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New personel

Posted on 24 Apr 2021 @ 3:08am by Lieutenant JG Oliver Stevens & Lieutenant JG Rosaline Belikov & Lieutenant JG Jarzo Chtissi

Mission: Mission 5 - Season of the Witch?
Location: Transporter room 3
Timeline: MD4
949 words - 1.9 OF Standard Post Measure


"Maam, we have another vessel just appeared and hailing us. They are saying they have a staff member joining the crew. I am forwarding you the orders. We have a new diplomatic chief," the ensign manning ops while the normal chief was planet side said with a smile.

She could tell the Romulan woman was feeling a little dejected after the traders earlier. In fact she had all but locked herself in her ready room. But this was a nice duty.

"The transporter chief is asking if you want to greet them in person?" she continued.

Giving a sigh, Rose stood up from the Captain's chair, “tell the chief I’ll be there in a moment, Tactical you have the con”

Oliver nodded at the Romulan women entered. "Maam. I'll energize then?"

“Proceed” Rose answered, turning to face the transporter Pad

At the approval, Oliver worked the controls and accepted the pattern from the other smaller vessel. On the transporter padd a man materialized sat in a support chair.

Oliver smiled at him and walked over to offer to help any further.

Jarzo pulled a padd from the side pocket of his chair. Sitting up a bit straighter he looked forward, "Lieutenant Jarzo Chtissi, here is a copy of my transfer orders," he smiled. He looked around for the Commanding Officer or Executive Officer, "You'll forgive me if I don't stand," he smirked, "it's not a pretty sight." He figured he'd cut the tension a bit.

“Believe it or not Lieutenant, I’ve seen worse,” Rose said, taking the PADD and giving it a look over, “well everything seems to be in order. Welcome aboard”

"A pleasure to meet you, Sir," Oliver said walking over to him hold his hand out to shake. "Lieutenant Oliver Stevens. I've got your quarters information and will beam all your belongings in there ready for you." The human passed him a PADD with his quarters designation on.

Jarzo preferred face-to-face meetings, not looking over a padd. He tucked the padd under his arm, "I trust that the room has been equipped with the low gravity settings options," he smiled. "I do like to get out of this chair every once and a while. I suppose I can meet with the Engineer once I get all settled in."

"Any news from the planet yet Maam?" Oliver asked as the acting CO was in his transporter bay.

Rose shook her head, “not yet. I’ve got everyone I can working on solving this problem but so far we’ve got nothing better than practically abandoning the away teams for several months”

"I've known Jonathan Reynolds for a long time Maam. He will come up with something," Oliver said firmly. "Are you up to speed with the mission Lieutenant?"

“Right now my mission is to get the away teams back to the ship safely” Rose answered.

Oliver smiled gently. The Intel chief sure seemed under some stress right now. “I was meaning Lieutenant Chtissi ma'am. I apologize if I wasn't clear.”

"In reality, no I am not," Jarzo admitted, "my transfer here was rather sudden and I have not been properly briefed. I don't need a full review just something to help get me on the same page as the rest. I understand several of the crew are away?" He asked in hopes of getting something started, a description of some sorts. "From what I understand you all were sent here to deliver some supplies, but that is honestly all I know."

“That part of the mission went smoothly enough, but our first away team didn’t report back on schedule. When we contacted them, they were all acting like they were drunk or under the influence of some kind of narcotic. The XO took a second team down to retrieve the first which was when we found out what had happened” Rose explained, trying to think of how the situation could’ve been handled better, “there’s a natural pathogen of the planet that comes around once per cycle and unfortunately we didn’t know about it and seemed to pick the wrong time to send people down. It’s practically harmless, but there is no known cure other then to just ride it out, which takes four months from what we’ve been told. Now I’ve been left on command and am stuck between a rock and a hard place”

"Well actually we don't know if there's no known cure. Jon went to see some other colonists. Not federation who had been there longer. He might have got lucky," Oliver said. "Or the CMO hopefully did."

=^=Bridge to Lieutenant Belikov. One of the trading ships is hailing us again wishing to speak. Shall I inform them you are on the way?=^=

Rose gave a sigh before tapping her comm.badge, “might as well, hopefully this one will be more helpful” she said, turning to the others, “if you both would follow me to the bridge, we can see what’s going on and I think I’ll need your help this time. Otherwise I might not be so delicate with this freighter Captain”

Jarzo smiled as he gestured to the door, "after you," he smiled. "Is there anything I need to know about this freighter Captain? It sounds like you might have run into him before. What do I need to know before we get to the bridge?"

Rose shrugged, "I'm not sure if this is the same captain I dealt with earlier. I guess we'll have to get up there and see"


Lt. Oliver Steven’s
Transporter chief

Lieutenant JG Jarzo Chtissi
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Lieutenant Rosaline Belikov
Intel Chief


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