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Posted on 06 Mar 2022 @ 9:14pm by Captain Jonathan Reynolds & Civilian Eddie Reynolds

Mission: R&R - Styx Outpost
Location: Deep space 21
Timeline: MD1
966 words - 1.9 OF Standard Post Measure


“Uncle Liam,” Eddie practically jumped on him.

Liam smiled returning the bear hug. “You got so big kiddo. He’s going to be taller than us you know.”

Jon smiled at his mirror image and once Eddie stepped a side hugged his twin. When was the last time they had been physically in the same room, he found himself wondering.

~when you pretended to be me and snogged Tara~ Liam caught the thought.

~well she wasn’t the love of you life, thank the goddesses~ he indicated the beautiful blond he had only had the pleasure of seeing on view screen before, ~ and in my defence I was heading towards a divorce. All over the place. Emotionally. You counsellors can explain it better~

Liam laughed then stepped aside and spoke out loud. “Your sister in law.”

“A long awaited pleasure,” Jon said happy to both see and sense how happy his brother was.

“Can I call you Kaylee or do I have to say Auntie?” Eddie asked.

Kaylee smiled at Eddie, "Which ever you feel more comfortable with. But I do like the sound of Auntie, so... Auntie Kaylee. How does that sound? Especially since I married your Uncle Liam." She looked towards Jonathan. "A funny story when Liam and I first met, I thought he was you and got worried that something had happened to the Andromeda. I was a bit embarrassed at first with my looking closely to see if 'you' were injured." and even now her cheeks started turning pink at that recollection.

"You were on the Europa I remember now," Jon said suddenly. What she had just said had twigged that in his head.

"Jon rarely gets injured. Its usually me, he's jammy like that," Liam said.

"My lucks changing little brother. Last mission I got an agoniser in my chest," Jon told him. "There's folks out here, not so nice. You would have had a field day analysing them."

Liam nodded, a look of concern at his twin. That was pretty big. "Shall we get some lunch?"

"Yes I'm starving," Eddie chimed in. "Auntie Kaylee. Uncle Liam says you're a brilliant cook."

Kaylee had a concerned look in her eyes when she heard about Jon being hit by an agonizer. "What happened there and why did that happen?" her security training kicking in then almost in the same breath, she said to Eddie, "I hope you like fried chicken, with mashed potatoes and gravy and I made Kimden rolls as well. Plus there is a salad with different choices of dressing." Then she whispered to Eddie, "I've got ice cream to go with the chocolate cake" then she looked at Jon and Liam, "Tea, coffee or lemonade?"

Then she went quiet to allow answers to be made.

Eddies eyes fluttered back and forth several times. "There is nothing about those last sentences I did not like. Lemonade please."

"Coffee for me," Jon smiled at her.

"Same please sweetheart," Liam answered. "Lets put Eddie to help," he grinned. "He can set the table."

The young blond scowled but went to the replicator to order cutlery.

"So I know how mum took the news. Delighted although she's planning another wedding for you, you know that right? What about your parents Kaylee?"

Kaylee looked over at Jon, "They've not discussed wedding plans as of yet. They were wanting us to get settled in on the station before the plans commenced. Honestly, if I could, I'd just have the most simplest of weddings, even just... a party celebrating the fact that Liam and I found each other. I may end up becoming just a tad frustrating for her?" giving a rueful smile and shrugging slightly.

"It depends on the party," Jon and Liam both said suddenly in unison. Then laughed and pointed at each other.

Kaylee laughed when hearing them in unison.

Liam placed his arm round her and nuzzled her cheek before saying, "She adores you. She did from the first moment she met you and you had dinner with us. I wouldn't worry too much. You and me finding each other made all her dreams come true. Nice girl from a nice Betazoid family. Me finally happier than I've ever been. She will probably drop all pretense of trying to plan another wedding to start lobbying now for more grandbabies."

"Oh yes," Eddie said. "We need more. Take the heat off me."

Kaylee nuzzled Liam back, then cast an inquisitive eye towards Eddie, "oh you are the only grand child right now? I can actually understand you feeling the heat. I am the only daughter in the family and my mother being who she is, the oldest and also the one who needs an heir. That is me, all attention was put on me. Don't worry Eddie, we do plan on having some kids." giving Liam a kiss, then looked back at Eddie, "Besides I can help in distracting your grandmother." having a conspiratorial smile towards her new nephew.

Kaylee looked at the table which was now set, and caught the scent of the food that was done, "Well my lovely men, shall we start dinner?" a brilliant smile beaming towards the three men for she was including Eddie amongst the men.

There was suddenly a strange wince over all 3 men when she mentioned Eddie being the "only" grandchild. Jon and Liam exchanged a quick conversation in their heads, Liam as disappointed as Jon to hear that he was no nearer getting Sydney and Cassie closer and in a more safer position. Liam made a note to clue Kaylee in later the two of them.

"Lets eat!" Eddie said happily.


Lieutenant Kaylee Serra-Reynolds
Assistant Chief of Security

Commander Liam Reynolds

Captain Jon Reynolds
Npc Liam

Eddie Reynolds
Npc Liam


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