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A new alliance

Posted on 19 Oct 2019 @ 2:53am by Civilian J'Tan & Commander Amelia Fox

Mission: Mission 2 - The Agora crossroads
Location: The Black Hole, The Angora Crossroads
Timeline: MD2 0200
1163 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure


"Ooohhhhhhhh" Amelia groaned as she rolled over. She suddenly stopped as she realised she was lying on a couch in some office. Over on the other side of the room, someone was sat at a computer terminal with their back to her.

Reaching into her jacket pocket, her hand gripped onto a knife and slowly rose quietly and crept over towards the chair.

She was almost behind him.

J’Tan spotted movement out the corner of his eye, sight inwardly and kicked the chair out from under him as he stood up pushing it right into her as he grabbed his own knife. He spun round as she fell down and jumped on top of her his own Knife at her throat. “I wouldn’t do that if I was you Starfleet.”

Amelia showed no fear at the knife at her neck and managed to bring her own knife in striking distance of his groin. "I can give as good as I get." She rasped. "So..... You call us here then sell us out?"

J’Tan looked confused for a brief second then his brain rationalised what she was threatening. “You clearly know nothing about Filosians do you. My genitals are not there. Radical suggestion,” he said after a beat, “why don’t we both move the knives away, get up and you hear me out. If I was setting you up why would I bother bringing you back here and not take you knife off you and tie you up anyway?” He demanded.

Amelia had to concede the point. "Very well....." She slowly moved her knife away from him. "I'm Lieutenant Amelia Fox. Start talking. You can begin by telling me who you are, why you called us here and where my friend is."

J’Tan pulled his knife away from her neck and sat up slightly. “I’m J’Tan. I own the bar. I called you here to discreetly warn the Federation of some unsavoury types are getting deeper and deeper into dangerous waters. In our parts, in your parts. Making a play for weapons, devastating weapons. You guys need to know about this as they are planning to use one in your territory. Your friend ...” he sighed, “that’s slightly more pro magic and that’s what I was trying to figure out before you tried to sneak up on me and threaten to slit my throat.”

Amelia raised an eyebrow. "Well, you did shoot me with a dart in the neck.... That wasn't exactly a peaceful overture." She noticed that while he had sat up slightly, he was still sitting on her and her hand was now resting on his leg. She also noticed that he wasn't that bad looking. She pushed that thought from her head for the time being. "Are you planning to sit on me long?" She asked, the colour riging in her cheeks.

“I did that because if you had got to the ones who were kidnapping spots, they would have snatched you too. And a pretty female is worth a lot round here. Best case scenario they have taken him to the slavers, worst case he’s on route to the organ factory. People don’t just eat space weevil round here you know.”

"Fair enough J'Tan. But there are easier ways. You can't really go round drugging people and...... You think I'm pretty? She shook her head a moment "Look, we can pick up this flirting later. Right now you better get back on that computer and find out where my crewmate is being taken!"

J’Tan looked confused. “If I was flirting with you I would have formally presented a agapi. You really are strange. Beautiful yes, but strange. And certainly not discreet. I thought your federation were sensible.” He finally got off her and headed back to his terminal. On screen Amelia could see alien language popping up like instant messages.

Amelia stood and glanced around the room. It was sparsely decorated but she did notice several monitors displaying various shots of the outpost. "You certainly like to keep an eye on things." She mentioned "And discretion will only get you so far. Sometimes you have to take the bull by the horns." She noted his odd look. "It's an old Earth expression. You don't want to know."

“Yes,” he agreed. “I don’t think I want to know what a bull is.” He tapped away for a few minutes.

Amelia also noticed several weapons displayed on the wall. "You also like to be well-armed."

He didn’t look back at her deep in conversation with someone on that monitor. “A word to the wise, they only work from my bio signature and if you try take them off the wall mounts you will get fried.”

“Fairly warning,” the brunette responded.

“I hope you have more of that Latium. Spots is in the star spot for the slavers action in the morning. Your only shot is to try to buy him back,” he said.

Amelia spotted a bottle on a nearby table. She opened it and poured two glasses. "Yes, I can get my hands on some more. I left some in our shuttle when we docked." She handed him a glass and took a large swig of her own, managing to keep her composure as the rough alcohol burned her throat. "Smooth.... Very smooth...." She commented as she struggled slightly not to cough.

“That’s 70% dragonberry fruit liquor, how are you still standing?” He asked a little impressed. “You have such a small frame as well.”

Amelia tossed back another swig, getting used to the taste. "Size isn't everything." She replied

J’Tan almost cracked a smile. “I know plenty who would disagree with you there. Now we need to get you out of those clothes.”

She quipped "That might need more alcohol before that happens!"

“No I mean we need to get you something more discreet or your not going to get into this auction,” he said. “I had heard stories of Federation woman being equal but I never imagined they would be so forward. You need to try curb that a little. Your going to have to pose as my “companion” to pass muster into the lions den. One of the Dons strongholds.”

Amelia sighed "Into the Valley of Death rode the 600. Do you know this Don?"

“I know plenty about him but not much personal interaction,” he replied.

Amelia started removing her clothes with not even a flicker of embarrassment. "Know your enemy and know yourself and you will always be victorious." She added as stood in front of him in just her underwear.

J’Tan looked on appreciatively. She wasn’t too bad looking for an alien. “I’m glad I got stuck with you and not spots.”


●● Lieutenant Amelia Fox
Executive Officer
USS Andromeda

Owner of the blackhole bar
Npc Jonathan Reynolds


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