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Quest for the Scepters?

Posted on 20 Jan 2021 @ 6:38am by
Edited on on 20 Jan 2021 @ 7:09am

Mission: Mission 5 - Season of the Witch?
Location: Meladoste
Timeline: MD 4 1900
1826 words - 3.7 OF Standard Post Measure

(Taking place at the same time as things on the Andromeda)

Michael having finished clearing out whatever sticky substance inside the consoles, he set to work on obtaining the necessary scans with the help from Gwen. Soon it became apparent that he needed to sort out other things. Gwen was needed for something else and he waved goodbye to her then went back to work. He had to go look for the necessary items to get the pattern enhancers. They were not in what should have been their right place. He began searching in different areas, he felt someone watching him, and he turned around, to find a woman staring at him, and holding one of the pattern enhancers in her hand.

Her light blond hair was unkempt, with blue ribbons and bows tied in it. The color reminded him of the ribbons in C'Tora's hair, he wondered if she was one of the ones who had decorated the Doctor.

"Hello, say can I have that please? I need to get some equipment put together." Michael smiled in a pleasant way. "What's your name?"

"My name is Muriel, what's yours?" giving the dark-haired man a good looking over. "Your hair is too short. Do you know where the big kitty man went to?"

Michael choked back his laughter, her question confirming his suspicion. " No, I don't know where he is at, but, may I have that item you are holding?"

She looked at the piece of the pattern enhancer, then looked at him. " You mean my scepter? No, you may not have it. Its magical. It lights up and creates a magical triangle. I need to finish up my quest in order to call down the fairies. They have a magic boat that will take me up to their castle in the sky. Where I will marry the fairy prince and we can live happily ever after. I will be the fairy queen!" she squeals with glee. "Then I can have all the cake and icecream I want and eat picnic lunches that grow on a trees. And I can drink from the sparkling soda fountain. Oh and also for dessert I will have a berry pie from the pie tree."

"I can help you find the other pieces, and help you call down the faeries." Michael offered, realizing that this woman may well indeed be an engineer for this outpost.

Muriel stepped closer and peered up into Michael's eyes then walked around him slowly. "Maybe you can help me with my quest, but first, you need the proper clothing. If you are to be my knight to help me out, then you need to have your armor."

Michael's eyes widened. "My what?"

"Yooouuuur arrrrrmoooorr." Muriel replied slowly as if he needed her to speak slower for him to understand. "IIIfff yoouu need meeeee toooo shoooow yoooou where it is, theeen fooollow me."

"I take it you have been cursed with a slow spell, is that why you are speaking so slowly?" Michael determining to not give way to his quick flash of irritation. "Use your magic scepter to break the spell then we can be on our way to acquire my armor."

Muriel nodded slowly then said, in a slow voice, "Plug your ears."

Michael nodded, but watched as she mouthed Bippety Boppity Boo.

She smile and talked normal. "Okay that worked now, come on, lets get your armor. I think Plate armor would work perfect!"

Michael wondered about what she meant, but soon found out as Muriel took him by the hand and led him towards the kitchen area. There she proceeded to outfit him with, Plate Armor, literally made of thin bamboo style dinner plates, she had drilled holes in and tied with twine attaching it to him. Apparently it seems that she had done this before, and had it all ready to go.

"There, now you are all set, except for your... steel helmet. " walking over and picking up a medium sized colander and placed it on his head. She then said imperiously, "Lets us go, my knight! We must find the other magical scepters! Oh almost forgot the horses!" going over and getting two brooms. "Let's be off!" doing a neighing sound before galloping off with the broom horse.

Michael followed after her, his armor rattling and clunking as he galloped after Muriel. They neared a spot where another man was sitting on a log, holding the next piece of the pattern buffer, near him was a stick about the length of a long sword. he was wearing pieces of metal scraps, bound with rope and tape to form an armor chest plate, which looked suspiciously like a metal tray. He had a bucket on his head where he barely could see out of.

He stood up and glared at Muriel. "What do you want, and who is that? He wasn't invited to our game."

"Shut up Ryan, he is my new knight since you ran away with my other scepter. I'm going to summon the Fairy Prince! And he will help me. You are a dumbdumb, thinking I wanted to kiss you. I don't want to kiss you, you have cooties!"

Ryan snarled, "Only girls have cooties, boys don't, that is why we are better! Isn't that right?" Looking at Michael.

Michael shook his head. "No you are wrong, boys are not better than girls."

