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Opening bids

Posted on 19 Oct 2019 @ 2:41am by Civilian J'Tan & Lieutenant Commander Aidan Datari

Mission: Mission 2 - The Agora crossroads
Location: Unknown
Timeline: MD2 10:00
1044 words - 2.1 OF Standard Post Measure


“I think you should have gone with white. It would have brought the spots out more for the punters,”

“I know but I thought blue would bring his eyes out more,”

“I think he’s coming round,”

Aidan woke with a groan, rolling over so that he could sit up. "Oh my head," he muttered before giving himself a quick once-over. His long ago medical training told him that he appeared to be intact but his suit was gone, and so was his weapon. His eyes widened as he found himself in a medium sized room with other - less than fully dressed - men of various ages.

He climbed to his feet to study his own outfit, finding it a little too scarce, if not a bit airy, to his liking. If it had been full body covering and tight fitting he wouldn't have much of an issue with it, but a dress? At least... that's what it seemed to him. "Where am I?" he asked no-one in particular.

“In the specimen room,” the attendant said. “The buyers are coming in for inspection. Then the auction. Everyone’s excited, you are one of the star offerings this evening. Here,” she said handing him a glass of clear liquid. “You will be dehydrated.”

Sniffing the glass, Aidan just held it in his hands instead of sipping it. "Auction?" he managed as he tried to survey the room, see where the exits were and where, if any, the guards were. "I am not for sale," he added, "I have a wife, who is at home, waiting for me. You can't keep me here."

“That’s irrelevant to these folks,” she said crouching down and tying sandals up his legs.

“Yes,” the other female said opening her hand and blowing some sort of scented powder over his neck. “We understand it was our fate too but you will need to forget you prior life now. Just hope someone kind will buy you. Don’t struggle they injected you with a pain transmitter,” she warned him.

"I am not for sale," Aidan insisted, reaching to rub the powder off, whatever it was for. "Don't do that. Don't touch me." Feeling a bit more steady on his feet, he glanced towards the door. "I am going to leave. They can't hold me here against my will. I am a free trader, I was abducted and I am going home now."

“Your not dear, your going to the stage once the interested parties have looked you over,” she sighed. “And stay still. I need to get more fragrant skoni on you.”

"No," Aidan replied firmly, while gently pushing the woman away. "I don't want any."

The door opened and two guards walked in. “The spotty one is ready ....” the first boomed.

The females stood to attention and bowed their heads. “Yes master but he is ....”

The guard didn’t wait for anything further and pressed something on his arm causing pain to emit from the implant they had placed in his body. The females looked on frightened. They both knew the feel of this torture.

The Trill gritted his teeth as pain lanced through his body, bringing him back down to his knees. He breathed harshly as he did his best not to cry out.

“Let’s get things straight from the beginning,” he said firmly. So many times they tried to resist. “You try to fight you get that. You keep resisting we turn up the level. There’s a lot of interest in you Spots. Both male, female and andro. We even have an artificial curious. You will either go out there willingly or I whack this up so high you go out their paralysed. Which be it?”

"You're going to have to make me," Aidan wheezed, "because I will never willingly put myself up to be sold. Never."

The guard pressed it again and again. Several sharp blasts till he was flat out on the floor writhing.

“Pick him up,” he ordered the females.

They scattered to him pulling him up and whispering “if you have a wife don’t make her a widow. Not this way,” one said softly.

Breathing hard, Aidan felt powerless as he was held up by two women, one on each side. "I'm not a slave," he whispered, "I'll never be a slave. I'll always fight them."

“Keep it in your heart, maybe you will get a chance if your buyer takes you away from here,” she said just as low.

“Master all the skoni shook off. May I prepare him once more,”

He nodded. “Yes. The buyers wish to view him before we get to the auction. I’m going to describe him as spirited. It may arouse interest in certain “types”, he sniggered.

"Don't do that!" Aidan snapped, clearly losing his patience, brushing the powder off a second time. "Don't touch me, just.. just leave me alone!"

She turned her back to the guards and flicked the smallest of amounts so it looked like she was coating him in it. “Stay calm. If you don’t you will end up dead. He’s killed people who have been defiant before. You might escape from your buyer, but you won’t from here. Or if you're dead.”

Aidan gritted his teeth, his brown eyes sparkling with reigned in fury. "He who," he demanded acidly, "and stop fussing over me, I'm not a child."

“The guard,” she hissed. “And if I don’t fuss over you I cannot speak to you. Understand I’m trying to help you. If he cottons on I’ll get pain too.”

Sighing softly, Aidan just shook his head. "I don't want you to get hurt. But I don't want to be sold either. My friends are likely to come looking for me soon enough, once they realize I'm missing."

“Then you have a chance,” she smiled briefly.

"Let's hope so. Just please...stop fussing. it's bad enough as it is."

She squared her shoulders and turned around back to the guard. “He is ready.”

“Excellent you may bring in the buyers for inspection ....”


Attendants npc Jonathan Reynolds

●● Lieutenant Aidan Datari
Chief Science Officer
USS Andromeda


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