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Leaving No Stone Unturned

Posted on 08 May 2021 @ 2:05am by Sugo Torel & Uldrag the First

Mission: Mission 5 - Season of the Witch?
Location: Starbase 308
Timeline: Current
2393 words - 4.8 OF Standard Post Measure


Uldrag could scarcely believe it, for the first time she was going to a Starbase and getting a closer look at the enemy, Starfleet. She has heard time and time again, of their insidious, wretched ways of subtly taking over the galaxies with their so called peaceful ways. She is definitely going to be finding out more. The craft she and Sugo were in, neared the Starbase, and Uldrag snuggled against Sugo.

"It isn't anything like I have seen before. How very strange, and yet exciting. I am glad we are going in civilian clothing, you can't really get a good perspective if we are under pomp and circumstances." Uldrag commented. "Are you ready for this love?"

"I think ...." he kissed her forehead, her nose and then decided as a hat trick to go for the sensitive spot on her neck, "When it is just you and me we can dispense with the pomp and circumstances."

Uldrag giggled feeling goosebumps rise from his nibbling. She kissed him once more before stepping onto the station.

"It looks busy," he commented wrapping his hand round her waist and walking them out looking sadly back at the where they had enjoyed each other in the last few days briefly. He got to bring her back of course.

This was important. Her enemy was his so now was the time to learn. To suss these people out.

"It looks sterile. No green. No sun. I am ready to see this alien rats nest. I would not wish you to have to endure this alone," Sugo stated.

"I am glad you are with me." Uldrag giving a shudder. "How can they live with things like this?" linking her arm with his.

"Greetings welcome to Starbase 308!" someone came up with a smile, a dark haired woman, "is there anything I can direct you to? You look to me like newlyweds"

Uldrag moved closer to Sugo for a moment, almost wanting to hide. Part of her old self was surfacing, fearful the woman could see the ugliness of her true form.

"Yes this is my beautiful bride. We decided as part of our honeymoon to come visit your lovely station. Perhaps you can make some suggestions for what to visit or do here," Sugo said to the lady. His arm tightened protectively over his mate who was clearly uncomfortable.

"Well there is rather lovely place which will give you comfortable quarters, its one of the finest hotels here, it has a view of a lovely inner garden, with fountains and plenty of flowers. A balcony gives you a grand view of it. There is also an area where I can direct you with hiking trails, in a large arboretum, and an area where they have enough room to watch sports in the stadium. If you are into sports. Also on the promenade there are shops you can purchase different items, and restaurants that you can choose whichever foods you wish to eat or try." the woman responded. "I do have a map which you can use to find your way around."

"Thank you, I would like that very much. " Uldrag finally having the courage to speak up.

"Well my love, what would you wish we did first?" Sugo asked taking the electronic device off the alien with the map on. It was strange technology. He needed to try get this device back with them to study it.

"Well we can, just take a walk towards where our room will be at, and take in the sights. Get more of a feel for what this place is like."

The dark haired woman smiled. "Well have a great day, and enjoy your stay."

Uldrag smiled back. "And thank you once again." Her courage returning, and getting very interested in the surroundings. When the woman left, Uldrag remarked. "She was nice, but that maybe just a lie."

"What do we actually know about these people my love?" Sugo said walking them in the way they had been directed.

"I don't know much except for what I have been told by my spies. The Federation has infiltrated all areas of space and seem to be wanting more and more. Under the flag of peace and justice. And a former acquaintance of mine his wife had been killed during an attack here, making a bid for their freedom from the sickly sweet advance of so called peace. He was so heartbroken about her loss, he had disappeared for a time, to who knows where. Vowing to get revenge on the man who was responsible for his loved ones death." As she walked along, "I don't recall the man's name though that my acquaintance had spoken of. But it was here that they fought the battle. " Uldrag mused.

"Why are your people at battle with these people?" Sugo asked.

Uldrag pondered that question, and realized she may not have the total answer. So much change, has happened in so little time. "Some say it is due to the Federation not allowing them, us, to claim our rightful place and be with the ones we should be among, as family. Others view them as just oppressors. So many differing opinions, and should one predominately go with one perception or stay with another? The pain was real for the man who had lost his wife. And with him hurting the rest hurt as well. It has been confusing with the reports that have come in, truth be told, Sugo. There are different factions that have their own perceptions. And with my being..."Whispering the last part. "Queen , what sort of ruler would I be, if I don't find out the truth. Some have advised me to continue the war against the Federation. I am wondering, however, how I can see if it is beneficial to my people, our people if we do not figure out what is truth."

"You are a wise queen my love," Sugo said. "So part of this trip is your wanting to establish the truth and make a very important decision. The fact that you would come in person impresses me greatly. We need to speak with some here who witnesses the incident then?" he asked.

"Yes it is, plus wanting to spend it with you as well. Away from the others." Uldrag responded, wrapping her arm around Sugo's waist. In the back of her mind, Uldrag could feel a war brewing with her perceptions. Here they were talking about truth and yet, she was being a lie to Sugo. Well her looks that is, how long was she going to be living like this. But her people are benefitting from her facade. Just how long can she play this game, as hearts are now intertwining with each other.

"Then we shall settle in and go hunt these truths," Sugo said. "Come this station completely apart if we have too to find them."

