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We move on

Posted on 06 Aug 2019 @ 10:13pm by Lieutenant Syvar MD & Lieutenant JG J Haulval

Mission: Mission 1 - In the pale moonlight ...
Location: Random
Timeline: backpost to pre-launch
930 words - 1.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Though he had already learned that Haulval had transferred to the Andromeda too, he had fully expected the man to ship his ward off to any family he'd been able to find. Much was his surprise when he saw the little girl skip into the mess hall. "Charlotte!" he called out, smiling and waving to draw her attention. Of course, the treat he had in front of him might be more of interest to her, than meeting an old (and hopefully still a) friend.

She had been sort of mesmerized by all the new and unfamiliar faces everywhere, so when she heard the familiar voice and turned to see Syvar, Carlie lit up brightly and ran to him, throwing her arms around his neck tightly. "Why weren't you at the party last night?" she asked him. "I was looking for you." She let go, eventually and eyed his tray. "Is that ice cream?"

"It is," he confirmed, happy with the hug she gave him. "Would you like some?" He pushed the tray towards her. "I didn't know there was a party otherwise I would definitely have come. Especially if I'd known you'd have been there. Are you enjoying the new ship?"

"It's alright," she said, as though having a completely grown up conversation. "I don't know anyone here. What kind of ice cream is that?" she asked, cleverly steering the conversation back to sweets.

"I actually don't know," Syvar answered, glancing down at his dessert, "I just ordered some and it randomly generated flavours. Want to sample them with me and see if they're as good as those back on the Rhea?" He smiled as he studied her. "I don't really know anyone here either, except you and Haulval. I haven't really seen or met anyone else yet. I guess I'm a little nervous, aren't you?"

"Yeah," she admitted a bit sullenly as she slid onto the adjacent chair. "There's a new school and everything here. I don't know any of the other kids but Haulval says no one knows knows anyone until their first day and that it's normal. But what if no one likes me?"

Syvar playfully touched the tip of her nose. "Why wouldn't they like you princess? You're kind, forgiving, and very nice to be around."

She smiled at him. He had a point, but she was still unsure about this place. "Your ice cream is going to melt," she said, looking back to the bowls. "I think that one is cinnamon. I can smell it."

Arching an eyebrow at her, he grinned. "I thought we were going to share?" He sniffed the bowl and nodded. "Yes I agree but what about that red one?"

"Raspberry?" Carlie guessed. She had giggled at Syvar. He always knew how to make her smile. She reached for a spoon and took a nibble. After a moment of consideration, she looked unsure. "I don't know.... I can't tell. You try."

Seeing as she had the only spoon, he carefully scooped up a little with his index finger and brought it up to his mouth. "I'm not sure either," he said after a moment. "Perhaps something we've never had before?" He looked thoughtful. "Or maybe a mix of raspberry and blueberries? Take another bite ...see if you can tell now." He grinned back at her, happy to see her smile.

Carlie scooped up a new bite with the spoon and plopped it into her mouth. She let it roll across her tounge for a few minutes, but just wrinkled her nose and shook her head. "Do you want me to get you a spoon?" she asked, suddenly realizing he didn't have one and not even thinking that one could be shared. She popped out of her chair and ran and fetched one from the small counter near the replicators.

Syvar smiled at her thoughtfulness, accepting the utensil when she brought it back. "Thank you," he said, dipping the item in the slowly melting substance. "I take it you did not like that flavour? Do you think Haulval might?" He peered past the girl. "He is coming too right?"

She shook her head. "No. And no. I don't think he's coming. He's working a lot lately, ever since we got here." She sounded a little disappointed about that. There were not many people she truly loved left in the universe, and then he'd brought her here, and then left her to her own devices. "Do you like it?" She asked back.

The Vulcan shook his head. "No it's not to my taste either. Do you want to come and explore the ship? You're always welcome to come and spend time with me if you want. I'm sure me and Haulval can arrange our schedules so that one of us always has time for you? Would you like me to do that?"

"Okay!" Carlie's face lit up a bit. "Where we should explore first? The engineering tunnels or the science deck?"

"I'm not sure we're supposed to be crawling through the Jeffries tubes," Syvar mused, assuming she meant those with 'engineering tunnels', "but I think we should be able to visit the science department yes. Do have a specific interest in any particular scientific department?"

"Do you think they would let us experiment on something?" She replied, batting eyelashes at Syvar as though to convince him of her harmlessness.

"Who knows," Syvar smiled, holding out his hand to her. "Come on, let's see what kind of mischief we can get into."


Charlotte "Carlie" Cross
PNPC Haulval

Ensign Syvar
Medical Officer
PNPC Aidan


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