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Professional Intergrity

Posted on 15 Feb 2022 @ 6:54pm by Lieutenant Cassandra Higgins-Stevens & Captain Jonathan Reynolds & Lieutenant C'Tora Kuroka & Lieutenant Jeremy Ezio

Mission: Picking up the pieces
Location: Counselor's Office
1716 words - 3.4 OF Standard Post Measure


C'Tora had arrived first and was already sitting in the room while she retrieved the warm drink he had requested, a plate of pastries laid on the small coffee table should anyone want one. It also helped to ease her guilt at the reason for her calling the meeting. She was still waiting for Captain Reynolds to arrive and her assistant, Lieutenant Ezio, her own anxiety rising also knowing that what she was about to reveal was not a million miles away from what she was speaking to C'Tora about not a few days ago... only in this situation she had compromised her own medical professionalism. She just hoped she had caught it quick enough to have protected herself from being noticed.

"Help yourself to anything Doctor!"

Waving a hand absently at the food on display, using his position rather than his name, still unsure how she would be received after their meeting a few days past.

C'Tora Got himself a a large mug of Raktajino and a few small pastries. Nothing that would spoil his appitite for when he was to meet with M'Tara for lunch. He was wondering why he was here and what this meeting was all about. He found a seat and wordlessly sat down.

Jon wasn't sure why he had been requested to Medical but he had learnt the hard way not to argue with his doctors and counselor's. He could sense a little nervousness. Was it Cassie or C'Tora he wondered as he joined them. Happy to see food, he didn't remember lunch at all, he walked in.

"Doctor, Counselors,"

C'Tora nodded to the Captain and the others in the room. " Captain, Counselors. " He watched the faces of those in the room, seeing if they had any clue as what was going on. They had as much of an idea of why they were there as he did. But something didn't smell right or even feel right, so he would have to wait until the reason was revealed.

"Captain, thank you for coming... Please help yourself to food or a drink from the replicator!" Cassie said, her nervousness mounting now the Captain had arrived. Could this complicate matters as well given the Captain was close friends with Ollie and by extension Xu. Was she about to burn her own career in doing what she was about to do?

Ah though Jon. So it was Cassie who was jumpy. He had a feeling he knew what this was about. Oliver had spoken to him as his friend over a beer recently. "I will do thank you," he said reaching for a pastry.

Jeremy declined the offer for food or beverage, watching the people quietly from the seat he'd chosen. He didn't really have any idea what this was about though, as a trained counselor he could see the anxiety in his direct superior officer. As such, he did wonder why everyone was called, and why she didn't speak with him first. After all, he was first and foremost a counselor, surely his superior could turn to him for confidence if something was up?

"Thank you all for coming!" she perched herself on her desk facing the three gentlemen, her mouth going instantly dry as her nervousness hit a crescendo. "Jeremy, I need to ask you to take over as Lieutenant Stevens attending therapist, Doctor you are well within your rights to report me for breaching professional integrity and Captain I submit myself for disciplinary action... Lieutenant Stevens and I appear to be developing something more than a Doctor-patient relationship. I am fully prepared to end the relationship and tender my resignation from Starfleet!"

Was she over-reacting... That was for them to decide but in her mind, she had broken the cardinal rule. Never get involved with a patient. She started to fidget on the edge of the desk, unsure what to do with herself now that her personal life was laid bare for the three people who could end her career.

Jon actually started laughing out loud. Then reigned himself back in. “I think that’s rather overkill Lieutenant. Although I dare say Ollie will be over the moon. Not at you resigning of course.”

Jeremy took a few seconds to register what just had been said. "If you are in a relationship, then yes I will take over as attending," he agreed, "however I don't think you need to resign over this. Feelings happen, counselor, you can't stop how you feel and when you feel it. Yes, Lieutenant Stevens is vulnerable right now, but I don't think anyone has been taken advantage of here. If what you both feel is true, then you have every right to pursue this. And in that instance, you did the right thing by handing him over to me as a patient."

Jon grabbed a pastry and stated firmly, “I’m taking no resignations today.”

