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Posted on 16 Sep 2019 @ 7:06pm by Lieutenant Commander Aidan Datari & Lieutenant Emmony Safford

Mission: Mission 2 - The Agora crossroads
Location: Aidan and Emme's quarters
Timeline: MD1, 1000 hours
670 words - 1.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Having taken quite some time on selecting his outfit, Aidan had finally settled on what appeared to be a black suit. The orders had been to select something that could easily blend into the shadows and so the only thing he could think of was something black. It wasn't a classical suit perse, but it was something that was comfortable, reasonably loose fitting and easy to move or even run in if need be.

He heard Emme come in just as he finished getting dressed, leaving the jacket and hat lying on the bed for just a little longer. "How do I look?" he asked just as she walked into the bedroom.

A smile slide onto her face. "Handsome," she reached for the jacket and helped him put it on. "Can I keep you like this?" She slid her arms around him and kissed his lips.

"Hmm, I'm sure I can accommodate you when I get back," he smiled, kissing her back and taking several seconds to do it. "Have you seen my Ushaan-tor? I'm not going unarmed and I need something I can hide." He glanced around, not quite sure where he'd put it.

"Just be careful." Emme said with a small sigh. "I know you're not a risk taker but you do tend to have a hero complex. I want you to come home to us."

"Hero complex?" Aidan arched an eyebrow at her, "I'm not sure what you mean, I'm no hero at all." He reached past her to place the hat on top of his head, then spotting the shiny miner's tool lying underneath where the hat had been. "I promise to return," he told her, "I have all the reasons to come home, you know that." He kissed her cheek this time. "And Sherlock will be here to look after you while I'm away. Ideally this'll only take a few hours right? A day at best?"

"I don't need anyone to look after me," Emme said amused, both at his suggestion that Sherlock would watch her and that Aidan didn't realize that he really did play the hero part a lot. "Yep . . . quick trip I expect so nothing to worry about."

"There you go," Aidan smiled, "and I know you don't need anyone to look after you but I have to give Sherlock something to do as he's not allowed to come with me. I'm sure you'll agree it's better he fusses over you than keeps pining over me and worrying right?" He tucked the Ushaan under his jacket into its safety harness. "There..all dressed up to go."

"I will keep sherlock busy," Emme promised him. "Good luck and be safe." She kissed him again before smoothing down the back of his hair that was sticking out of the hat. "Have fun."

"I'll try," he promised, returning the kiss "don't worry too much alright? I'll be fine, I promise." He glanced sideways at Sherlock. "And you...behave. Emme's the boss, you hear? Don't go where you're not supposed to go, orders are orders." The blue chirped as he hopped onto Emme's shoulder as if to say 'I'll keep watch don't worry'.

"It's me you have to worry about getting into trouble," Emme joked as she watched Aidan leave the room. He would be all right, she couldn't sit around and worry. In fact a trip to the arboretum seemed in order. Work would keep her mind off of things. And at least Sherlock could go there with her.

The Trill turned by the door then walked back to kiss her a final time. "I'll be back," he said seriously, "you have other things to worry about. Don't worry about me, I always come back, don't I?" he smiled, cupping her cheek. "I promise, I'll be fine." A final hug, and then he walked out. He had a shuttle to catch.

Lieutenant Emmony Safford
Science Officer
USS Andromeda

●● Lieutenant Aidan Datari
Chief Science Officer
USS Andromeda


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