Uldrag nodded, looking somewhat pensive but then it left as she watched the people they passed on the way to the hotel. "Oh look, isn't that pretty?" Uldrag pointing at a small park like setting, a little patch of green with a bench, a couple of trees and some flowers along with a fountain. "It looks like they have a sense of beauty here."

“Yet it is only a patch compared to our worlds. However less offensive. Let’s take a closer look,” he linked his fingers with hers and took them in that direction.

“Oh look plaques too. How strange an idea,” Sugo said walking them to the wall with it on to read and try make sense of it. “Seems they dedicated this garden to the victims of an attack.”

Uldrag looked at the date of the attack, her blood turning cold. It was the date of the attack on this base where the leader had been a part of it. "So many names, lives lost. I wonder about these people." Reaching out and running her finger along the plaque. "This is all very strange."

"Do you think they will retaliate?" Sugo asked after a moment.

Uldrag turned to look at Sugo, "My love, I do not know if they will or will not. This brings up even more questions, than answers. I do not like what they did in killing my acquaintance's wife but what is the real truth?" and that word resonated in her once again. What was the real truth, the stories that the others told of how unfair the Federation was, to take away their inheritance, the ability to be beautiful physically. And those tales were starting to seem rather shallow. "Sugo, let us go to our room, I need to talk to you privately where none can hear us."

He looked both intrigued and confused but nodded. "As you wish my love." Maybe the honeymoon was going to continue he mused, smiling at the idea.

He wondered as they were directed to a room, which wasn't the best he had ever been in but also not the worst. Comfortable enough ... but he wondered when he should bring up trying to secure their now, line of succession. He knew his father placed a lot of pressure on this.

"Do you require refreshment my queen?" he smiled. "I believe this is a dispensing device. I just have to figure out how it works."

"if I recall right." Uldrag walking over to where Sugo was, "Here is the menu." pressing the button. "Chicken salad sandwich and lemonade" she said to the dispenser. The desired objects appearing in the area below. She pulled them out and took them to the table in the room. "You try it now."

Sugo looked on not familiar with the foods in this place at all. "I shall try the same," he said confident she would not steer him wrong. Looking at the machine he followed her instructions and pressed the button stating the same words she had. "Chicken salad sandwich and lemonade."

He picked it up and followed her to the little table in the room sitting opposite. He gingerly took a bite. "It is good." he said after a moment.

"What did you wish to talk about my love?"

Uldrag felt frightened, worried for she truly loved him and truly respected him, she was going to tell him the truth. "I will not blame you if you wish to break off our marriage, once I tell you, Sugo " her eyes brimmed with tears, as she stated this. "But I didn't look like this before we met. My deity blessed me with how you see me now. " picking up the padd, she looked up an image of what her people looked like before her transformation. With trembling hands she showed Sugo, the image of a mishappen skin stretched person.

"I used to look like this, I would say even worse. I had prayed at one time for deliverance from my poor conditions, my people's poor condition, never thinking that I would get an answer. I wished for things to be better, and then.. I was answered. My deity performed a miracle, transformed me to what I look like now. Like what I told you before we got married, we were led to the planet you met me on. My, no our new home filled with great promise. You value honesty, I decided to no longer omit my truth, of what I looked like before. We are here to find truth in things, therefore you needed to know about mine." Uldrag looked down, then away. Afraid to see the look in his eyes that she felt she so sorely deserved, one of disdain, and rejection.

It didn't seem real the Sugo. He wondered if she was testing him. His commitment to their partnership. Powerful women they did that, he mused. He wasn't fully believing this but played along.

“My love, if your deity performed a miracle he saw your inner beauty and rewarded you thus. As I am now rewarded also. And if anything ever changes and you became inflicted we would use everything at our disposal to find a cure. I pledged to love and protect you and as your husband I will do just that.”

He leaned over and kissed her firmly.

Uldrag couldn't believe how well he took what she told him, falling even more in love with Sugo than she had before. Her conscience was eased she told the truth. And now she can concentrate on the matter at hand. "I love you Sugo, now more than ever." she said softly returning his kiss. Her deity has certainly blessed her with a wonderful man.

He smiled. He decided he had passed. He really didn't believe she had ever looked like what she had showed him.

"And I you. Now my queen," he said a smile on his face. "What's next on the agenda? Are we continuing on with investigations or is there time to evaluate the comfort of these Federation chambers? And perhaps officially start upon another project?

The sooner we produce an heir the happier my father will be and our line will be secured," he said running a finger down her cheek. "And our enemies quiver further at the success of our families."

He softened and moved closer to her.

"Our baby will I know have your wisdom and beauty and my cunning and strategy skills. I look forward to meeting such a child and I know how wonderful a mother you will be," he stated kissing her. "Just wonderful."

Uldrag blushed, something she had never thought of, being a mother. " I say we can get started on that project, then can continue our investigation on the other matter. Darling, you are wonderful and I do like your idea of evaluating the comfort. " giving a shy giggle.

"Its a tough job," Sugo joked. "But to know ones enemy we must be thorough," he said throwing some of the cushions off the bed. "Leave no stone unturned," he muttered shrugging off his blazer ... "And if we make a baby in the meantime literally screwing over them in their own territory, well just how efficient are we?" he winked at her.

"I would say, very efficient." Uldrag said with a laugh. "Let us definitely proceed."


Sugo Torel
NPC- Cpt. Jonathan Reynolds

Uldrag the First
NPC-Lieutenant Michael Hawkins


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