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Distorted Reflections

Posted on 08 Dec 2022 @ 9:22pm by Lieutenant Xu Chang Lau

Mission: Through the looking glass
731 words - 1.5 OF Standard Post Measure


Xu had been released from sickbay and had hidden in her quarters for a few days, Oliver had called on her once or twice but it felt strained, awkward and she had a suspicion why, her memory starting to come back, fractured, disjointed but enough of it made sense to her now that should could understand. After three days hidden away she had found her legs needed to be stretched so she had started to walk the halls, acquiring any number of sideways glances from the passers by who knew of her from before.
It all felt strange still. Familiar and as if looking at a reflection through a cloudy mirror. Enough seemed correct for it to feel like home but also just obscure enough to not feel right, like a darkness had taken a hold in a corner of her mind and was not allowing her to fit in again.

She turned a corner, her eyes cast to the floor watching her feet travel the familiar but strange carpets when she impacted something or someone solid.
"I'm sorry!" she said, her voice still sounding small and not her own.

Michael had been lost in thought, thinking of his last personal log. Wondering when or how he was going to be telling Iola that their marriage wasn't going to work out. His steps were slow and were heading somewhere. He had left Riley in charge of Engineering stating that he needed some personal time. Riley having seen the state Michael was in, was agreeable.

The impact of something soft against his body, Michael barely registered the warmth of a person against him, and the soft sound of someone apologizing. He wrapped his arms about the person to keep them from falling, holding them both steady. "Easy there." Michael stated softly then realized who he had his arms around. "Xu? You, you're awake!" feeling his heart leap within his chest, with great elation.

"I'm sorry... Who are you?" Xu asked. His face seeming familiar but as if staring at a reflection through a frosted mirror. One could catch glimpses but nothing definitive.

Michael pulled Xu close to him in a warm embrace, his voice rumbling in his chest, feeling tears run down his cheek. "I am Michael Hawkins. I am so glad you are awake." his voice hoarse with emotion. "Just... Just..." remembering he might be overstepping her boundaries, he slowly released Xu. "I'm sorry." wiping his eyes with the back of his hands.

"No need to apologise" she said feeling without needing to be a telepath to read how he felt and it awakened something within her, a memory? Perhaps. It was certainly strong, creeping with a dark edge. Maybe just the stirrings of memory but when she didn't even know herself then how could she know him?
"How did we know each other... Are we friends?"

"Yes, we are." Michael stated quietly. "Perhaps could have been something more, if I hadn't have been blind to my own feelings. You though are with someone else and I am with another." Michael cringed, at the fact that he was open as to what he was feeling. "Look you didn't need to hear that at all. I was wrong to say that." the good thing or bad thing about Michael, he was honest, even if it could hurt him. "Look I am glad you are awake, I was worried about you. I'll just... go on my way." giving a wry smile.

"Wait" she caught his hand, gently pulling him back to stop him from leaving. "I feel like I'm in a foreign land. I don't remember anyone... could you show me around?"

Michael didn't resist and drew near to her once more. "Of course Xu, I would be delighted to do so. Where would you like us to start?" his face lighting up. "I will be your willing escort." Michael just couldn't understand for the moment why he was feeling such elation with accepting her request but he was feeling happy.

Part of Xu was elated, she had found her way in to the inner circle, the knowledge she sought would soon be hers through this unwitting idiot.
"In that case, lead on!"

With a smile, Michael nodded, and led the way.


Lieutenant Michael Hawkins
Chief Engineer
USS Andromeda

Lieutenant Xu Chang-Lau
Chief Operations Officer - Inactive/Medical Leave
USS Andromeda


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