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On the wind, into the earth

Posted on 30 Nov 2020 @ 5:11am by Captain Jonathan Reynolds

Mission: Mission 5 - Season of the Witch?
Location: Meladoste (Epsilon Sigma 4)
Timeline: MD4 05:00
394 words - 0.8 OF Standard Post Measure


Eziria liked to get out of the settlement early and commune with the land and seasons. She admired their chief and wished to work on her attenuation with the planet. Work up to something as powerful as her.

She walked barefoot and semi naked. There was rarely people around at this time. She often enjoyed the dual sunrise alone.

"Om .... Nay Shay Recoza .... Om Nay Shay Recoza ..." she found herself chanting willing her conscious mind to connect with the "inner ones".

It took a while today, to settle into the blessing. She couldn't put her finger on it. She could feel them in the wind but getting a deeper connection took a lot of effort today.

Around her the mist rose and the scene shifted. She felt them pull her down ... down through the earth.

She was being granted something. Her heart pounded, excitement washing over her.

The ancient ones never spoke when this happened to her. And it didn't happen often. Usually these experiences were reserved for their queen. Oh how pleased she would be in her dedication.

They merely looked on, occasionally indicating something in the shared dreamspace, she liked to call it when she had an experience. Her queen could converse among other abilities. She, Eziria had witnessed could also project this space.

A word, that would be another goal. One day perhaps she would be deemed worthy,

Today one lifted a staff and pointed behind her. She turned round to witness her queen. A vision as she knew her magnificence was in her dwelling. She was the only person bar the defenders awake.

Her magnificent queen. She watched as she was addressing someone. Their face blurred.

"We will have visitors," she stated.

The ancient one merely nodded his head.

The pull back up was so much worse than the pull down. Every time. Another reason to wear few clothes. She coughed a couple of times and shook her hair. She liked the label dreamspace but clearly it wasn't. Everytime her hair would be full of soil.

"Irizan Del Soooharem. I thank you for sharing your blessing with me," she smiled standing up. The suns Hlix and Bejar were rising illuminating the valley.

A quick trip to the waterfall and she would be presentable again. She needed to convey this information even if her magnificence had already been alerted.



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