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Posted on 04 Jun 2022 @ 8:23pm by Captain Jonathan Reynolds & Lieutenant Xu Chang Lau

Mission: Through the looking glass
Location: MU Unknown
Timeline: MD2
1151 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure


The telepathic races had been banding together to try mount some safety. Jon had gotten word from an el Aurian of all races that they had come across a spy. In another reality of all places. And that spy had something they needed. Something they had managed to swipe and get over the "divide".

He wasn't a science man so wouldn't try understand how. Nor question it, this alien race had more power than they did. They needed them on their side against the rest of the powers here.

There was also legends of rituals and well those damm goddesses who had abandoned them, they really could do with their help about now.

"I have intel," he told his colleague. Dam Xu was looking fine. He settled in to the chair opposite her.

Xu, wearing her customary leather cat suit, she claimed it was easier to move in given her martial arts form but secretly she enjoyed using her god given attributes the chance to do some of the work for her, gracefully wove her way through the meeting room come storage room, playfully turning one of her Tessen in her hands, a greyish hue to the bladed tips still present from her last assignment, the blood of her Cardassian prey.

"As reliable as the last intel? I saw first hand how that went... I'm just good enough to still come away alive!"

"He was telling the truth. I sensed as much. Something went south, seriously south obviously. You win some you lose some," he said simply.

He smiled at her impressed, "But you never get phased do you Xu. That's why I like sending you out for this sort of stuff. And you like it as unpredictability keeps you sharp and interested. I would HATE for you to get bored. And as always every move we do make helps build and strengthen what we both helped set in motion here. Ultimately we will beat back those Cardassian and Klingon pigs and all their followers so we all can move freely and safely in this universe again. Even if we have to," his eyes pointed to her weapon, "Stick one of them in every single one of the bastards.

He could feel his passion rising. At everything. If there was Cardassian blood on her Tessen, there was one less Cardassian to worry about. At the fact she was still riding on some adrenaline from her latest success.

"By the way that looks way to uncomfortable for sitting around a table talking business. I could help you out of that cat suit, before the rest arrive," he suggested winking at her.

She flashed him a dark look. He knew how she felt after the death of her Husband Ollie. Her hatred was fuelled by what had happened and her goal was to return the Terran Empire to its former glory, before that idiot Spock had reformed the Empire and ultimately lost it to the Alien rabble that was now the Alliance.

"You always ask but you know my answer!" a hint of danger in her voice.

"You claim that but the day I stop asking you will decide you don't like it if I do do that," Jon told her confidently. "And Ollie wouldn't want you to stay celibate. One day your "needs" will win out Xu."

"My needs are non of your concern Jon" a touch a venom to her tone as she uttered his name "What is our next objective?"

Jon chuckled. "You forget I'm an empath. Your bark isn't what your really feeling. However yes ... objective. We locate an El Aurian. Goes by the name "V". We have to go to one of your favourite spots. The crossroads."

"How could I forget... I killed that Mad Alliance Scientist there... What was her name... Nir'anyar or something like that. Messy business. Lots of bits for the Alliance to mop up once I'd done with her" Xu chuckled a mirthful sound, it almost felt alien to those around her.

"So your practically a local hero then," Jon nodded. "This el aurian is in possession of something we want but there will be a price. Not sure on that yet."

It still unsettled her that the Betazoid was able to read her. In truth she was warming to his brash approach but in her heart she was still mourning the loss of Ollie.

"A price we pay or they pay?" she asked playing with one of her blood stained tessen in her fingers on the tabletop.

"We pay. The El Aurians are allied with no one yet. They will want payment IF they grant us a deal for what we want. We are one piece of the goddess armour away. We only need the Tiara Xu. So this has to go smooth and we have to play nice," Jon told her seriously. "And not only that they, from what I have gathered. They have the ability to read moments and can help us with the ritual/technology/magic whatever you want to call it to summon forth Methalina to then cut down all of those alliance bastards and reset the balance of power in this shithole of a universe. And my people get their spirituality back. After all it was those alliance pigs and emperors prior who stamped out the goddesses and everything we had and all but made us a slave race," Jon said passionately.

"You were just lucky the Terran Empire didn't find your people before that idiot Spock destroyed us and made us Terrans a second class galactic citizen!"

The name of the empires destroyer dripping with venom as she slammed the razor edge of the tessen into the tabletop, embedding it at least an inch into the solid wood.

“You know, I really could help you out with all that pent up energy,” Jon stated seriously. “But first we better get going. And my ship, I’m flying, you can brood beautifully in one of the other chairs as always.

“WEDGE,” he yelled suddenly changing track. “You finished tuning up my baby?”

“Yes …. Erm yes boss man ….” A smaller alien peaked up. “She’s purring like a Belionian kitten.”

“Good,” Jon rose. “Wedge where the hell do you think your going? Your coming too.”

The smaller man looked between Jon and the assassin nervously as he had been trying to blend back into the tunnel and back to his game. “Right erm righto then.”

“Grab what you need Xu just don’t kill him. He’s the best mechanic we have.”

"I'll find Biggs... I have a feeling we may need him and Cid!" she pulled the Tessen loose and clipped it to the belt she had loosely around her waist before skulking away to find the pair of engineers.


MU Jon Reynolds
MPC Jon Reynolds

Wedge NPS Jon Reynolds

MU Xu Chang-Lau
MPC Cassandra Higgins


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