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Posted on 25 Jan 2022 @ 7:35pm by Lieutenant Cassandra Higgins-Stevens & Lieutenant JG Oliver Stevens

Mission: Picking up the pieces
Location: Lieutenant Steven's Quarters
1231 words - 2.5 OF Standard Post Measure


Several attempts had been made by her assistant and herself to contact Oliver but so far no response had been forthcoming. Instead, she had decided to play the direct approach. She had pressed the chime three times but still no answer even though the computer had confirmed he was in his quarters. Instead of the chime, she knocked on the door.

"Ollie, are you in there?" She forced herself to remain calm... But if he didn't respond this time she would be using the medical override to gain access... just in case.

The door opened and a shirtless yet ragged-looking Oliver opened the door. “Cassie. I’m sorry. I was …” there was a faint hint of alcohol on his breath. “I’m falling apart …” he said honestly after a moment.”

Without an invite, she pressed into the room, somewhat taken aback at his state of undress. She knew this would have been incoming, landing with full force but she had hoped he may have been strong enough to recognize it and fight against it... sadly it did not seem to be the case.

"Has the Captain given you compassionate leave or are you still on active duty?"

"He told me to take as much time as I need but I .. well I need to do something as all I'm doing is missing people," Oliver said simply.

"Have you left your quarters Ollie?" The need to be a friend far outweighed the need for her to be a Counselor at this stage. His quarters told the story she needed and it was a self-destructive one. She needed to get him freshened up, dressed in a clean uniform or civilian clothing, and out socializing.

“Ermmmm no …” he confessed. “I just keep staring at ….” He indicated some baby clothes and toys. “I can’t bring myself to recycle them back to the replicator. It’s all I have left of her.”

"That's not true... Xu is sleeping and will wake eventually. Methalina is out there somewhere and I'm sure she will visit when she is able. You have your memories as well and the love you felt for both of them!"

She gently placed a hand on his chest indicating his heart before altering her approach from soft and soothing to stern and scalding. "Now go and get dressed... We are going for lunch in the Medusa's Head!"

Oliver looked down feeling the softness of her hand in his chest. “Okay …” he said after a moment surprising himself placing his hand over hers, “I know better than to argue with a counselor. Let me just find some proper clothes.”

Squeezing her hand and gently moving it away, he left her in his lounge, disappearing into his bedroom. He took some time splashing water on him in the bathroom, before grabbing a blue shirt and pulling on socks and footwear.

“I don’t think I ate since yesterday. Actually, this is a good idea,” he nodded opening the door and indicating she go first.

Had he and she just shared the briefest of moments? She shrugged it off knowing that it would be unprofessional of her to allow anything like that given his emotional state and how raw the wound was for him right now, not to mention she was his attending physician! She pushed the thought away, choosing to not dwell on it but her mind was now focused on that man himself. He looked gaunt, tired, and unkempt... Something she had not seen him like in the time she had known him. Another sign about the distress he was in.
"Talk to me, Ollie... As your Counselor, friend, and shipmate I would be lying if I didn't say I was worried about you!"

“I just .. maybe gave up a bit …” he said slowly as they walked to the turbolift. “I’m just moping! A hot meal and company, you're right, it will do the world of good.”

"Yes I am right!" she teased, sliding her right arm through his left, linking them together.

Oliver wasn’t expecting it but he didn’t dislike it in the slightest he found.

“Probably best to get something really yummy now anyway, have you heard the stations full of mischievous Cardassian voles,” he said managing to joke. Maybe it was Cassie clearing away the doldrums he reasoned.

“They might have chewed through all the replicators. Jon said they were having lots of issues.”

"I had heard something that most Cardassian outposts had a vole problem... Ugly buggers, I'm told! Anyway, what are you on about replicators for? I hear The Ferryman serves real food!"

The thoughts of a real Italian Chicken and Pancetta Carbonara made her mouth water, even if she knew it wouldn't likely be real Chicken or Pancetta.

“They have done well to get local supply chain up and running in such a short amount of time especially considering all the unfriendlies we keep running into if it is.” He cleared his throat the door opening to the lounge.

“Perhaps we should check the truth of it out,” he found himself saying. “If we can get in, pending all the chewed replicators. I bet it’s a popular joint.”

"That would be nice!" releasing him as they entered the lounge, some measure of professional decorum making her see some kind of sense. "Shall I find a table while you get some drinks?"

He nodded. "What would you like to drink?"

"Surprise me!" she said with a devilish twinkle in her eye but it was fuelled by her happiness that he was getting back on his feet, albeit slowly. She could also see in his eyes a conflict being waged. The spark between them was unmistakable but she could see his own battle being fought over his fledgling feelings for her and his deep feelings for Xu.

Oliver returned with an Andoran sunset and a beer for himself. "I hear this is breath-taking to watch," he passed it over to her.

"I've never had one... It looks lovely!"

Battling her way past far too many umbrellas and a large slice of some form of Mango. That said, once it was decluttered and she took a sip the flavour's were divine. She could really see what Xu had seen in the man.

"So Ollie, be honest... How are you now?"

"I want to get out of this funk," he told her simply. "I'm not doing myself any good. I cannot change anything that's happened. I can only move forward. And perhaps I need to look at things a different way. I am the father of a goddess. I mean not many can claim that right. She has big things to go sort out. And I'm proud to be part of bringing her into the universe again to accomplish that. Its not traditional but its still a daughter and she's said we will see each other again. So I have the opportunity hopefully of more or a relationship there too."

She went in for another large sip of the drink he had brought her. It really was delicious!
"One step at a time Ollie. What is it they say, walk before you can run! You need time to process and heal but shutting yourself away isn't the right way to heal!"


Lieutenant Oliver Stevens
PNPC - Reynolds
USS Andromeda

Lieutenant Cassandra Higgins
Ships Counselor
USS Andromeda


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