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Reflections and Introductions

Posted on 23 Jul 2020 @ 2:17pm by Captain Melody Jones (Commanding Officer) & Commander Amelia Fox

Mission: Mission 4 - Race against the machine
Location: XO's Office, USS Andromeda
Timeline: MD6 1500
1384 words - 2.8 OF Standard Post Measure


Having made sure that Syvar was comfortable in their quarters, Amelia had popped to her office to finish off some crew reports that she had to do. She had almost finished when the door chime sounded. "Come!"

Hawkins stepped inside, smiling as he caught sight of Amelia still at work. "Hi, I've come to check on your consoles and to see how you are doing." his smile faded as he struggled to control his emotions. "I also heard somewhat of what happened. In a way, I am sort of playing catch up. Are you all right? Is the baby all right, Sis?" he really wanted to give her a heartfelt embrace, but it wasn't the time to do so.

Amelia guessed the console line was a cover and she appreciated his concern. She gestured to the sofa "I'm fine the baby is fine. Please sit with me. "I'm glad you dropped in." She placed her hand on his shoulder to reassure him "Really We're ok, I had the Doctor check us both out after it happened. I also saw Lieutenant Datari and his wife and their newborn baby. I'm glad that 'she' didn't do any permanent damage to them, Or Syvar."

Michael took a seat on the sofa next to Amelia, relief evident in his eyes and posture, as to her assurance that she and the baby were all right. He stiffened when he heard the news about Aidan and his wife.

"Wait, Jane Doe attacked Aidan and his wife??!" he exclaimed, his hands clenching into fists. "How did she get out of the brig? Anyone know where she is at now?"

He leaned back, closing his eyes, taking a few calming deep breaths, willing his heart rate to go back to normal. For some reason MU ( Mew as he pronounced it in his head, was just throwing him off kilter.)

In a much calmer voice, Michael stated. "I am glad the three of them are doing good as well." he shook his head "I pity the poor child who is in MU's womb though."

"I don't think we have to worry about that anymore." She took a deep breath and looked at him with mixed emotions. "You haven't heard the full story, have you? From looking at the security feed in the brig, she used the old 'I'm not feeling well' routine on the guard before taking his phaser and vaporizing him for his trouble. After calling in on and shooting Syavr, myself, Aidan and his wife, the Captain's son and his girlfriend who almost ended up as a hostage... She stole a shuttlecraft. Apparently, she left one or two viruses in the main computer to disable the tractor beam and other security features to aid her escape. What she hadn't realised was there were two other starships out there. The Merlin moved to intercept but... She overloaded the shuttles impulse engines and blew herself up to prevent re-capture."

Varying emotions collided within Michael, all on display on his face. Anger, shock, horror and sadness for the life that had been taken due to MU's rampage and eventual demise.

"That is horrible!" he exclaimed. "I don't have any words that can describe..." Michael stopped, feeling his chest tighten slightly. Definitely feeling stress, he was going to have a long conversation with a punching bag after this was over.

Just then, the door chime sounded.

"My, aren't I popular today?" she said before calling out Come in!"

The door opened to reveal two ladies who weren't Andromeda Crew. One in uniform sporting Commanders pips and long ginger hair. The other was younger with similar hair colouring in a summery dress.

The elder one spoke first. "I hope we're not interrupting anything, Sansa wanted to say hello."

Amelia stood "Please come in. Hello there Sansa," She turned to make introductions "This is Ensign Michael Hawkins Our chief operations officer. This is Melody Jones, Commanding officer of the Merlin. We're old friends from the academy and this lovely young lady is her daughter, Sansa."

Sansa blushed slightly but offered Michael a small wave "Hello."

Any sign of colliding emotions, disappeared, Michael's face calm and passive. He stood when Melody walked into the office, with her daughter.

He smiled pleasantly, and gave a small wave back to Sansa. "My pleasure in meeting the both of you." the smile reaching his eyes.

Melody extended her hand to Michael "Likewise Michael."

Michael took her hand giving a firm handshake, noting its strength. He was quietly observing the interaction between Amelia and Melody.

While they were talking, Sansa approached Amelia "Mom's says your expecting. That's wonderful. How far along are you?"

Amelia patted her stomach "Just short of 5 weeks."

Sansa practically beamed, then looked a bit more somber "Mom said you'd been shot. Is the baby ok?"

Sansa's question got Melody's attention and she joined in "Yes, is the baby ok? I've heard some of what happened.

"I was just talking to Michael here about that." she went onto retell the tale to Melody and Sansa, the latter of whom listened spellbound. "Wow.... So you were shot by yourself from the Mirror universe and then she blew herself up?

"We've just finished a high-resolution scan and collected all the debris. There were no unusual traces... and nothing bigger than a coffee cup." Melody interjected.

Michael hid his amusement by the questions Sansa was asking, the little girl certainly was a rather curious one. He moved his gaze to Melody as she related her findings.

He spoke up, "Out of curiosity, has there been any examination as to possible DNA material from the debris?"

Melody shook her head. "Our science team is looking into but so far the results have been inconclusive. The impulse reactor overload basically vaporized any organic material. The DNA readings we have been able to collect are so badly degraded it's not possible to get that level of detail. We know for certain that the pilot was female and pregnant from what we've gathered so far. We're still analyzing the debris"

"She was pregnant at the same time...." Sansa exclaimed quietly. but didn't say any more.

Amelia took a deep breath, "Yes she was. She was also a stone-cold killer and I personally am glad she is gone." As she heard herself say the words, a small part of her was sad she was gone and another small part of her was still not completely convinced she was.

Sansa put her arms around Amelia. "I bet this is hard for you."

Initially caught off guard, the simple open nature of the gesture caught her returning the hug, even though she had only just met the young woman. "You're very kind and sweet." she looked at Melody and said with a small grin "must take after your father."

Melody chuckled at the remark. "This is coming from someone who gets's in a fight over a poker game and I'm the one who had to come to your rescue." She looked at Michael "That's how we met."

"Ohhh, I see." looking at Amelia with a grin. "I've played a game or two with our XO. She's good with the cards, I'd say she's... got the old saying Lucky at cards Unlucky at love, destroyed. After all, she's got someone to love, right sis?" a fond look in his eyes.

Amelia nodded. "Speaking of whom, I'd better get back to him. He's still recovering in our quarters after the incident with 'Her'."

Melody reached out and gave Sansa's hand a squeeze. "Come on you, we better be getting back to the Merlin. I'm sure your father will no doubt be expecting us back soon. I hope Syvar recovers quickly. We'll meet up when he's feeling better." Melody inclined her head in Hawkins's direction. "Till our next meeting".

Sansa gave Amelia a parting hug and looked at Michael "It was nice to meet you, you too Michael."

"Until our next meeting." Michael replied, then held his hand out to Sansa, "It was a pleasure to meeting you as well."

Sansa blushed again then followed her mother out the door.

Amelia looked at Michael and smiled "Thank you for dropping by. I better go and see how Syvar is doing. Catch up later?"

Michael nodded, "That sounds good to me. "



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