodded, "One for starters then. I am looking forward to its arrival."


●●● Commander Jonathan Reynolds
USS Andromeda

● “ Ensign Michael Hawkins“
Chief Operations Officer
USS Andromeda


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