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Posted on 07 Nov 2021 @ 7:56pm by Lieutenant Cassandra Higgins-Stevens & Captain Jonathan Reynolds

Mission: Picking up the pieces
Timeline: Night before enforced dreamland
716 words - 1.4 OF Standard Post Measure


Cassie fell in step beside the Captain as he had left sickbay. He had not signaled for her to follow but she felt they both had more that needed to be voiced given the look exchanged by the pair as well as the wellbeing of one of his officers and a close friend. Her own worries mounting at the stability of Oliver, which in this situation any ships Counsellor would have a similar concern.

They both boarded the first turbolift and it started its ascent to the bridge at the Captain's direction. She left a few seconds before addressing him.

"The name seemed to mean something to you Captain... I've never heard it before!"

"Did you have a dream recently Counselor with a beautiful woman in it?" Jon asked. He needed to go see Harper thinking on it. Now, this was making more sense. Sort things out with her.

"No, but I rarely remember my dreams... If I may sir, how does that relate to Lieutenant Stevens baby?"
There were obviously dots that needed connecting but at the moment Cassie couldn't even see the connection between the dots let alone how to connect them.

"Interesting most on the ship has. Myself included. In fact it .... well got me into trouble ..." he stopped himself mentioning Harper.

"Most of the crew have had a very vivid dream of a beautiful woman beckoning them. Not in a sexual way ..." he felt the need to add. "If you're my species, there's been more of a telepathic communication. And your experience with this form of communication is more apparent. She is Melathina. And she is the fifth Betazoid goddess. Our goddesses often commune with us. It was more like that experience for me.

She was begging to be remembered in my communication with her. Like the dreams sent out .. and it wasn't just me that got it. My twin did on starbase 21, his new CO did. It's like reaching out to us all helped bring her back into existence.

Now you are likely to call me crazy here but I believe Oliver and Xus baby is Melathina reborn. I don't know why of course," he added.

"Sir!" she stated quizzically. "There has to be some other reason or explanation... Jumping to the assumption that it is the second coming or some supernatural metaphysical manifestation just seems to touch extreme!"

She almost wanted to laugh at the idea believing the Captain was actually joking around with her but at second glances she realized he was being utterly level and honest with her.

"You can't be serious sir!"

"I am serious. I communed as I do with the four goddesses of Betaziod faith I have been brought up in quite regularly, with a fifth deity. And her name is Methalina. It's too much of a coincidence that Oliver just had that name pop up in his head, to name his daughter Methalina," Jon said simply. "You explain it to me then?"

"It could be he has heard the name and liked it... and yes even I know that sounds a little weak but there has to be a reasonable explanation!"

Suddenly feeling very nervous under the Captain's gaze.

"Oliver's a complicated soul," Jon said simply. "Well if your not open to believing me that the new Goddess is rising and we have nothing further to discuss, I have another woman I now need to speak with. Congratulations on your appointment Lieutenant. I will ensure the senior staff are memo'd as to your new position. Don't forget to drop by on the bridge from time to time."

"Oh... Of course!"

Genuinely surprised at the open invitation to attend the bridge. "With your permission, I will find a station on the bridge and make myself busy!"

"No your my chief counselor. You have a designated seat. And it's right next to mine," Jon said simply. Perhaps she needed to familiarise herself with the bridge he wondered.

"Right Good night Counselor."

"Sir!" she said in a clipped manner, still a little baffled as to what had just happened, how the girl seemed to be growing, and that she had somehow gone from Nurse to Ships Counsellor in the blink of an eye.


Captain Jonathan Reynolds
CO, USS Andromeda

Lieutenant JG Cassandra Higgins
Ships Counsellor


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