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If at first you don't succeed...

Posted on 19 Aug 2020 @ 12:22am by Captain Jonathan Reynolds & Captain Melody Jones (Commanding Officer)

Mission: Mission 4 - Race against the machine
Location: USS Andromeda, Observation Lounge
Timeline: MD 5 1600
1188 words - 2.4 OF Standard Post Measure


Having beamed over from the Merlin, Melody made her way up to the Observation lounge. Entering, she found Jonathan there already. "Well..." she paused as she tried to think of a way to put a positive spin on things "We learned something. Mostly a way that doesn't work and we possibly have a new enemy to contend with but still, it could be worse..."

"We have come across mention of these dark ones before," Jon said. "When we encountered a monolith. It had some sort of effect on our dreams. I dreamed of a planet being invaded."

Lilura came into the lounge. Her damage control teams were hard at work and actually shooed her away as she kept wanting to jump in to help out. She saw saw the Captain of the Merlin over with Captain Reynolds. She went up to the bar to get a snack and some coffee. After getting them, she threw the sandwich into her muzzle to chomp down before heading over to the two starship Captains.

She took a sip of her coffee, moved to be near them, and since she did not know if it was a private conversation or not, asked, "May I join you for conversation?"

Melody gestured to a chair. "By all means Lieutenant. I think your input on this is required."

Lilura curtsied and replied, "Thank you. So, what's the latest?"

"Damage report Lieutenant," Jon directed at Lilura.

Lilura bowed lightly towards Jon and replied, "The feedback burst from the interharmonic distortions between the Merlin and Andromeda Phaser beams caused physical emitter damage. They will need upgraded in the near future. EPS Conduits, aux computer control systems, and the like are nearing completion for repair. However, our Phasers are stuck at 71% max output due to the emitter damage. I.. just wasn't able to calculate the 200% Power phasic modulation harmonics effect upon our 130% upped power Specific 256 phasic QAM modulated beam. I'm... sorry Captain, I didn't catch it."

"Well I think if we make it out of this all alive, we will have earned some R&R and can do some repairs and upgrades at 308. How were you supposed to know that would happen? Its not like we have ever tried anything up against a planet killer before. Don't beat yourself up Lieutenant. Lets just get our wounds licked and back operational," Jon told her. At least no one had died. A few injured but nothing worse.

Inwardly Lilura sighed in relief. Jon was right, there was no way she could have foreseen this, but she wasn't sure how Jon was dwelling on it. She was happy in a positive light. "Thank you, Sir. The damage control teams are doing just that. They... sent me this way for a break, you know how us chief engineers are, assistant or main."

"How bad was the damage on both your ships?" Jon directed at the other two captains.

"We took a fair old beating but repairs are proceeding," Melody answered. "It's a good thing the phasers burnt out when they did. The Planet Killer managed to send a feedback surge along the phaser beam. If it had reached the warp core, we would all be playing harps right now."

"Not as bad, but then we weren't as close to the front. I'd offer her up to take a more centre stage this time Captain. I know she's only a Luna but she's a tough ship." Vern replied a bit of hopefulness in his voice.

Lilura started to speak out about more than likely the feedback surge was because of how each ship modified its phasers to create the surge, but then shut her mouth and kept silent. She sat down nearby, her height now readily apparent as she was half a foot taller than Vern, while her ears upright made her seem even taller. She took a sip of her coffee to be at the ready to answer any inquiries directed her way.

"So...." Melody folded her arm and raised an eyebrow. "What's the next move?"

“We try plan number 2 but we also need to be mindful the trajectory of this thing is looking to pass close To our new associates in the Agora crossroads. I have had our envoy warn them but I think some assistance to evacuate if necessary. Well if they will even let us Help would be a prudent move. Perhaps we can even have them assist in plan b and being natives of this part of space they may have information on these “dark ones.” Additional to our crazy dreams on our first mission,” Jon stated.

“It seems to be going at the same speed about warp 3,” he observed. “We can over take it easily and still keep within a safe distance to it if needs be. Perhaps these dark ones will perceive it as us heeding their threat and we can use that to our advantage setting up attempt number 2.”

Lilura spoke out now, "Plan two is to use Quantum Photons with 33% upped yield at the spot we hit with the Phasers. I have.. ermm, my crew has increased the containment field strength to allow the 33% yield, and have sent the information to the Merlin and the Europa. We are hoping to penetrate the hull, if not fully, but enough to allow our third gambit to get through. What do you think?"

Melody nodded thoughtfully. "Seems logical enough. The modifications to the torpedos are straight forward, shouldn't take more than an hour or so. We have a total of 463 Quantum torpedos available bearing in mind, we can only replace then at Starbase. How many were you thinking require modifying?" SHe asked Lilura

Lilura shrugged and replied, "As Quantum Torpedos are only what we have on hand, I was thinking one burst, however many each ship can fire at one time. After that hits, we can evaluate if there are any changes to the area targeted. If we think it's worth it, we can modify more. If not, we don't waste that resource."

"Ok well crack on with those preparations Lieutenant. We will look for a suitable time to attempt this. Hopefully before it gets to the crossroads. Have the schematics ready in case we need to share them with the Dons and their people," Jon said.

Melody nodded. "Agreed. It could be a useful bargaining chip and also grease the wheels of diplomacy. I'll tell our engineer to begin modifications to the required number of torpedo's. Do you think it will be required to evacuate this Crossroads?" she asked Jon.

"I hope not. It would be a logistical nightmare trying to get cooperation to help all those different parties. Its run by a system of Dons and they are not unified in anyway. But we cannot ignore the fact that it might happen. I have already asked our envoy to ensure her "Don" is aware. I have offered to address them all nearer the time," Jon stated.

"Well.... Let's hope this attempt goes better than our first." Melody said with a wry smile. "Good luck to us all and may fortune favour the foolish."



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