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Slight of Hand

Posted on 17 Jun 2022 @ 7:49pm by Lieutenant JG Harper Matthews & Civilian J'Tan

Mission: Through the looking glass
Location: The "Black Hole" bar, Agora Crossroads
Timeline: MD1
3125 words - 6.3 OF Standard Post Measure


"I keep telling you humans that your out of your depth," The purple skinned alien stated. He knew this one was from Reynolds ship. He had extended curtesy of course as they were opening up trade and had helped save them from being annihilated by a planet killer, but the people he was trying to gain intel on were bigger players than this "Federation" realised.

"Stay well away from the league of five, believe me," he tried again. His words were falling on deaf ears though.

Ethan just smiled, "I know, I have been hearing about them. Just need to find more data." taking a drink from his tall glass of ale. He slipped a few more credits J'Tan's way. "Besides, a merchant is always looking for more business, right J'Tan?"

"Now now now," the purple alien picked up. "This shift is picking up .."

Veran Opala, or V as she went by, walked into the cesspit she called a bar and scoffed. She had been a lot of seedy places in her 355 years, but still places such as this gave her a surprise every now and then. Fixing a stray blonde hair that had decided to make a run for it across her forehead she scanned the room to look for what they called a 'bar'.

She walked up and eyed up a Human sitting there and a purple looking alien who seemed to have his mind in the clouds as he stared at her. "Eyes broken?" she asked.

Ethan took another deliberate drink from his glass of ale, catching sight of her in the mirror behind J'tan. She was a looker, then he turned slowly around to get another look at her, raising his glass towards her. "Welcome to J'Tan's bar. "he's got the good stuff if you are looking for something." leaning his elbow upon the bar.

"He'd have to have something good to keep this place alive. Wouldn't you J'Tan dear?" Veran spoke softly but with a careful selection of words. "You wouldn't have me drinking the slop you serve to 'standard' clientele..." she added, the twinkle in her did not leave much to the imagination as she began to use her Listener abilities to influence the purple chap in front of her behind the bar. The pheromone was a dangerous one at time, but a skilled Listener always got what they wanted when they knew how to play the game.

"Put your pheromones away women," J'Tan informed her. "She's been here before," he explained to the Federation man.

Then turned his head back to address her. "I supply you with the better stuff as your presence in my place brings in more men and woman to gaze on your beauty. I'm not stupid and I'm not being influenced by your Haxon moth routine. Lets be real, you come here as you enjoy the attention and can conduct your business discretely. As all my customers do. I might look a dive but I'm the most useful dive on the crossroads."

"You are right. I don't even need my pheromones here. Your clientele is easy enough to manipulate without it." V replied as she faced the Human before looking back at J'Tan. "And of course the discretion as you so delicately put it. If anything you are useful for something."

"I will have to agree with you, she does draw in customers just by being here." taking another drink, noticed that his was mostly gone now. "May I buy you a drink? And I fancy having another drink myself. How about the good stuff, J'Tan, you know I am good for it." Ethan giving a smile. Then he turned back to the gorgeous woman that stood next to him. "That is if you are willing for me to buy you a drink." giving her a nod. "My name is Rashad Elgin, a trader by profession, an independent merchant and the like there of. I trade in jewellery, shoes and even clothing." a smile appearing once more. "And I do have apparel that you'd like to wear. Made of the softest cloth, that would lay next to your skin."

"Veran Opala, or simply V as that is what I go by most of the time." she replied looking the man over for a moment. "I never say no to a man buying me a drink, so you can and we will see what you think the 'good stuff' is." she smirked a little as he continued to boast about his trade. "What kind of jewellery do you sell? I think the less you think about what is best against my skin the better..." she said with a smirk.

"I have jewelry of various styles. For the ears, the fingers the wrist, around the neck and even the ankles. As for the apparel I have in stock. It is something that I made by hand, and I was just doing a sales pitch. " giving a smile. "And I have been told by the ladies who have bought my goods just what I told you." he gave a shrug, and looked at J'Tan. "An Romulan ale for me and what the lady would like to have." giving a nod. "Irish whiskey if you have something left from the last batch I brought over, or even the Niska brand of drink."

The purple alien froze for a moment. "You know Niska. Where in the Platorian hell of Azoris is that witch right now. She owes me big time," he did not look happy as he found the full bottle of the Irish whiskey. Yes he had plenty left as his punters didn't really like it. Pouring that and the ale he sat back to continue watching the puppet show between these two. Neither were using their real names.

"She is safely somewhere that she is not easy to get too." Veran replied. She loved it when J'Tan got irate, the immense joy she felt for others being pissed off knew no bounds. She knew of Niska, had kept an eye on her for her own reasons, and she admired the woman for a lot of things, her tenacity being one of them. "I will take what ever type of whisky you have, seeing as how 'Rashad' is buying." she implied the strangeness of the name. He didn't look like a Rashad, but then again what would one look like?

