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Chronitons Chronitons breaking everything ...

Posted on 15 Sep 2022 @ 7:25am by Captain Jonathan Reynolds & Civilian Eddie Reynolds

Mission: Through the looking glass
Location: Reynolds quarters
Timeline: MD4 07:00
946 words - 1.9 OF Standard Post Measure


The one thing with teenagers was they either slept or they showered for a ridiculous amount of time.

His alarm had already gone off and as he had no Harper to snuggle up too he was drinking coffee and doing work. What had happened to him?

He had heard Eddie get up and had estimated he had about half an hour to wait to have breakfast. He made it a mission to eat as many meals sat down with his son as possible. But that timescale did not seem in place this morning.

"Ddddaaaaaaddddd," yelled his son suddenly.

This wasn't normal and these days his son barely needed him for anything but he was up in a blur and in their bathroom to discover his son butt naked in the shower covered only in what looked like jelly blocks.

"I did nothing," Eddie said defensively.

Jon threw a towel at him and merely nodded walking back out. He had seen enough weird stuff not to question all the time.

Also He hadn't needed to see his sons arse since well changing nappies and walked out. "Clear yourself up, I'll get Hawkins down here."

Hawkins was under a console reworking some of the isolinear chips, he was just getting out from under it when he heard the call. It caught him by surprise and he jumped slightly banging his head on a corner. "Ouch!" he said then tapped on his commbadge. "On my way captain." then he turned to one of the engineers there. " Here take over, I need to take care of something for the Captain." the engineer nodded and changed places.

Hawkins jogged towards Reynolds quarters, and soon arrived pressing the chime to let him know he had arrived.

"Morning," Jon said letting the man enter and offering him a cup of coffee. "So I pulled you down as my shower is dispensing jelly."

"Lime flavour," Eddie said walking in chewing.

"Eddie eeeewwwww," Jon shot a look at his son.

"What I'm hungry and not had breakfast yet,"

"Good heaven's at least that is edible, I got called to work on a replicator that dispensed a real mudpie with gritty mud and not the chocolaty goodness the lady in question requested." Michael responded, gratefully accepting the coffee. "I've been getting reports of something like willow wisps bobbing up and down then disappearing. And took a reading of one spot it was almost like little pockets of chroniton particles."

"I don't understand most of that and if you need a sample speak now as I cannot have that ..... mess .... continuing to be in my bathroom" Jon said replicating a dustpan and brush. It was old school but what his grandmother still used.

"Dads a little OCC," Eddie commented. "You have a theory?" he asked excitably.

"Possibly." Michael setting his coffee cup down after finishing it. "I can clean that up if you don't mind sir. I still need to look at the trajectory besides where your son was standing." giving a bit of a nod. Then he pulled out a tricorder to scan Eddie as well. "Can't be too careful, won't want Eddie to grow up too fast. I've had to deal with chronitons before. It was on my last station before I joined up on the Andromeda."

"You scan and get your trajectory. I'll clean," Jon said firmly.

"Dad doesn't trust others," Eddie chuckled.

"I just like to do a through job in my own quarters," Jon said. "Look I like things clean. That's not a bad thing."

"Where do these erm ... Chroni Chormi ... this particles come from? What exactly are they?" Jon changed the subject.

"Chronitons. They are subatomic particles that if enough are collected they can put objects or even people out of phase. A piece of time that floats around. I do recall some readings from DS21 before we were sent hurtling into this Alternate Universe, that was resonating from there. Romulan vessels also project those. from my reading over records from LaForge, both he and Ro had become phased as well. These particles are not fatal but it is from what I am understanding, a bit of a nuisance and brings trouble to those caught in it." Michael responded. Once the Captain was completed with his cleaning he'd go adjust the sonic shower.

“Ten to one those Cardassians had the station before were experimenting. Isn’t this sort of thing illegal?” Jon groused. “I mean it’s dangerous.”

"I have found in my readings, that there will always be an experiment with time, in order to either change history, fix a mistake or just see what it was like in the past." Michael answered. "Or even make a better engine which could slip through space easier."

“Well I don’t like the idea of the Cardassians playing around with time. And I don’t enjoy the headaches trying to work out the paradox’s,” Jon said flatly. “Can you get rid of them, these Chronitons.”

"I believe that we can." Michael responded with a confident tone. "I've got Ensign Han working with me to solve the problem." he finished the adjustments. "There, that should fix things and the shower can be used without being bathed in that." pointing towards the jelly that Reynolds had cleaned up. "I will keep you apprised of the progress we are making."

"Yes please," Jon nodded. "Now you shower," he told Eddie and went to walk his chief engineer out.

"Bye Michael," Eddie grinned.

Michael gave a wave and a smile before he left the quarters.


Lieutenant Michael Hawkins
Chief Engineer
USS Andromeda

Captain Jonathan Reynolds
CO, USS Andromeda

Eddie Reynolds
NPC Jon Reynolds


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