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Catching Up

Posted on 09 Oct 2021 @ 9:32pm by Lieutenant Xu Chang Lau & Lieutenant JG Oliver Stevens

Mission: Picking up the pieces
1211 words - 2.4 OF Standard Post Measure


Michael went looking for Xu, where she was at, he didn't know for certain. He decided to take a gamble and went to her quarters and rang the chime. It had been way too long since they first met and that tea party he had put on for Xu and Rose. And also for the tests of the bridge command training. He stood at the door hoping that she'd be willing to forgive him for being such a dense friend.

The doors parted but Xu wasn't to be seen in the main chamber of her quarters which now looked lived in and comfortable with a certainty about its feel which was very much oriental and calming.
"I hope that's you Ollie... Its grown again and I need a new uniform!"

"I can get a new uniform, Xu but I'm not Ollie. Are you okay?" Michael called out. "Anything I can do for you?" he also added.

"Oh" came the surprised yelp from the other room. "Michael... I, erm... Well there's no way to tell you this so..." she dropped quiet and he could hear her padding across the room to the entry way to the bedroom. She came to stop in the doorway, her current uniform pulling around the waist as the baby bump had increased again. "Surprise!"

Michael's eyebrows rose upwards, he wasn't expecting this. "Okay then, things seem to be developing rather quickly for you. Reminds me of something I read awhile ago. However, shall I get you a new uniform I do believe they do have maternity uniforms, just for expectant mothers. If you don't mind I will get you one post haste." he said. Walking over to the replicator.

She continued her waddling journey across the living space and awkwardly half fell, half rolled and half crashed into a sitting position knowing full well she needed the extra half to compensate for her extra size.
"How did Deanna Troi deal with this.... The reports say she had it easy, no complications and none of the detrimental affects a pregnancy brings. So far today I haven't stopped with the morning sickness and I have eaten my own body weight in grapes three times over!"

"I don't know if she had it easy but, it might have been in some case easier as she is a telepath and maybe was more connected with the child. " Michael responded, turning around with the requested item. "Here this will help you out. Its loose enough so you will be more comfortable." holding out the maternity top.

"I think comfort is a moot point at this stage... I can feel the baby kicking and it's had a knack for finding my bladder each and every time!"
She took the uniform from Michael but made no move to stand instead she welcomed the chance to just sit and talk with someone. It had been such a long time since she had been able to do that and she had been able to take no time for herself in an equal amount of time. "It's been a while since I saw you outside of meetings, the bridge or away missions... How have you been?"

"Yeah I kinda got caught up in all of the ship stuff." his ears turning a dark pink. "I am with someone now, Iola." Michael ruffled his hair slightly. "That was an element that I hadn't thought was going to happen, it was something unplanned. Earlier when we were at Starbase 308, I had ran into my old fiancee' she wanted to ask for my forgiveness for leaving me at the altar."

"So about your baby, is he or she feeling like they are going to be the next Bruce Lee? My sister had told me that was how it felt to her. Deciding to do some stretching exercises before doing some kick boxing." Michael asked.

A funny expression took hold of Xu's features. Blank but all knowing and not the women Hawkins had been getting to know. Instead there seemed to be a strength there, a flow of energy that was something other than who or what Xu was at her core.
"This is meant to be and she will be more than one could expect or believe!"

Michael was taken aback with this new development. "Who are you!" he exclaimed. "You are not Xu!" almost falling out of the chair he was sitting in.

As quickly as the change had happened it was gone and Xu smiled at her friend, laughing ever so slightly at his stumbled believing him to be joking.

"Michael, stop, you'll hurt yourself!"

Michael was feeling his head spin, at the quick change of demeanor. Should he tell her about what happened? If so, how should he approach the subject?

"Well got you to laugh right?" Michael giving a chuckle, then his smile disappeared. "Xu, this pregnancy is rather unique. How far along are you?"

"No more than four days but the Doctor seems to think it has accelerated to a point where I will be birthing in a day at most... I'm concerned but at the same time I know this is a good thing... Its meant to be happening."
She was rubbing her stomach, the baby kicking at her hand. "I know its odd and perhaps I should be more worried but I just have this overwhelming sense that this is right!"

Michael rubbed the back of his head as he looked at Xu trying to figure out still how to approach the event that had just happened, oh heck he will just have to just dive right in. "Okay, I am getting that as well. Look Xu, a moment ago something happened, after my comment about the baby. You seemed to blank out for a moment, and your demeanor changed."

"You have nothing to fear, this is the chosen vessel". Once again Xu was not present.

Michael blinked, then blinked once more. "I see, and what will the name of the baby be called? And whomever you are, I see that you haven't hurt Xu in any way." Michael was wondering if Oliver was aware of what was going on.

"Hey," Oliver said walking in. "Sorry Im late. My sister picked up my message she was getting a niece and got very excited. She subspaced and well now shes aware ...... oh my goodness. You got bigger again. How are you feeling?" he said shrugging his jacket off again.

"The time has come!" Xu's voice starting to take on an other worldly quality as she brought her gaze down on Oliver, her glassy white eyes unseeing yet taking everything in at once.

All went silent for a moment until Xu returned with a jolt, pain contorting her face as a contraction took hold, her hand coming away from her self wet, her waters having broken only second before.
"Oliver... I think it's time!"

Michael went into shock for a moment as something was definitely happening. "Okay, uh Oliver looks like we need to- I have no idea what just happened, and okay a baby is arriving."


Lieutenant Michael Hawkins
Chief Engineer
USS Andromeda

Lieutenant Xu Chang-Lau
Chief Operations Officer
USS Andromeda

Lieutenant JG Oliver Stevens
Transporter Chief - NPC Reynolds
USS Andromeda


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