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Posted on 19 May 2021 @ 2:37am by Captain Jonathan Reynolds & Lieutenant JG Rosaline Belikov & Lieutenant JG Jarzo Chtissi & Ensign Gwen Leighton & Lieutenant Syvar MD

Mission: Mission 5 - Season of the Witch?
Location: Bridge
Timeline: After events of the cure
1215 words - 2.4 OF Standard Post Measure


"Maam, its a different trader. Returned back," the ensign advised. "It seems they are not all as united in not trading with us. Oh Lieutenant our new diplomat right. Welcome aboard. We may be in need of your services now."

Walking down to the captains chair, Rose turned to their new arrivals, “Lieutenant, would you please join me. I may need your help on this one”

"Yes, Sir," Jarzo replied, suddenly finding himself wishing he had prepped better before his arrival. This is definitely not what he expected for his first day.

Sian appraised the new person coming from her place at the back covering security.

Taking a seat, Rose took a deep breath, “alright, open a channel to the trader. Let’s get this over with”

Ethan being the defacto XO, looked towards the new diplomatic officer. "Greetings, welcome aboard. Glad you could make it." he looked towards Rose, "Sir, shall we have our newest diplomatic officer take a seat here?" indicating a place where the diplomat could be at.

"Patching them through Maam," the Ensign said and the alien appeared on the screen.

"Federation ... my elders wish to know why you attached our representative down on the planet."

Rose looked confused, “I don’t know what you mean. Our away teams haven’t attacked anyone”

Jarzo wasn't going to jump in and do anything without being asked to, not at least this early in the conversation. While he already felt that this interaction was going to be challenging it wasn't his place, at least now, to interrupt the acting Commander. He mentally dotted a few notes as he watched body language, listened for vocal clues, and tried to scan the area behind the Freighter Captain, anything no matter how small could be used to help them.

"Your Ops lady slammed one of our colleague's heads into a wall and then forcibly took blood from them," he hissed.

Giving a sigh, Rose composed herself before replying. Damn it Lieutenant she thought to herself, "All I can do is apologize. This is my crew's first visit to this planet and we were unaware of the virus. A virus which has placed us in a bit of a predicament. I cannot leave my people on the planet for the natural lifespan of the virus and i cannot bring them back without risking infection to my crew. If you have any information that could help my people i would be eternally grateful and am willing to trade almost anything, within reason"

“What will be this officer's punishment?” The alien asked. “Do you treat all new acquaintances this way?”

Ethan looked at both Rose and the diplomat, then towards the alien on the viewscreen "The officer will be dealt with." speaking up, maybe out of turn.

"How?" Insisted the alien.

"I assure you that the Federation takes allegations like this very seriously," Jarzo smiled, "this Officers actions might have been caused by the stress of the entire situation but they are still wrong."

“The officer in question will be held accountable for their actions. It will be for our judicial system to decide how they are punished” Rose answered, hoping it would satisfy the Captain.

::Shuttle - Bay 2::

Rita waited and watched the people moving about the Shuttlebay as if all was normal. Glancing back at the unconscious Vulcan she felt a twinge of sympathy for him. When he awoke he'd be in a unique situation and she hoped he wasn't punished for their choices. Her hands brushed the controls of the console, "Come on guys..." She muttered outloud.

As time passed, Syvar started to stir, a muffled groan coming from him. He didn't have much room for movement, having been stuffed under a bench and facing the bulkhead, and he hit his head as he tried to sit himself up. A yelp escaped him, a sensation of fear washing over him as consciousness started to return.

Rita heard the noise and turned, "Oh nooo...noo." She grabbed the hypo and dashed to his side, "Sorry..." Pressing the device to Syvar's neck it hissed and released the contents into him. Waiting till he went slack she laid him gently back down, "I promise when you wake it'll be better..." Now that he was chemically incapacitated she untied his ropes and put them away in a neat coil.

Sian cocked an eyebrow as were most of the bridge in the direction of the view screen. The new diplomatic chief seemed to be going round in circles and nothing was any better. She decide now was the time, sending her encoded message to the shuttle and executing the automatic programme she had created to get the other lady down there.

The signal came through and Rita said a quiet prayer, "Alright let's do this." She activated the engines, quietly getting everything online before inputting the codes to allow her to pass through the bay's containment field. With a simple brush of the console they were up and moving out of the ship.

"What is this? You trick us further. You claim quarantine on that planet yet you keep sending more down," the trader hissed suddenly as alerts sounded in their bridge.

Ethan reached out and turned the klaxons off so that there would only be the red light flashing.

Sian looked at the Ops ensign who was furrowing her brow at the wonderful scrambled job she had done. "Ma'am its breaking orbit now. I'm scanning but ... all I can tell you is there's a Vulcan or part Vulcan biosignature."

Ethan flashed a look towards Rose, "Is there anyone missing from the ship that matches that biosignature?" Then he looked over towards Operations, then to Rose, "Ma'am, perhaps a quick scan of the ship to see who maybe missing."

Rose nodded, “go ahead, might as well double check”

"Maam," Sian piped up. "The alien traders have terminated the communications and are leaving."

Rose gave a sigh, “seems like we’re on our own. I think we should mark this planet as a no go zone during these times”

"Then in that case, I'll take us off Red Alert." Ethan remarked and doing such. I am still trying to find out who was on that ship that we are missing."

“Maintain conditions blue for now. just as a precaution” Rose said, looking back to Ethan

“Ma’am it looks like one Ensign Rita x and Dr Syvar is missing,” Sian stated. “I’ve alerted the colony but with the atmospheric issues and we the childlike infliction who knows who will receive it.

Would you like me to try patch you through to Captain Reynolds directly?”

Rose nodded, “please, might as well keep him updated for whatever good it’ll do”

"Yes Maam," Sian said. "It seems Hes already on the move. They are distributing a cure. Well that's good news. I will leave a message. The Captains ordered an immediate inoculation of everyone."

Ethan nodded giving a smile, that made him feel a lot better as to the success of the mission. Now that the rest of the crew was coming back he relaxed a bit.


NPC Reynolds

LTJG Ethan Smith
NPC Hawkins

Lt JG Jarzo Chtissi
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Lt JG Rosaline Belikov
Chief of Intelligence


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