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To date or not to date

Posted on 23 Feb 2022 @ 8:32pm by Captain Jonathan Reynolds & Commander Amelia Fox

Mission: Picking up the pieces
Location: Medical
Timeline: Back post
676 words - 1.4 OF Standard Post Measure


"How are you feeling number one?" Jon said once he was released from the doctors care. Although he knew the agoniser was out of his chest, it still felt like it was there.

"She looks beautiful. Well done and congratulations to you and Syvar."

“Thank you Captain.” Amelia replied. The tiny baby was once again feeding. She paused looked at Jon, made a gurgling sound, then went back to feeding.

Amelia smiled. “I think that means hello. With everything that was happening I don’t get a chance to debrief on what happened after you were taken. We’re discovered a large portal or gateway. The people who took you used it to escape. At first we were unable to operate it until…” she paused, wondering how he would take this development. Lieutenant Stevens….erm… child opened it and we were able to go through. I say child, she was awfully grown woman… the one many of the crew had been dreaming about. She then vanished, stating she would return.”

Amelia paused at this point to let him process all that information.

"She was the goddess?" he stated. "Oh, poor Oliver. He must be devastated. But as I suspected bigger powers are at play here."

Amelia nodded. "I myself had seen her before in a dream. Anyway, with her help, we were able to activate the gate and go through. We entered orbit and I... I persuaded the person holding you to release you... Except now he's expecting me to join him for dinner tomorrow night. I think he's hoping to open some kind of dialogue with the Federation."

“You didn’t persuade him. You went in guns blazing didn’t you Fox? I know you. Officially perhaps not the best strategy. Unofficially thank you. The dinner invite. This is a tough one, on the one hand, my experiences with these cartel people to date has not been the best. One could even say agonising,”

Amelia still managed to roll her eyes at the Captain's attempt at humour.

“On the other Starfleet mandate is clear, seek out new life, new worlds and new civilisations. Not to mention we are the sole vessel and representatives out here. If there’s a chance of dialogue and a better first impression it’s not something I think we should let slip through our fingers.

But also my XO just had a baby. So technically I can order you on mat leave but this chap really seems to want to dialogue with you. Stop impressing blokes with your poker nerves of steel. Honestly number one it gets us into sticky situations.

I can’t and won’t ask you to do it. Nor am I going to order you but I am curious on your thoughts as to what’s the right play here?” Jon asked her honestly.

Amelia smiled at him. "Come now Captain, admit it. You'd be lost without me." She then thought for a moment. "I'm not sure if it's me he's interested in or my mirror counterpart. He did divulge that he had dealt with her previously. Also, it could be that they are wanting to open up negotiations with the Federation. It's an opportunity to get some intel and trade in this sector and at the moment, we can't really ignore that. Also, it would be better to have them as... Well, I wouldn't go as far as allies but certainly not enemies."

"So does that mean you're coming to dinner then? As I would be insisting on chaperoning," he said seriously.

"I Don't think Syvar would even entertain the notion if you didn't come with me." Amelia replied with a wry smile.

“I don’t think Syvar’s going to be happy at all but I don’t think we can afford to let this opportunity slip regardless of the events up to it,” Jon commented.

"I agree Captain. Don't worry about Syvar, I'll take care of it." Amelia replied.


Commander Amelia Fox
XO, USS Andromeda

Captain Jonathan Reynolds
CO, USS Andromeda


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