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Posted on 28 May 2022 @ 9:03pm by Civilian J'Tan & Commander Amelia Fox & Lieutenant Commander Aidan Datari & Lieutenant JG Rosaline Belikov & Lieutenant JG Harper Matthews

Mission: Through the looking glass
Location: MU universe
Timeline: MD1 15:00
2013 words - 4 OF Standard Post Measure


Surprisingly there was no further communication and the shuttlecraft docked with no issues. However, they did have a welcoming party.

"There's the bitch," a purple alien clearly J'Tans race in their crossroads. "You have a lot of nerve returning to the Malestrom."

“Well that’s not a friendly thing to say” Rose said, looking over at the individual approaching them. She’d chosen to dress herself in what might be considered a little cliché ‘bad guy’ clothes, but she figured a more intimidating appearance might help them here. Pulling the side of her black trench coat back just enough for her to reach the phaser strapped to her hip, she eyed off this purple alien, “Now, how about you be more specific as to who you are calling a bitch and this might not get unpleasant”

"You're on our turf. The only people who it could get uncomfortable for is you. Doesn't matter how pretty the alien your vessel chucks our way. Although I'm not complaining about the blond," he nudged his colleague looking at Harper. "She would fetch a pretty price on the market."

“How high a price are we talking here? I mean she looks pretty but she can be a handful” Rose asked, figuring she might try talking their language a little.

Aidan watched the exchange, not quite sure if they should pretend they actually belonged here. Though he had learned some of the dialect while he'd been enslaved, he didn't feel fluent enough to try it, nor did he fully trust the UT, something he had never really done if he had to be honest. So, he sat and listened, for now unnoticed like he preferred to be. Occasionally, he glanced at Amelia to see how she reacted.

"Thank you?" Harper answered not quite sure how to take the comment. "To be honest I'd be no good. Can't keep my mouth shut, and people who hurt me or my friends usually come off worse. I'd give you something to complain about." she added looking at the purple person and his entourage.

The aliens laughed heartily. "She's cute. So full of optimism. Not from around here clearly honey. Oh ... oh .... Cardinal Datari. I did not see you there."

All of them bowed their heads slightly in the Trills direction.

For a moment, the until now quiet and unnoticed Trill sat frozen, then he narrowed his eyes at the alien. "That was the idea," he answered as he drew himself up. "What are you doing here?" He stole a glance sideways at Amelia, not quite sure how to handle this. He had no idea who he was in this universe.

Seeing the other's reactions to this person, Rose figured he was someone of some importance here so chose to hold her tongue. She didn’t have enough information to speak more freely with authority figures around.

Amelia had been relieved the focus had shifted from her, as her heart was just not in putting on the facade of being her mirror universe counterpart. Keeping her voice low and deadly she finally spoke "Call me a bitch again and you'll be picking up your teeth with broken fingers."

The Purple alien who had spoken looked at her for a moment then broke out laughing. "I know you're not her so let's drop the act, shall we? Our Fox would have killed me where I stood, You are from the other universe. You're like her though, the same fire but possible more reasonable." he mused aloud.

That last comment caught Amelia off guard and she tried a different tack. "OK. What do you want?"

He smiled a wicked grin. "We want your ship. A ship like that would be perfect to defend us against the Alliance."

Amelia responded quickly "Not going to happen!" She had discreetly moved her hand which was now resting on the handle of her concealed phaser. "Where is the nearest Alliance outpost?" She counted, trying to get any information she could before this whole thing went south.

"Quiet," Aidan snapped at her, "you are only here, because our Fox has gone missing and you need to do better in impersonating her. His eyes turned back to the alien. "And I will destroy you, if you question us again. You will escort us to the outpost, and you will tell me why exactly you are here, meddling in my business."

The man frowned, still slightly suspicious. Amelia turned to Aidan, locking eyes with him and whispered "Hit me!" before speaking louder for everyone's benefit "I told you this would not work! You might as well let me go, I'm of no use to you."

Unseen to the purple alien, the Trill's eyes widened slightly at that suggestion. "I'm sorry," he mouthed as he backhanded her - hard - across her cheek. "Not another word from you, Human," he said, raising his voice, "start acting the role you are meant to play, or we will kill you."

Harper saw, and heard, what was happening and as if by a reflex to move to protect Amelia. She couldn't help it and moved closer to the purple alien but not close enough to be next to him. She wanted to protect Amelia, every fibre in her being screamed it.

Although she had been expecting it, the force still took her by surprise. Still, it had to look convincing and it certainly had been. Discreetly, she gestured to Harper with her hand to stand down. At the same time, she lowered her eyes and bowed her head slightly. "Yes sir. I'm sorry." She spoke to Aidan in a quiet, submissive tone, keeping her eyes now on the floor.