C'Tora stared at Cassie for several long moments. "Cassie... There will be no report coming from my office, You did the right thing and stopped before things got out of hand. tat and you took responsibility for your actions. Everyone makes mistakes, nor do I expect you to be perfect." He paused and then chuckled briefly. "Fine if you really want to be punished, Then I shall confine you to your quarters with your intended for the next forty-eight hours so you can figure out your relationship. Is that acceptable to you Captain?" He asked in a light tone.

Jeremy suppressed a chuckle at that suggestion, even though it wasn't one he, as a counselor, could approve of in this situation. "I do recommend talking to Lieutenant Stevens about this," he added, "but perhaps in a more... neutral... setting? Like not his or your quarters."

C'Tora rolled his eyes and sighed. "Fine... Dinner together at the Medusa's head then. Is that neutral enough for you counselor?" C'Tora asked. "At least I'm not as bad as my mother who brought three potential mates to choose from and a minister."

"Can we slow this down... We've only just started to get to know each other... Talking about bringing a minister to dinner to wed us... that's just a tad fast for me Doctor!"

Her eyes were wide at the thought, not that it was a bad thought, just far too soon. She cast an eye to the Captain, silently pleading for him to step in but she could already see he was more than mildly amused at the entire situation. perhaps she had misread this group in this regard.

C'Tora laughed. "No you misunderstood me Cassie. When I was on Starbase 308, my mother showed up with three potential mates for ME and a minister in tow. She's Starfleet's unofficial matchmaker to whoever is nearby, and she was bound and determined to see her son get married. Luckily I met M'tara and married whom I wanted and not who my mother chose for me. Relationships take time and you should be free to explore and get to know each other, However, if you should need a good minister, I'm sure my mother has a few on speed dial. " He said with a grin.

"Just talk to him," Jeremy suggested quietly, "either it'll go somewhere or it won't but you won't know unless you talk to him about your feelings."

C'Tora's facial expression softened. " I agree with what Counselor Ezio said, Just talk to him. If things work out between the two of you I'll be happy for your both. If not, your friends are here for you. If you ever need to talk to someone, I'll be there for you. Or if you want a woman's advice then M'Tara would be more than happy to hear you out, You're part of the crew, family, and we're here for you." C'Tora gave a little grin. "Yeah I teased you a bit, I'll admit that. It just means that I like you as a friend and you're comfortable to be around."

"I've been a woman," Jeremy chuckled, "if anyone can see things both ways it's me. My door is always open ma'am, just so you know..."

C'Tora looked to Jeremy. "That's right, I keep forgetting you're a Trill. Well regardless of whom she goes to she has plenty of support and resources there for her and we'll all be here for you whenever you need us."

"Half Trill sir," the hybrid supplied with a smile, "though I am joined with a three-hundred fifty-plus-year-old slug."

"Alright, half trill it is. Still, I think it's fascinating that you can call upon multiple lifetimes of experience, it must be truly useful. I wish I could understand it better, But it's something I guess I'll never know."

"I'm happy to satiate your curiosity doctor, by answering any and all questions you have," Jeremy offered with a pleasant smile, "but perhaps at another time?"

"Thank You, I would find that most interesting indeed. And I agree at another time would be better suited, We're not here for my curiosity at this time. We should get back to the matter at hand. " Said C'Tora.

"Right then," said Jon after finishing his pastry. "As no one is resigning and you got the whole Oliver being moved to another counselor sorted, I'm going to get going. I'll leave you all to discuss being a female another time...

Counselor good luck with your romantic endeavors. Remember he's my best friend so if you hurt him I will hunt you down ..... kidding ...." he added quickly. "Look seriously Ollies is not that complicated, and he's a decent man so just go have fun and quit worrying ehh.

Gentlemen," he nodded at his CMO and personal counselor as he decided to make a full-on escape out of sickbay.

C'Tora took the Captain's cue and stood up himself. "Well this was a pleasant visit and there's nothing that requires my attention here, So I must make haste and meet up with M'Tara for our meal break. Enjoy your exploration of discovery, I hope you find it fulfilling." He waved as he walked out the office door.


Lieutenant Cassandra Higgins
Ships Counselor - USS Andromeda

Captain Jonathan Reynolds
CO, Uss Andromeda

Lieutenant JG C'Tora Kuroka
Chief Medical Officer
USS Andromeda

Lieutenant JG Jeremy Ezio
pnpc Aidan


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