"How's about you take the whole bottle of this "human" pisswater" then," J'Tan informed her knowing full well she was either pissing him off or keeping her secrets. "On the house. No one else wants to drink it anyway. And I will catch up with Niska. Its only a matter of time. Mark my words."

An eyebrow raised from Rashad, "Well if you'd like to do a bit of drinking away from the bar." looking at V. "I am all for it. And I see my usual table has opened up." nodding towards a table that was in a corner, where the back can be protected just in case of someone trying to stab it. He paused then pulled something out of a pouch he had, and slid it towards J'Tan. "Oh and the agreed upon price for this." it had the information he had gleaned from a science officer about a planet killer. "And don't forget the listing of the other gatherings. I will come retrieve it at a later time." Rashad weaving just ever so slightly in his seat.

'Rashad' pulled the satchel he had over his shoulder, closer to him and stood up, his footing just a bit unsteady. "Shall we?" to V. He wasn't going to let this particular item get away from him.

J'Tan often gave himself away quite easily, his temper got the better of him and his bitterness towards certain people and species. True, V had no real love for Humans but she still kept her cards close to her chest. Always close. "Consider your words marked J'Tan." V replied sarcastically.

Rashad and V began to move away from the bar. "It is strange you have a usual table when I have rarely seen you in here, Mr. Elgin. We must simply just keep missing each other." she said dryly in no way believing her own words, even less the words that came out of his mouth. Trust did not come easy to her. "Let us go, oh and J'Tan you and I will catch up later. You are a popular boy these days, those ears of yours must be red hot." she said with a smirk and moved along with Elgin.

Rashad laughed, "Sure it is my favorite table." giving a wink. Then he took a seat, and placed his glass upon the table. "What brings you out here? Looking for more business?"

Veran raised an eyebrow at this very sure of himself looking Human, he was a strange sort, almost that bubbly one might think he'd burst with enthusiasm. Veran sat down with him and he asked the usual questions one begins with... the small talk. "I do my best business out here. Seedy, dirty little bars have the best secrets and often the best of deals can be struck when the other party has had a little too much of J'Tans piss poor excuse for alcohol."

Rashad lifted up his glass to take a small sip of it, looking as if he were letting it settle upon his tongue, tasting the flavour. Then swallowed it, "I've tested his different drinks just to see how well they stand against the other cheaper alcohols." he smiled lazily, "I agree, I get a good amount of business out here, finding little nuggets, finding out what others need, whether it is the most common item to one that just seems to be valuable, like salt. Out there in galaxy one can still be paid gold for a pound of salt. Rather profitable."

"The Beta quadrants piss poor alcohol. If I was to make my own it would blow your head off," the purple alien groused as he picked up glasses and wiped down some tables near by. "Of course making your own involved bigger premises and permission from a Don. And most likely they will want a cut."

"And... who would you might want to speak to, for this to happen? Perhaps there is a way to make a deal?" Rashad queried. "It does take time to make headway into the inner circles, though there are ways once you figure out what a person wants the most."

"Promises, promises J'tan." Veran looked him over. "You say such beautiful things to me." she teased before looking back at Rashad. "I wouldn't bother with him dear. He is set in his ways, anything new and exciting will frighten him back into his hole... let him enjoy the minor leagues."

"He did say that he would be willing just, can't do that yet." Rashad remarked, "Got to have the proper paperwork, or the right bribe for him to get what he needs." he poured himself a drink and took a sip of it after taking a sniff of it. He pulled out a device and checked on a couple of messages, getting a smile. "Ah looks like one of my investments has payed off."

"I need space, a big enough trade to get sed space and a sure fire recipe that will be a success. Now that's where Niska would come in very handy if she would decide to make things right between us," the purple alien stated. "She can do things with alcohol that keep punters in awe and ecstasy. actually it not just alcohol if you know what I mean. Seems to prefer the ladies though. Shame ... such a shame."

"I see, she is a beauty most definitely." Rashad responded. "And she's got the smarts too." he regarded J'Tan, "What is the problem between the two of you? Who made whom angry?"

"Now that would be telling. Don't think I have not figured out that information is a commodity both of you play about in," J'Tan stated. "What I would like to know is what this particular exchange is really about."

"Our current discussion? Perhaps I would truly like to get into the business of selling the liquor that both you and Niska can make, corner the market that sort of thing. And find also more trinkets or even an outfit of a particular interest." he was still looking for more of the goddess's clothing that would complete the package.

