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Juggling responsibilities

Posted on 09 Oct 2021 @ 9:32pm by Lieutenant Commander Aidan Datari & Commander Amelia Fox

Mission: Picking up the pieces
Location: The XO’s office
Timeline: After “A Fools Errand Of Mercy”
1218 words - 2.4 OF Standard Post Measure


Amelia had been working quite a lot in her office today, as there was a lot of paperwork to do. She paused and got up to go to the replicator. “And everyone thinks the life of the First officer is glamorous.” She said to herself and her baby bump. She was over 6 months gone now but she already felt enormous. She wondered how much bigger she could possibly get.

She retired her tea from the replicator and paced around the room for a few moments.

Aidan shifted the six month old baby on his arm, quickly wiping away a drop of spittle as he did so. He'd discovered she was teething only earlier today and realized that explained the excess of drool he'd found on her lately. He smiled as he bounced her on his arm, getting giggles in response while he pressed the chime. He'd chosen to forego the carrier for the moment, somehow feeling the need of holding his daughter close instead of simply carrying her in a cot. Shifting her again, he reached to press the chime to the XOs office.

At the sound of the chime, she haded over to the door and called out "Come in."

Aidan shuffled in, glancing around before settling on a very pregnant woman.

As the door opened, her face brightened. "Aidan. It's good to see you. Come in, please. Awwww, and how is our, presently, youngest crewmember doing?" she added as she looked at the adorable baby he was carrying

"Barring some occasional reflux, she's doing fine. I've started her on solids but she does give her bottle back occasionally." He shifted the infant so she could look around. "I honestly don't know how women do it... juggle their jobs and family life."

"I wish I could tell you the secret coping techniques but the sisterhood made me swear a blood oath." Amelia said as she sat down on the sofa. She chuckled and added. "Have a seat. You know, I think it's all about priorities. When I left the academy, my focus was getting my own command. It's something I still want but it's presently taken a back seat to more pressing obligations" she said as she patted her bump. "If you had told me then that I would be having a baby I wouldn't have believed you but now, I can't imagine not wanting a baby."

She took a breath. "So tell me, how have you been coping? It must have been difficult when Emme left for Earth."

The Trill nodded. "I sure hadn't seen that coming," he admitted, "I'm not sure I've ever seen any signs that she was unhappy or anything. But who am I to stop her, if her dreams and goals lead her back to Earth? It's still her home, right?" He sighed softly, shifting the baby in his arms. "I suppose I'm doing alright, under the circumstances. I find myself more often than not in my office, so I can keep her with me you know? I know we have daycare but...I'm her father. I just don't know how I'm going to keep up with it all."

"I understand Aidan, but you're going to have to let her go eventually. Do you think you might be overcompensating a little for Emme leaving?" She asked gently. "You are her father and nothing will ever change that. Let's try some baby steps, shall we? She held out her arms "Could I hold her a moment?"

"Let her go?" Aidan arched both eyebrows at her. "Why should I let her go? She's my wife." He held out the little girl to her. "Of course... Her name is Saeri." He smiled softly. "She's named after my baby sister."

Amelia brought the baby close and rocked her gently. “Hello there beautiful. That’s a pretty name.” She looked back at Aidan. “I meant letting go of this little lady.” She took a deep breath. “Look, I know I’m not a counsellor but I am your friend. You have a duty to protect her but you also have your duties to this ship. How can I help you?”

"I don't know," the Trill admitted, watching the XO with his daughter. "I honestly have no idea how to pull it all off. How do other parents do it? How did my foster father ever do it, and he had two to take care of... I don't even know how to juggle things with one and I'm so tired at the moment. She's still settling into a routine but she still needs nightly feedings. I feel like I'm short on rest."

"It's not showing weakness or failure to ask for help." She said as she moved Saeri into a cradled position. Primary care is on deck 14 and is staffed around the clock. I went and had chat with them when I found out I was pregnant. You could see if you could ask for some help with the night feeding so you can get a solid nights sleep. Maybe you need some time off to establish a routine with Saeri?"

"That might not be a bad idea," Aidan breathed gratefully, "both the help, and some time off. But is that even possible, to take a few days to spend with my little girl? Before...Emme and I just alternated... or... maybe someone can watch Saeri for a couple of nights?" it gave the young Trill a spark of hope, even though he felt a little silly for not even thinking of that himself.

Still holding Saeri, Amelia deftly picked up a PADD with her free hand then resting it on the sofa made a series of quick entries. When she had finished, she looked up. "There.... As of now, you're on temporary leave for the next 4 days. If you feel like you need more time, just come and see me. I've also sent a message to primary care telling them you'll be stopping by for a chat sometime."

"Barring emergencies," Aidan countered, "but I'll gladly take the time." He cast her a grateful smile. "Thank you ma'am... I hope it'll help us both settle into a new routine, and I dearly hope these night feedings do stop soon... they're a wreck on my own routine ma'am... I tend to get up early, but not that early."

Amelia smiled. "Please don't call me Ma'am, it makes me feel old. Commander will do just fine. Go and get some rest. Would you like me to look after this one for a while?" she looked down to see that Saeri had nodded off in her arms and was now snoring quietly. "Looks like someone's beaten you to it." she added in a quiet voice.

"If you don't mind?" Relief flooded the young Trill's face at seeing his daughter -finally- sound asleep. "I've barely let her out of my sight since Emme left. I've literally been hauling her everywhere I went barring the bridge."

“Not at all Aidan.” She replied quietly, trying not to wake the baby. “Don’t worry, she’s in good hands and it’s good practice for when mine comes along. I’ll drop her off in a couple of hours after you’ve got some rest.”


Commander Amelia Fox
USS Andromeda


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