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Don't pay the Ferryman

Posted on 12 Feb 2022 @ 6:06pm by Captain Jonathan Reynolds & Commander Amelia Fox & Lieutenant Commander Aidan Datari & Lieutenant Cassandra Higgins-Stevens & Lieutenant C'Tora Kuroka & Lieutenant JG Harper Matthews

Mission: R&R - Styx Outpost
Location: Deep Space 21
Timeline: MD16 14:00
1172 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure


Jon sat back and watched the swirling magnificence of the Briar Patch as they made their way to Starfleet's newest station in the Beta quadrant and only station in this unique region of space.

"Hail ops on the station and request docking clearance," he said.

"Yes Captain." Harper replied as her hand glided across the panel beneath her fingertips. "DS21 has given us the green light to approach and permission to dock." she added as it came through.

C'Tora stepped off the turbolift and onto the bridge, he went directly to the Captain's seat and held out a PADD. "I just wanted to drop off the monthly reports to you Sir prior to departing for our temporary duty assignment. It's all the usual stuff, Who's been treated and for what, Physicals and crew evaluations, and supply inventory. " He glanced up at the viewscreen. "We're here already?" He said with a surprised tone. "I better go and get M'Tara. Permission to disembark the ship to the station Captain."

“Excellent thank you,” Jon said taking the PADD. “Permission granted. Enjoy your honeymoon.”

" Thank you Sir. And please take care of yourself as well, Just because I'll be off the ship doesn't mean that I won't be concerned about everyone's health and safety. I'll see you when you get back. " With that said he head for the turbolift to get his gear and disembark when they docked.

Cassie had been seated on the bridge for some time pouring over reports but with C'Tora's arrival, she had allowed herself a chance to eavesdrop on the conversion. She had to stifle a laugh at the eager nature the Doctor displayed but she had to take in the view on the viewscreen and marvel. Copper rust and burnt orange clouds framed a green world with violet oceans and hanging in orbit was an unmistakably Cardassian design station. Docking pylons extending up and down from the station like the claws of some bird of prey with three major structures. An outer ring, an inner ring, and the central pillar. It had a gothic and eerie feel to it yet a majesty and grace that seemed to put it at odds with itself.

"It's almost pretty... What's it doing so deep into Federation space though?"

“That part we are not so clear on yet. The Cardassian Detapa Council is not acknowledging its existence. Although my twin brother thinks the Klingons might have some Intel and is trying to get in touch with an associate,” Jon responded.

"You'd be mistaken for thinking they'd moved DS9." Harper commented whilst keeping an eye on the external sensors as they approached. "Although I do get disappointed that we keep pinching stations from Cardassians... they always seemed quite spooky to me."

Michael had arrived on the Bridge earlier as he most often did when word came of them approaching a new area. For some reason, he just liked seeing what was out there. He was at the engineering section of the bridge and just gazing out there. It was beautiful. He was also curious to find out just how the Crew of the Copernicus was doing since the last time he'd seen them to do repairs.

Aidan had been on the bridge since 0600 and was nearing the end of his shift. He had been monitoring things and hadn't really been paying much attention to the viewscreen. He was far more interested in sending data regarding the area to his science teams for study. When he heard people mention a station though, he looked up. He couldn't recall having been on a Nor-class station before and his face lit up with excitement. "That thing is magnificent," he breathed, "and I bet all controls are still in Cardassian?" He was already looking forward to a new linguistic challenge as Cardassian was not yet a language he really mastered.

“Well my Cardassian is rusty,” Jon quipped, “but at least my brothers here so he can get me up and running.”

He could telepathically sense his twin now. Part of his psyche instantly relaxed. It was like returning home. He was excited to meet his new sister in law too. His eyes flashed to Harper wondering if she would be interested in being introduced or was that too much on top of Meeting Eddie too?

As the docking clamps engaged Jon felt everyone else suddenly get excited. “Right well those of you scheduled for R&R you're free to go. Enjoy yourself, rest up … oh and watch out for voles.”

"Is Sherlock welcome on the station?" Aidan asked carefully, "or the planet below?" He knew it was somewhat unexplored, so surely his beloved companion could have some flight time there?

“The planet is off limits to all personnel currently,” Jon said, “and you would need to pose that question to Captain Keiben and his staff. It’s their station. We are guests.”

The Trill sighed softly as he bit back a comment, and nodded slowly. "I will."

Michael spoke up, "I'm looking forward to seeing the station and see what is offered there, I am planning on taking Iola for an exploration of the station." giving a smile.

"I'm looking forward to seeing my brother," Jon found himself saying. He wasn't sure how many of them knew he had a twin.

"How long has it been since you've seen your brother?" Michael asked. "I do know that a bit of time does certainly pass by quickly before you know it."

"That's a good question. A year maybe. The last time I saw him he was on deep space 5. Then he moved to Star base 50 but I never got the chance to visit there," Jon said trying to do the math in his head. "I mean we speak on subspace every week or so. He just got married."

"Definitely congratulations are in order for him." Michael gave a smile, "And a year. That is a bit of time that has passed but it does happen with the way our jobs are, and being in different places." he looked back out towards the Briar Patch. "Beautiful and yet, dangerous." He murmured. "Well, looks like we'll be heading there soon, Aye Captain?"

The viewscreen came to life, displaying a young woman with red hair. "Docking complete Andromeda. Welcome to Deep Space 21. I'm Commander Carter. You must be Captain Reynolds. Captain Haistro sends you his compliments and asks would you please join him in his office. Your officers and crew are welcome to use the facilities here on the station."

"Thank you very much Commander," Jon said. "I will join him momentarily. My crew are very excited. Thank you also for having us. Well then send a ship wide message, Shore leave has officially begun"


Captain Jonathan Reynolds
CO, USS Andromeda

Lt. Commander Aidan Datari
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Michael Hawkins
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Andromeda

Lieutenant Cassandra Higgins
Ships Cousnelor
USS Andromeda

Ensign Harper Matthews
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Andromeda

Lieutenant JG C'Tora Kuroka
Chief Medical Officer
USS Andromeda


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