"One truth, one untruth. But at least I know which it is. You need to speak to Marv. Hes one hell of an unofficial historian on the outfits your seeking. Now if either of you want an introduction to Marv you have to be nice to me. No more pretend sucking up that your actually interested in selling liquor that I might create," J'Tan stated simply.

"J'Tan I am interested in selling your liquor, I've had some of your products and they were excellent." Rashad responded, "If you would please, lets get that worked out, and also meet up with Marv."

“Which one of you is going to make it more worthwhile to me?” The purple alien grinned realising he suddenly had the upper hand.

"Hmnn... I though that one item I gave you would be enough but... I am sure I can improve for a more sweet deal. Gold pressed latinum. My contacts are willing to put your goods in their own establishments. I just needed to talk with you on that. I had bought some of your quality drink and once they had the taste they wanted more." Rashad remarked.

"And what will you offer V?" J'Tan asked. This was turning in his favour.

"Information dear... For one, I know where Niska is. You don't." Veran said simply. "I also have a few ships I am not using at the moment. They could house your... our... distillery." she added looking at him. "I do not 'suck up' to you J'Tan, I never have... I give it to you straight. So, don't expect me to start grovelling now you think you have leverage. You don't on me." she smiled and took a sip of her drink. "Business partners work together for profit, reputation and favour. I see plenty of all three with us working together. Be more than one Don at our door."

Rashad hadn't been sucking up to J'Tan and even though V was a beautiful woman, he had something he needed to get to a safe spot. "Well then looks like she's made an offer you can't refuse." Rashad replied with a quick smile and a wink. "And for your information V... I wasn't sucking up to him." turning his gaze towards V. "However thank you for the drink J'Tan, I've got to get going though, I'll be checking in with you later on." slipping some credits towards the owner of the bar. "Pleasure to meet you, V. " he stood up pulled the bag closer to him and moved to head for the door.

Veran turned to Rashad and smiled, "Noone said it was you specifically that was sucking up. I was simply making a point that he shouldn't expect that behaviour from me." She replied. There seemed to be some confusion about statements made and she hoped they were now cleared up. "Until next time, Mr Elgin." Her eyes lit up a little, then were inviting but still somewhat distant in a way. Veran then turned to J'Tan and awaited his reply. Positive, or negative, the offer was on the table.

A few more steps then Rashad had to come back. "Look, I have here a rare vase that I am willing to trade to find out where exactly I can meet with those people who have the items I am looking for." deciding to try the hard approach. He opened up his bag slightly to show the craftsman ship of the vase which had gemstones upon it.

"Give me Niskas location," J'Tan stated simply. "And Rashad, I got you an introduction already," he indicated his head to V. "She has the rest of the armour. You have the crown. Cut through this bullshit trying to outdo each other and sort it so one of you can go make the bigger deal."

Rashad guffawed, and also had a bemused expression on his face. "Well then, it looks like we've got a bit to talk about don't we?" he responded, "Shall we go discuss things in a bit more quieter area? Over dinner and a drink?" he looked back towards J'Tan, then back to V. "And perhaps link him up with Niska, as long as he doesn't kill or maim her." turning his gaze back to J'Tan. "Or that can be worked out during our discussion." his eyes returning to V.

Veran arched her eyebrow at J'Tan. "I don't just give anyone anything without a good reason J'Tan. My abilities as a Gatekeeper (to the MU) already benefit your establishment." She turned to Rashad and leaned in. "Now that I have confirmation you have the crown we can definitely talk somewhere a bit more 'private'." Veran nodded to him. She could feel the subterfuge from him, from his mouth poured lies but unfortunately her empathic senses were not that telepathic. He could be lying about anything and most likely was.

Rashad gave a slight smirk and gave a nod. "Indeed, I am all for that." the man took another look around J'Tan's place of business then looked back at V, "You lead I'll follow, where you would like us to go." he stated, "Lady's choice." He wasn't certain if she was wanting to go to his ship, which was an old Orion ship, blockade runner. Or they can go someplace neutral.

The purple alien shook his head. "Why so complicated. Just use my back office."

"I didn't want to assume, J'Tan" Rashad responded, giving a nod towards the purple alien. He then looked towards V to see what she wished to do.

"I did hear you like to rent your back office out to anyone." Veran hinted with a slight tease and eyebrow raise. She turned to Rashad and smiled, "Back office it is, let's go." she said indicating for him to lead the way back.

Rashad gave the faintest of nods and headed to J'Tan's office. This was certainly turning out to be quite the event, and he knew he'd have to be careful. Hopefully though he and V will be somewhat partners in the scheme of things.

Veran Opala (Pnpc Harper)
Gatekeeper and Rogue ;)

J'Tan npc Jon Reynolds

Rashad Elgin, aka Ethan Smith
pnpc Michael Hawkins


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