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A goddess ritual

Posted on 04 Jan 2023 @ 8:55pm by Captain Jonathan Reynolds & Lieutenant JG Harper Matthews & Lieutenant Xu Chang Lau

Mission: Through the looking glass
Location: Unknown Resistance ship
1139 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure


Jon knew the effects of his red and their pleasant evening prior were wearing off and everyone seemed on edge as not one as expected but 4 old betaziod women in robes he had only read about were now onboard and doing strange things to their cargo bay.

The smell of the herbs burning reminded him of something. Had his mother used these?

"Yes ......" one of the women said catching his stray thought. "Lorena was initiated in our order. "Another reason we believe your brother decided to clamp down on it and dispose of her. Your twin knows more than you think."

"He always does," Jon said not surprised.

He walked towards the El Aurian and human women ensuring to stand between them as they still seemed to be circling each other.

"Your race have anything similar to this?" he asked. They had been told they needed 8 in total. So here they all were and one very uncomfortable looking Biggs hovering near Xu as if he felt he needed her protection as they watched on.

"My people?" Veran scoffed. "My people have always had a deep connection to space and time. This ritual is not commonplace for us as such any more but it is not something I have participated in during my lifetime."

"Join us all now in a circle," the one who seemed by the decorative robes to be the senior said as they finished laying out the crown and all the other clothing Jon had spent the last 5 years chasing down.

The slight Asian women moved to the indicated spot, her mind full of thoughts of slaughtering the sooth sayer's before her. This mythical clap trap would bare no fruit, she was certain of it but surrounded by all of these Betazoids and that El-Aurian thing, their belief was so strong that one didn't need to be a telepath to sense it. "Now what?"

"Hold hands," the toothy woman said in her direction. Biggs suddenly picked up. A chance to hold hands with the woman he had a biggest crush on.

Jon leaned over to her and whispers in her ear. "Don't crush his hands. Remember he's our engineer."

She scowled at Jon, tight lipped as she took Biggs hand, rather roughly and squeezed. Not enough to damage him, but enough to make him uncomfortable.

There was a flash as the last one who was setting up a make shift alter north of the clothing light a flame. She then went to go join them taking the last hands and completing the circle.

"We call upon the great fire. Supreme energy. We call upon you to help us bring back a daughter made of you,"

Jon cocked an eyebrow. The great fire legend had it was a punishment they had endured. By the goddesses and then they had thought again and rescued them.

Three of them started chanting in an ancient language. Jon again had a sense of familiarity to this.

"Grow," the one not chanting addressed the flame. "Focus on the flame all of you."

"If I focus anymore I'll go blind." Veran remarked as she watched the flame flicker.

Xu simply scowled at the flame finding it more mesmerising than she had though, almost a cathartic experience as she found it was soothing her anger directed at so many around her. It was an unusual sensation but she couldn't say it wasn't a pleasant feeling to be so anger free for the first time in so long.

"May your flames grow, strong from embers. May your flames strengthen ....."

Jon watched on mesmerised as the flame started to grow bigger. The atmosphere in the room was beginning to change. It wasn't dissimilar to what had been described to him by the older Betazed as communing. Of course no one had done so for a very long time. The goddesses had deserted them.

One of the women threw more herbs in the flame which started flickering different colours.

"Some say the world will end in fire, but we beseech you for a new beginning ...."

Jon had seen a lot of horrific things in his short life but the woman turning round and suddenly having flaming eyes was not one of them or something he was expecting.

Veran had felt uncomfortable before, but this was different. She felt uneasy, like their own little pocket of the world was changing. This often happened when space/time changed, or something was a change in progress.

Xu flinched, pulled from her introspection by the sudden demonic appearance, she was about to grab for both of her tessen, her blood lust returning at the prospect of plunging the battle fan blade into the demon before her but her words hit with an almost supernatural force, ensuring that no one could release from the circle.


The flames in their eyes shot forward landing on each bit of armour - the bodice, the skirts, the boots and the tiara ....

The flames started swirling round the artifacts which then started to rise and compile in order - the tiara first, bodice, skirts and at the bottom the boots.

"Thats erm its against the laws of physics ...." Biggs said nervously squeezing Xu's hand subconsciously.

"SILENCE ....."

The next words, sounds, chant ... Jon wasn't sure. It was not a language he had heard before. It was not being translated.


One of them stated again once they finished whatever that was. The flames were beginning to grow brighter and brighter. Jon knew he would need to close his eyes soon.

"Shes here ..... shes here ......"

As he did the face of a beautiful woman flooded his mind."

Veran felt a strange knowing feeling. Almost as if the presence of She was a normal occurrence, an every day thing. It was odd but somewhat comforting, like welcoming back an old friend or ally.

"I need more ....." the new female voice rang out. "I need sacrifice ...."

Flames claimed the four woman. The beautiful image was marred in Jons head as his eyes snapped open again. Four bodies thudded. His eyes flickered down and back up again. She stepped forward, the clothing on her. Physically real and in the room.

Jon swallowed.

"Oh you can cease with this circle now ......"

He released hands and knelt down before her. "Oh mighty Methalina. Your people need you ....."

The goddess laughed. Sickly sweet. Jon was beginning to get the feeling something was not right.

"I see your species has not matured. The rest ... oh they are not here. Deserted you. How fortunate for me .....

Stand you Silly creature. You evoke ancient rituals with no understanding. Did you think you would bring forth an ally. You brought forth Chaos.

Kneel before Eris ....."


AU Jon Reynolds

Veran Opala

Xu Chang-Lau
AU Assassin


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