"Are to! Just for that you will have to fight with me. Where is your sword!" Ryan shouted, then looked at Muriel, "You dummy, you forgot your knight's sword. I will win and take your other scepter!" he laughed, finding this funny. Ryan then reached down and picked up his 'sword' and came at Michael swinging at him with his weapon!

Michael blocked the 'sword', realizing that if he didn't Muriel would be hit, if he instead dodged. The mock sword hit his arm with a resounding thwack! Breaking the wooden plate that had been placed on Michael's arms. Michael hissed out in pain, as the man had landed a good blow.

Ryan laughed, and Michael's eyes narrowed in a rather pointed glare, which quieted Ryan rather quickly. "Awww you're no fun! Take your stupid scepter, I am going to go tell mom about you being mean!" Ryan dropping his stick and running away leaving the pattern enhancer behind.

"Um, who is his mother?" Michael asked, scratching his head, then taking a look at his arm.

"Oh.. well, she's somewhere. I don't know where she went, she fixes boo-boos and other hurts, and kisses them better." Muriel said.

"That sounds like a doctor." Michael remarked.

"Aren't mommies doctors, they kiss all the boo-boos away." Muriel answered with a smile. "Okay, we have one more scepter to find. Then we can summon the Fairy boat and I can go meet my fairy prince and live happily ever after!"

Michael nodded, shrugging his shoulders a bit, "Where to next my lady?" he stated.

"Well, I was told a dragon and a troll were guarding the final piece. Um... I think it is that way." she stopped and looked at Michael. "I'm scared of trolls and dragons. Ryan was too scared to help out. Um, maybe you can win and I get my treasure?" Muriel stated.

Michael wondered what was going to be representing the dragon, and the troll, and followed after Muriel who stopped and turned back.
"Almost forgot my horse, Broomie! What is your horse's name?" Muriel picking up her steed and looked at Michael.

"Uh, I don't have a name for my horse yet. Why don't you name my steed." Michael replied.

"Hilda!" Muriel said quickly then started galloping off in the direction towards where the last pattern buffer was supposed to be.

"Wait, what? Why Hilda?" Michael exclaimed as he galloped after Muriel.

"You'll get it, Mister fix it man! Think of it! It will come to you!" Muriel laughing with delight, thinking she was being rather clever.

Michael was silent as he followed Muriel, working out the name of his steed, then it hit him and he laughed out loud. He was on a broom, using it as a horse, Hilda was its name as in BroomHilda, aka Brunhilda.

The two of them reached the area where the supposed dragon dwelled with the troll as its guardian. A windmill was set up, its sails moving from the breeze, grinding whatever grain that was there.

"Can't you hear the dragon's growls, its a horrible sound isn't it?" Muriel stated, "I saw it eat someone and it wasn't pretty. Hector the Troll was so mean!"

"Hey that wasn't a person, I didn't put a real person in the dragon's mouth!" A man roared out coming into view.

He was dressed in green camouflage pants and a green shirt. He was rather tall and muscular, compared to Muriel. And he definitely had a bit more muscle mass than what Michael had. His skin was painted green with different colors that would help him hide amongst the green plant life around.

"I am Hector the Troll! You must fight me to get the last scepter!" he roared once more.

Michael didn't want to get into a wrestling match with the guy and besides the man didn't seem like he was acting his own age. Deciding to take a different approach, "Hector, how about this, You get the scepter for us and we can get back to camp and make a chocolate cake!"

Muriel looked at Michael then at Hector. "I like chocolate cake, can I have some too?"

Hector nodded, "I want some too, okay, I'm going to go get the scepter first then, lets go make chocolate cake!" Hector running and grabbing the pattern enhancer and the odd trio made their way back to the kitchen. Michael proceeded to make a chocolate cake as promised, then took the pattern enhancers to set up the site for the transporter to work. He also worked out to see if he could get the viewscreen to operate like it was supposed to. Muriel followed Michael eating a large piece of cake.

He touched his commbadge, "This is Lieutenant Hawkins to the USS Andromeda."

Muriel stamped her feet. "No that isn't right, its Sir Michael of Hawkins."

Michael then stated it, sort of worried that Muriel might do something to the set up, noticing she was eyeing the pattern enhancers.

"This is Sir Michael of Hawkins, Andromeda, can you read me? Or see me?" Michael doing some adjusting hoping that there would be some image coming in.

"Sir Michael , you need your steel helmet on." Muriel hissed at him.

"Muriel, I don't want to do so." Michael remarked, then reluctantly put the metal colander on his head. He didn't want to get into a tussle with Muriel. Nor wanted to stun her either.

And that would be the view if the viewscreen worked, with a metal colander upon Michael's head.


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