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Walk of Shame

Posted on 26 Aug 2020 @ 5:38am by

Mission: Mission 4 - Race against the machine
Location: USS Europa
Timeline: MD09 11:30 hours
775 words - 1.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Vern felt just a bit tired the next morning but it was certainly a good kind of tired. He'd spent the evening in a way he could never have predicted and was in awe of just how great it felt to be Human again. For a long time he'd been in this fog and he finally felt that it had somewhat lifted. Of course then he felt guilty as if he were cheating on Lily. But Lily was gone and he thought for the first time in months he had finally accepted that. Coming up on his XO, he could hear Nat humming softly to herself, perhaps swaying a bit as she walked. He grinned. "Someone have a nice evening?"

Lost in her thoughts about the evening before, reliving the last dance of the evening, Nat hadn't heard Vern come up behind her at first. She gasped out, whirling to face the captain.

"Vern! You need a bell around your neck." blushing at his question. "Er, yes I had a lovely evening."

"Oh I have a feeling I could have run through here like a raging targ and you wouldn't have noticed until I said something to you." He was grinning, perhaps her mood was contagious, but then he had his own reasons for smiling. "What's his name?"

She was about to say the man's name, but felt a bit shy and coy about it. "Well, he isn't on this ship." giving a teasing smile. "Are you planning on running a security background on him?" she laughed.

Her eyes then narrow, stepping close to Vern scrutinizing him carefully."Your smile.. its different, its reflecting in your eyes. You look happy!"

"Do I need to? I mean I have a little sister so I know how to do these things already." He snorted. "I also had a pleasant evening." He shrugged. "Completely unexpected to tell you the truth."

"No you don't need to do a security check on him." she said. "And I'm glad, so... who is it? Who is the lady who put pep in your step? And if you promise me, not to do a check on the man I saw last night, I possibly will tell you his name..... Maybe." her cheeks going pink once more.

What would Vern do if she were to tell him, the man she met last night, Michael Hawkins didn't know she was the XO on the Europa!

He chuckled. "So basically you'll tell me yours if I tell you mine? Oh she's just some lovely lady that decided I looked a bit upset about something. Honestly, we didn't really exchange that much information, we ran into each other, literally. We started talking and she invited me in for something to drink. One thing led to another, I'm not a one night stand man but . . . something slipped into place. Her name is Charlotte, she was on Andromeda. And I promise not to check up on him as long as he treats you well."

"T-the Andromeda??" Nat stammered out. "I was there last night myself. That's where I met Michael. Met him at the Medusa's Head Lounge, as well as his friends. I don't think I will be seeing him again anytime soon though, even if he treated me rather well, was kind and gentle. A marvelous dancer." she smiled once more about last night's experience.

"Michael huh?" He was only teasing but thought about mentioning that now he'd have to go through the whole crew manifest. "Why not?" Vern asked. "You could always request a transfer."

Giving a wry smile,"I told him that I served on the Europa, but... I didn't tell him any rank, or position. I didn't even let him talk shop, even though I knew he worked in Ops. For the evening, I just wanted to be Miss Natasha Blackthorne, a lady out for some fun and lightheartedness, and even some innocent flirtation. Besides, if I transferred there, would probably cause some awkwardness."

"Oh I doubt that. And you do deserve some happiness." Vern shrugged letting the subject go. "We both do."

Nat nodded then smiled impishly, "Well one thing for certain." giving Vern a nudge, "Charlotte, is definitely good medicine for you. And she has a nice perfume too."

"Hah," Vern said, his own face turning red this time. "I won't tell anyone else if you don't," he replied about both of their evenings. "I need a shower and I'll be on the bridge in a jiffy."

"Deal, I will see you in a few." Giving Vern a wave, and a small laugh as she continued on her way to the bridge humming.


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