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Very Important People

Posted on 23 Sep 2022 @ 4:24pm by Lieutenant JG Harper Matthews & Lieutenant JG Rosaline Belikov & Civilian J'Tan

Mission: Through the looking glass
Location: VIP Section - MU Blackhole bar
Timeline: MD2
1113 words - 2.2 OF Standard Post Measure


"So ladies what will it be?" one of the bar tenders said with a lopsided smile.

"We don't often get pretty alternative reality girls in here. Hopefully we will have something similar to your "place."

Rose gave the bartender a smile, "what would you recommend? I've found you bartenders tend to know your stuff better then most of your patrons"

“Let’s see, you,” he nodded towards the blond, “something neat, strong but exciting. You - something layered and more complex. She’s got a fella keeps her satisfied, you maybe something in the works …. Close?” He asked.

Harper listened to the mans words as he described a drink he thought best suited her. This was an alternate universe and to be honest it felt kind of seedy. The environment didn't feel safe and the clientele had wandering eyes, expressions of confidence in their own power. It made Harper a little uneasy, on edge of sorts. Her security senses were screaming at her.

"You do sound like you've got me right." Harper answered.

“Something layered and complex? Like what?” Rose asked, her interest peaked.

"I have just the thing. We call it an alliance avalanche. The cream liquor seeps through the layered drink once you start drinking it. Most of us want to see those bastards get buried. Its a popular drink," he said. " And you J'Tans Aquil Liquor. Well we should say Niska's but he stole it off her of course," he grinned. "With something to sweeten the edge off it."

Harper smiled a little awkwardly. She wanted to dig into the Alliance thing but maybe right now was not the best time. A couple more drinks maybe and she'd see. At the moment she was displaying her confident stance, she had a feeling that weakness was pounced upon here. "Sounds great, thanks."

Rose nodded, "that sounds like an interesting drink, thank you"

He returned a couple of minutes later with a short glass for the blond and a tall glass with visual layers for the Romulan.


Harper accepted the drink and looked at Rose's. "I'm jealous... yours looks pretty. Almost a shame you need to drink it." she joked.

"I can get you one of those if you prefer," he said. "Then maybe you can tell me what another universe is like. We do not get many like you here."

"it's not all that different. You have Klingons, we have Klingons. You have Cardassians, we have Cardassians" Rose said, looking to Harper, "just a few different choices"

"Oh no, thank you." Harper replied earnestly. "My drink is fine..." she said as Rose spoke. "Different choices lead to different outcomes, but I don't have to tell you that. I think a few choices made early on in your peoples history have changed the mindsets of those here. Peoples behaviours are different, cultures minutely changed. Humanity for one where we come from are quite peaceful and tolerant of all."

Looking over at Harper, Rose gave her a look of ‘really?’. “Like I said, some things are different, some things are the same” she said before giving Harper a nudge, “best not to say too much, we’re a little low on options here” she whispered.

"You have had a nicer experience then, than the rest of us," The waiter said dryly. "The different choices and decisions worked in your favour. Here you know your place and keep your head down."

“Is knowing one’s place such a bad thing? Putting aside the boot heal we live under, the certainty you have of knowing what is expected of you can be almost as liberating as pure freedom” Rose said, turning to the waiter, “I know it’s little comfort to you, but there it is all the same”

"Comfort here is few and far between although we take it willingly," he smiled at the Romulan. He would certainly like to take comfort in her. "So your friend has face for trouble you know that right? Miss Red in there with the master."

“Painfully so. That reception we received on arrival wasn’t the warmest I’ve ever had” Rose said, glancing around for a moment, “i imaging this place doesn’t get a lot of uninvited guests”

“This place gets lots of traffic. Especially if there’s a random turn up selling a teeny amount of red. I can understand why J’Tans going for a slice of that pie,” he said seriously. “And some of the slaves are unique and prized. We get lots of dignitaries minions coming to procure them and many other items. This is a marketplace after all,”

“Are there any limits to what can be sold here?” Rose asked, half out of genuine curiosity and half out of playing her part, “how……interesting does your flesh market here get?”

The waiter laughed. “Define limits. Are your marketplaces not interesting?”

"They can be. In the right environments." Harper replied. "Depends on what is being sold." she added cryptically. "The trading of people, of flesh, isn't as open as here. That's why my colleague is asking about your kind of market. How different yours are, how unique your sales strategies are as much as things to buy."

Rose gave Harper a smile, “you make it sounds so sterile. Like I’m asking for business tips or something. Aren’t you the least bit curious just how deprived these markets are? Or would that be too much of a challenge for your more delicate sensibilities?”

Harper arched an eyebrow. "Delicate sensibilities?" she asked rhetorically. "Well technically you are in the business of collecting information, tips and such. I'm just helping it along. Delicately or not." she smiled back.

"Ladies ladies I'm sensing some tension here. Tell me, does your universe deal with tension in the same way ours does?" the waiter smirked.

"I think there is a universal way we all release tension. When it's an option." Harper half laughed.

"Well, our markets sell plenty of that," he winked at her. "On that note I better get back to work. Enjoy the drinks ladies," he smiled placing a hand on their shoulders. Cheekily he rustled both women's hair. "Oh definitely some universal similarities, beautiful women soft skin. Be careful. Plenty here would kidnap you for being beautiful."

Fixing her hair Harper frowned a little at him. "Thankfully we can take care of ourselves." She replied. "But thank you for the compliment. I moisturise." she joked.

The waiter said nothing more and retreated. His mission was done.


Waiter NPC Jon Reynolds

Lieutenant JG Harper Matthews
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Andromeda

Lieutenant JG Rosaline Belikov
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Andromeda


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