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Unexpected Solace

Posted on 29 Sep 2020 @ 12:36am by Lieutenant JG Oliver Stevens & Lieutenant JG Ron Bumble

Mission: Mission 4 - Race against the machine
Location: Transporter room 3
Timeline: After planet killers demise
1309 words - 2.6 OF Standard Post Measure


"Transporter Room lock on my signal, two to beam out now!"

"Laid my head upon your chest
Your arms encircled me,
It was, My Love, as if we were
What God meant us to be"


Ron had never had a female not related to him hug him. Well was it a hug. The XO had just grabbed him. But her arms were firmly round him. That was a hug wasn't it? And she had got him off the ship right before ...

His heart was pounding. And she had even managed to save his data ....

""Made it in one piece,"

Her words brought him back to reality. Then she let him go. Hell he didn't want her to do that. He stumbled back, a sudden warmth he had never experienced disappeared.

"When Captain Keading gives the signal, get him out of there. I've got a signal enhancer on him, should make it easier for you to get him.

Oh the captain. Yes ... he flushed. What was he thinking suddenly drooling over the XO. She had just done her duty of course.

"I'm already all over that maam," the transporter chief said somewhat curtly. He was trying to keep beaming everyone and this lock on Vernon Keading as he knew his best friend was counting on him.

"It'll be fine ...." Ron suddenly found words forming. She was worried sick about the captain. Of course. And he was too. "He knows what hes doing ..."

"Thank you" was all that Natasha could say at the moment to the transporter officer. "Stubborn man will probably be waiting for the last moment before giving the signal." or not..

Natasha couldn't make herself leave the transporter room, so she just moved to one side just out of the way. "Ron.. would you stand by me, please?"

Actually taking Ron's arm and pulling him next to her standing by the wall. Listening to the interchange with the Merlin and the Andromeda.

Her hand slid down to hold Ron's hand, feeling so tense awaiting the news to see if Vern would be rescued.

“Sorry maam but my Captains orders out rank yours. I’m sure You can go directly to Captain Reynolds if your not happy. Both of you, sir,” he added as Vern came to realization he was no longer on the bridge.

"Thank you." she said to Oliver. " I have no problem with what you did." feeling like she was about to break down and cry, not wanting to do so in front of Vern, Natasha quickly left the transporter room, forgetting to release Ron's hand.

Ron wasn’t sure what he was meant to do. And now she was holding his hand. Hers was so soft and elegant and .. dragging him down a corridor at speed as she had left the Captain just standing there with the chief.

“Are you ...” he squeezed her fingers experimentally trying to keep his breathe as they rounded a corridor fast. “Are you okay Ma’am.”

She must be in shock. Yes that must be it. What was he supposed to do? Get her to sick bay? Find a brandy or something.. yes his mother would always have a brandy if she was emotional... or a hug .... no wait ... he stopped walking completely confused.

The action pulled her to a stop. There had already been a hug. “What can I do?” He asked really not sure how to help.

"What?" Ron's voice and his action bringing her back to focus. Natasha looked down to where her hand was still holding onto Ron's hand, then looking into his eyes. "Oh my." his hand felt nice, and he was so nice letting her hold it.

"I... am sorry you are witnessing me having a wee bit of a meltdown. Looks like I took command of your hand, I don't know what to say. Er would you like your hand back? I think I will just sit here for a moment." sinking against the wall and sliding to the floor where she could regain some of her calmness. I think I need a moment or two, to sort myself out."

"If my ..." he swallowed. "If my hand will help in any way please keep hold of it." He mirrored her actions and slid down to sit next to her their hands still clasped. He didn't gauge the distance that well and it felt like they were even closer still.

"You did what you felt needed to be done. The Captain too," he offered.

Natasha nodded, keeping hold of his hand, it providing an anchor from the black hole she felt she was falling in to. It must be the shock of losing the Europa, or almost losing her friend, and captain or all of the above. She could feel her heart rate settling down, drawing strength from the man sitting next to her. She rested her head on his shoulder, still holding Ron's hand. A feeling of peace settled on her.

"Thank you, Ron, for helping me. I fear the Captain and I may be in a lot of trouble, but that isn't something I am going to think about, not at this moment." Just not wanting to leave the little bubble of security she was finding, seated next to Ron.

“Ermmm any time ma’am,” he stuttered enjoying the feeling of her head on his shoulder. “I think your rather in shock now. Plus everyone’s in limbo. We don’t even know where we even have a bed now and all our belongings...” he was starting to bumble he knew it but that had just hit him. They had evacuated. Everything he owned and valued had been destroyed in the explosion.

He looked down, she seemed pale. “You know what it doesn’t matter. People are alive that’s what’s important.”

Ron's words resonated throughout Natasha's soul, diving down to where she was feeling like she was floundering and lifting her up. She felt her strength returning. The crew, they were dealing with the same feelings and issues she was feeling. Ron was dealing with the very same issues she was. She lifted her head, and kissed Ron on the cheek.

"You are a dear man, and thank you for mentioning the crew, our family. I need to go find out what we can do for them, and you. I am not certain what's going to happen to myself or Captain Keading, but that is part of the unknown that we are facing. And Captain Reynolds will probably be wanting to see myself and Captain Keading." giving him an embrace.

Ron didn't move for a moment not quite believing what was happening again. After a long moment he tentatively put an arm out and patted her back awkwardly. "Yes Ma'am, well I'll .... erm go find out where they want me .... if you need me at all ...... " he offered. "I'm just a communicator ... tap" he enthusiastically tapped his comm. badge with his free arm ".. away."

He groaned inwardly. That sounded terrible. And probably looked just pathetic.

Natasha smiled gently, "That does gives me comfort, Ron." She reached out and stroked back a lock of Ron's hair from his forehead. Realizing what she had done, Natasha blushed, gracefully rising to her feet.

"Hopefully, I will be seeing you around, Ron." she said with a wave, and headed off to present herself to Captain Reynolds, brushing back her hair in an effort to not look so disheveled.

He managed an awkward wave, no words managing to formulate. His brain was mush it seemed.

Ron then watched her walk away and disappear round the corridor. If it wasn’t bad enough he had lost everything he owned and his ship had blown up, now things were much more terrifying. He had just fallen in love.



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