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ACEO and CFCO Coffee Date

Posted on 09 Apr 2020 @ 5:25am by Lieutenant JG Lilura Karakalakss & Lieutenant Mitchell Graham

Mission: Mission 3 - Whom gods destroy ...
Location: USS Andromeda - Deck 22 - Lounge
Timeline: 2030 Hours
813 words - 1.6 OF Standard Post Measure


Deck 9 - Officers' Quarters - CFCO's Room

Lilura was dressed in her off duty attire and approaching Mitchell's quarters. She had asked the computer if he was in or not, but that was her only inquiry. She wanted to invite him to Coffee, a dessert, and maybe even drinks as it was after supper time. She had liked meeting him in her office before, and while the past missions had not let them have any time, she was going to see if he wanted to get to start to know her.

She went over the deck plans in her head: Deck 8 - Captains Quarters, XO Quarters, Counselor's Quarters, Counselor's Office, Battle Bridge, and Crew's quarters for support personnel for Captain, XO, and Counselors. Deck 9 was for the rest of the officers, with guest quarters, VIP quarters, as well as crew quarters for support for officers, guests, and VIP guests. Well, there was also a security station, for obvious reasons.

She stopped in front of the appropriate door, checked her reflection, then touched the annunciator to let the inhabitant know he had a visitor.

It took only a few seconds for Graham to answer. He was still in uniform, albeit with the top fastener undone to loosen the restrictive collar, and he was already holding a steaming hot mug in his hand. "Hey, Lilura," he said with a grin. "You look all dolled up. Going somewhere special tonight?" He stepped aside and gestured for her to come in.

Lilura returned the smile, murmuring "Thank you" as she came into his quarters. After getting inside, she cocked her head to the left in a quizzical fashion and stated, "Well, hopefully. But that depends upon the answer of a certain handsome individual to this burning question... Lieutenant Graham, would you like to go to the lounge from some coffee, perhaps dessert, or maybe even a drink if you're not on the on-call duty rotation this evening?" As Mitchell was a superior officer and hadn't given her leave to say his given name yet, she kept to chain of command nomenclature.

Mitchell grinned, genuinely surprised. "Who me? Well, yeah, sure, sounds great." He looked at his own uniform, set his mug down on the coffee table, and raised his index finger. "Maybe I should change. Give me a minute." He disappeared into the bedroom but left the door open. "Make yourself at home."

Lilura replied, "Thanks," and shifted over near the table only then to shift into a standing 'resting' state, her tail being used a tall stool while she 'sat' upright and felt comfortable. While she waited, Mitchell said in a raised voice, "So, is this some special occasion?"

Lilura gurgled in humor within her chest. She responded with, "Wellll, no, and, maybe, yes. I need to get away from my quarters and engineering. And, well, I enjoyed our time in my office. As it's better to enjoy some time away from work with someone instead of just oneself, I'm hoping to share it with you so this might become a special occasion.. umm, if I'm making any sense."

That earned a chuckle from the other room. "Yeah, I get it. You know, it's funny that you mentioned dessert. Just before you got here I was thinking of a chocolate brownie with two scoops of ice cream. It was my favorite thing as a kid. Have you ever tried it? I don't know what passes for desert on your home world."

Lilura giggled, "I have had that desert, in the frontier worlds, I like it with caramel sauce." Her voice sounded more thoughtful as she continued with, "On my home world, one of my fav deserts is a Celfiasti Beetle roasted in honey and spices. Umm, similar to a sweet fig, I think its called? But way more nutritious."

Mitchell emerged wearing a beige, long-sleeved Henley and tan trousers that were tied by a drawstring. He dropped a pair of casual brown loafers into the floor and slipped them on, foregoing socks for the evening. "Not as well put-together as you but it'll suffice."

Lilura snorted out a breath in humor. "I'm only this well put together cause as a representative of my race, I haven't really bought anything truly comfortable and 'frumpy?' I think the term is." She held out her arm for him to take, "Besides, I'm after the company of the person in the clothes, not the clothes themselves, so you look great to me. Please, lead on."

Mitchell accepted the offered arm and looked up at her with a lopsided grin. "Dessert awaits," he said in a low tone. The doors parted and the exited the room.


●○ Lieutenant JG Lilura Siana Karakalakss
Assistant Chief Engineering Officer
USS Andromeda

●● Lieutenant Mitchell Graham
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Andromeda


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