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Posted on 15 Sep 2019 @ 4:15am by Civilian J'Tan & Lieutenant Commander Aidan Datari

Mission: Mission 2 - The Agora crossroads
Location: Élenchos continuum territory, Agora Crossroads
Timeline: MD1 Unknown
921 words - 1.8 OF Standard Post Measure


Indigo took his elevated seat in the market place. People parted as he walked the floor to claim his throne for the night ready for this evenings business. Beside his seat and not even attempting to blend into the shadows were several of the Don's henchmen. For his protection, the other independent parties were starting to become more rowdy officially. More so it was intimidation. They were starting to try punch above their weight. This was the Dons racket. He had started this empire, he was determined he would still profit more than any other players.

"Bring in the sellers, lets start getting them organised," Indigo said to one of the Don's personal stock who was depositing Hard liqueur for the guests.

A tall figure appeared to the side, glancing down from his higher perch. He (or she, one couldn't tell) was cloaked, face cast in the shadows of his hood. He nodded towards Indigo, giving his approval as he approached his favourite. "Do we have a large workforce to distribute tonight?" he asked, his tone hushed so that even that couldn't give away any gender.

"We have sufficient but not much unique," he answered honestly keeping his voice just as low. This was an old hat, they had formed a symbiosis in getting things sorted. "And the audience they want unique. A splash of new colour is sorely needed. It would land a much more productive economy boost."

"Then you're going to have to find me some uniques," Don said, a small smile on his face though it was unseen in the shadows.

"I hear rumour …. that one of the independent arms dealers has issued an invitation to new parties to these waters. Perhaps that problem will sort itself out," he suggested taking a sip of his glass.

"New players means a new workforce to utilize. Yes, it was a good idea to invite them, perhaps they will play with us. Perhaps they'll even join us willingly. Make sure your dealer knows what rewards are in store if they are successfully reeled in."

"As you wish," Indigo dipped his head in respect. He held out a device detailing this evenings offering allowing his boss to look through the stock.

"Are there any you wish me to ensure end up in your collection?" He asked the question every week. If there was he would as he had in the past go have a discreet negotiation with some of the sellers.

"Once we know who our guests will be, I'll make a selection," he said, nodding towards a young woman with the deepest purple hair anyone had ever seen. "Iola will be your contact, tell her when they're here."

Iola gracefully dipped her head in acknowledgement though she didn't look up to meet his eyes. She remained humble, partly cast in the Don's shadow but there was an intelligence in her eyes that only Don knew how to exploit. She was his personal servant, the only one who knew all his secrets. Secrets, she was sworn to take to her grave.

Indigo nodded in her direction. Another old hat. He usually brought a couple of personal associates all of which were stunningly beautiful. This one had a little more intelligence than the rest, he recognised that in her. She would be useful to help keep eyes out for these alleged new players. He would have chance to speak to her later when the Don retired and they cashed up.

Several people were allowed admittance up to the staging area. The majority having been allowed to trade here before. One face was new. "You will present yourself," he addressed him.

"Rocco," he bowed his head. "I am a new partner of the Alysídes clan. From the Boran colony. I am learning the business to successfully bring in new stock."

"He's one of my boys Indigo," Marko stated.

He nodded but read between the lines. Another person from another area the Aylsides clan were carving out influence in. He made a show of taking his details and caught the girl handing out drinks elbow as chatter between everyone continued.

"Make sure you look after Mr Rocco very well. His first time here," he smiled. The girl knew what that entailed.

Don nodded in approval a second time. "Very well Rocco. You may proceed and present your workers for the market. remember what my cut is in this. Whatever you make, I get a percentage, everyone here is indebted to me. No sales without my approval do you understand?"

"Yes," he nodded and bowed slightly. It was very rigid. Indigo suspected he had been coached in exactly what to say and do. "You are the founder and the leader of Elenchos and everything is subject to your approval."

"So it is," Don replied, turning his head sideways as Iola seemed to chuckle in amusement. He allowed it, as she was his only servant allowed certain leeway. She was special.

"The buyers are arriving," Indigo said sharply. Another of the Dons women was rapidly handing out his schedule and a button that buzzed when they were ready to bring out their goods. "Gentleman, if you would proceed to the back rooms. There is refreshment. You will be brought out to auction in the order given. Good luck and may all prosper to this evening"

"May all prosper," Don replied before retreating back into the shadows.


Indigo NPC Jonathan Reynolds
Auctioneer, Elenchos Continuum

The Don
The Master
npc Aidan

Servant Girl
npc Aidan


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