The alien who had greeted them earlier on the ship now entered and came over. The purple alien reported to him. "You were right. It's the Fox from their universe. I bet that lying cow is still over there living the high life but it looks like The Cardinal has graced us with his presence."

The alien, Rax, acknowledged Aidan. "Welcome Cardinal. I'd heard you were in the region of space. Shall I discipline this Terran for you?" He said as he glanced at Amelia. "Such a shame. She was smart to stay over there. She really does look just like our Fox. The lying, manipulative snake that she is. Still, I might get some fun out of her and then you and I can do some business."

"She does, doesn't she?" Aidan smiled, "and no, you won't lay a finger on her. If any of you do, you'll regret it. I captured her, she's mine. As for business...I'm sure we can mix that with some pleasure...."

Rax frowned. "Come now. This woman... If you can call her that. Dog is more fitting. You always said that she was only good for one thing and if you ever captured her that she'd learn some respect. I would be in your debt if you allowed me to break her in for you..." he added, looking Amelia up and down with a lecherous gleam in his eyes.

"Now wait just a bloody minute." Harper's Australian twang cutting through. She couldn't help it. The way she was being looked at Commander Fox, what they were saying. Something in her made her open her mouth in defence of her, even it eyes did shift onto her for the moment. "You cant speak to her like that!"

"Silence!" The Trill roared, in one of the very rare instances he did raise his voice. He'd be damned if the woman destroyed their attempt at passing him for his mirror counterpart. "If you don't be quiet now, you may join her as my slave," he snapped at Harper, casting her a very meaningful look which he hoped she would understand. "And you...find another to put your filthy hands on. This one is mine, and discipline her I will... when we are done here."

Harper understood the situation just fine, sometimes her mouth was quicker than her mind and word flew out before she could catch them. She didn't know Datari that well but he had always come across soft and quiet, so the roar from him caught her a bit off guard. All the same she decided it best at this time to keep her mouth closed. The attention on her pretty little blonde head had peaked enough.

Rax laughed at Aidan's outburst. "Still the same I see. If you ever grow tired of her, I'll pay you handsomely for her. Anyway, to business. What brings one of the wealthiest slave traders in the quadrant to my humble establishment?"

Amelia's patience at being treated as a piece of meat was rapidly thinning but she kept her mouth shut and her eyes on the floor.

In part to reassure her, Aidan ran his hand over Amelia's hair as if to praise her for her obedience. "I am here to trade information," he said, "Miss Hotshot here..." He nodded towards Harper. " supposed to make sure my affairs are looked after properly and that I'm not being conned. Obviously, I don't have to explain why I have a slave with me."

Picking up on Amelia’s irritation, Rose slowly moved to stand beside her. She wanted to put her arm around Amelia to comfort her, but in the current situation that would seem a little suspicious to those they were currently talking to. Leaning in to Aidan, Rose whispered in his ear, “ease up a little, I think they’ve gotten the point”

"J'Tan will want to see you. Since your long time away there's been some changes Cardinal. In fact all the others have been ousted for treachery. Your voice may still carry some weight if he deems it but don't get too comfortable," a further alien stepping out from round the back of the shuttle where he had been giving it a good look over stated. His eyes narrowed.

"This is a strange configuration of a shuttle. How did you come about this?"

"Welp! You miserable little worm." Rex said with a thin smile on his lips. "I thought J'Tan never let you out of his sight. How is my old friend anyway? Still in hiding from the Alliance? You know, I've heard the Regent is looking forward to slitting his throat."

He gestured to Aidan "You've noticed the Cardinal has decided to grace us with his presence. Don't piss him off, we were just about to discuss some business but, he's managed to capture that lying snake...." He indicated Amelia. "I know J'Tan also is interested in getting his..... hands on her." His smiled turned more sinister. "What exactly does she owe him?"

"Apparently a Tiara," Welp chuckled. "If you would believe it."

Rose was starting to get a little uncomfortable. It sounded like Amelia’s bounty was high enough for most of the underworld of this galaxy to know about it, or at least the people looking for her had a powerful enough reputation that the mere mention of their name, like the Regent, was enough to peel curiosity. If things went south fast, they could all end up under the Regent’s boot.

Aidan was less than comfortable too and only his prior intel training was keeping him from falling from his designated role. And from what he heard, he needed to be on his A-game to protect the first officer. "If J'Tan needs Fox, then he would do best to find her," he said coldly, "because until such time, this one may need to take her place in order to... keep certain relations." He glanced sideways at Amelia. "Assuming this poor wretch could even pull off such a feat."

Rax laughed. "Of course. Come Cardinal, let us discuss business."

Giving a sigh, Rose looked around at the group, “well that went well”


Commander Amelia Fox
USS Andromeda


Ensign Harper Matthews
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Andromeda

Lieutenant JG Rosaline Belikov
Chief intelligence officer
USS Andromeda

Welp NPC Jon Reynolds


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