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Into the belly of the beast part 2

Posted on 13 Sep 2022 @ 1:36pm by Lieutenant Cassandra Higgins-Stevens & Lieutenant JG Ron Bumble

Mission: Through the looking glass
Location: Sempok Nor
Timeline: MD4 - after travel to Sempok Nor
1898 words - 3.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Previously on Into the Belly of the Beast Part 1

"Not so much a visit... Loyalty test!" Cassies tone turning steel with the final words. She needed to assert her authority and she needed it to be convincing. Cassie caught sight of two others approaching, one a tall and very handsome gentleman, the other was familiar.

And now the continuation ......

"Just what we need... Another elevated Terran!" Ileyana spat the words as she approached, almost pushing past the Intendant, the other Terran she had no respect for. "Why don't you get back on your little ship and fly back to your emperor and ride him like the Terran whore that you are!"

The tall male accompanying her smiled, though the smile didn't seem to reach his black eyes. "A loyalty test to whom, exactly?" he wondered out loud, glancing between the women. A more genuine smile now as he offered a light bow to the Intendant. "My lady," he greeted, "I must apologize for my sister. She's in a really bad mood today, it seems one of the slaves put out the wrong wardrobe for today." He grinned. "So, a loyalty test," he addressed the new arrival. "Go on?"

C'Tora growled at the female that was showing Cassie the disrespect, he brought his claws back in as her brother spoke and apologized to Cassie. He looked to the female. " At least your brother knows how to be civil, just remember little one manners will help your live longer. "

"Don't forget Caitian that I am the butcher of Gasrellin VII... I was the one that brought your people to their knee's. One more pathetic little dead kitten is not even a workout for me!"

Ileyana was about to say more when Cassie stepped forward, waving a hand at the tall civil Betazoid to control his sister. She moved forward, deliberately, confidently, one hand clutching the blade hilt on her waist.

"The loyalty test is for this one... The Emperor shares some of your attack dogs concerns!" Cassie had locked eyes directly with the stations Intendant.

"Enough all of you." The Intendant snapped out. "I am still the Intendant at this time until you decide when to put the proverbial knife in my back. There is a reason why I am here, and that is to show balance and I earned this." shooting a cold stare at the two Betazoids. "The loyalty test has already passed." she scoffed. "Shall we get out of this place where common folk are just passing by?"

C'Tora felt something welling up inside of him, something dark and savage. He wanted to pounce on this filthy little vermin and shred her with his claws and rip her apart with his fangs, for a moment he felt like he wanted to give in to his instincts. Then he felt a wave of guilt wash over him, He was first and foremost a Starfleet doctor, not a butcher. He suppressed his urges and let the feeling pass. He felt more respect for a vole then this useless excuse of a Betazoid female, At least the vole had more purpose to it's life then she had. " So what is next on the agenda? " He asked playing the part of the bodyguard once again. He wondered where the sudden feeling of rage came from that hit him with such intensity?

"Easy there kitty," Osil said, his voice almost silken and soothing, "keep your claws sheathed or you might get hurt. Don't want to see that beautiful fur of yours get rumpled now do we?" A bright smile was cast at his sister in the hope of calming her, before he moved slowly towards the Human Intendant. "And why would we want to stab such a beautiful and powerful lady in the back, when an alliance would be much more fruitful?" He asked sweetly, reaching to boldy brush the woman's cheek. "So... what is the purpose of our visitors?" The tall Betazoid now shifted his gaze towards the visiting female.

C'Tora glared at Osil. " Shut your mouth little man! " He growled. " I know my place as her bodyguard and I shall do my task as expected, I am loyal to the royal house and YOU are not in my line of command! Your only here as a piece of baggage and nothing more. Cross my path and I'll rip your skull open and use it as a litter box, Now step aside! "He growled at Osil.

Ileyana let out a frustrated hiss of air through her teeth before she turned and stalked away, concealing the joy she felt at giving her brother the opportunity to ingratiate himself with the Intendant. Several angry strides later and she had exited the area.

"We need privacy and a terminal to link in with the Emperor's personal mainframe... Complete firewall and access to your own main computer!" Cassie was playing the part, idely walking around as if stalking her own prey when in truth she was uncomfortable. She hoped the Betazoid left nearby was too preoccupied to realise this discomfort was born through fear.

The Intendent flashed a rather sharp look at Osil, "Well now, you are certainly living dangerously trying to say the concubine's bodyguard, isn't up to snuff. I've seen him at work you can't hold a candle to him. He has brains beside brawn, Constable. You best pay heed." her tone slightly sharp.

Natasha then turned her attention back to Cassandra, "As the Emperor's right hand lady, your word is his command, as he certainly has eyes everywhere. Let us proceed to acquire what you need, my quarters are at your disposal, Lady Cassandra."

Ron followed Cassie and CTora feeling the AU version of Natashas eyes on all of them. He was known. He hoped this wouldn't mess up the plan.

Natasha led the way to her quarters, her place was secure, and she was guarded where Osil and the others was concerned, however she needed to stay within the bounds of loyalty to Liam. Plus he was quite the looker. His brother as well. She gave a slight mental sigh, her eyes wandering over towards Ron, the other two she thought of well there was- her mind closed up like a trap she wasn't going to let the betazed catch anymore from her. Osil was insidious.

Upon arrival at the intendents quarters, C'Tora Pulled out a scanner and his disruptor. " M'lady, Please wait briefly while I do a security sweep prior to your entry. " He bowed his head as he made the request. " Your safety is paramount above all else. "

Natasha gave a regal nod towards Lady Cassandra's bodyguard. "It is as would be expected." and waited until the inspection was finished. This was also giving herself an added precaution just in case there was a would be assassin. All was secure in her quarters, with nothing out of the ordinary.

C'Tora went room to room checking for lifeforms and electronic listening or recording devices with his scanner. Satisfied he returned and bowed to Cassie. " Please enter M'lady, The area is safe. " He waited until everyone who was outside had entered the room and the door secure before re-holstering his disruptor. " M'lady, What do you require at this time? Speak the command and it shall be done! "

"Begin connection with the Empires mainframe... I will begin questioning this one?"
Cassie slipped her hand into a pocket, checking the hypospray she had placed there before leaving the shuttle was still there. Something of a nervous move but feeling the small devise in her hand was enough to quell the mounting anxiety.

Ron walked forward to the console and started getting whet he could from it. He focused on science and groaned as he realised his counterpart was working in the labs. Hell they even used the same passwords. This was something that could potentially cause issues. "There is an intruder here," he said suddenly improvising.

"They have one of the p'takh resistences clones or modified humans of me. They must have switched him in somehow when," he managed to find a log, "I did my latest research on the ..." his eyes widened in curiosity and happiness as one of his theories it seemed had panned out. Just not for him yet .... "The gateways.

"My lady the fake Ron Bumble needs bringing to me immediately."

Cassie turned to look at the Intendant, now catching sight of that same Betazoid from before... How had she not noticed him following. She galvanized her resolve as she cast a steely gaze at the Intendant. "You heard him... That imposter needs to be apprehended and rapidly. Who knows how my damage he could be doing to the station... Send him and quickly!"

The Counselor flicked a finger at the Betazoid seeing an opportunity to get him out of the way long enough for them to complete their work unencumbered by an onlooker.

"Intendant?" The Betazoid queried, looking to the Human woman his sister had instructed him to get close to. "Your wish is my command.." and, obviously, not the newcomer's

"Please do go find him, and once you find him and put him in holding. Just do not torture him. I want to speak to this imposter, once you have found him." giving a bit of a imperical tone to her voice. Then turned to Cassie, "If you would like Lady Cassandra, I could go prepare some refreshments whilst he helps you with what you need."

"Of course intendant," Osil replied, "may I request assistance, should Mister Bumble put up a fight? Since I' keep him in tact..." He smirked at the women.

That grated at Ron. “The fake Mr Bumbles been under cover for an external party, as have I when I’ve been here observing all of you for our Emperor. Instead of smirking consider that your abilities are not as tight as you think when spy’s are it seems all around you. Shall I add that to his lordships report notes now my lady? I’m sure he’s just as interested in the ones serve his placed intendant as he is in her.”

"Why are you asking when you already know the answer... His Lordship knows I want this station as my own private retreat... Listing all of the fault will only strengthen my case for eradicating the current command staff!" Cassie said as smoothly as she could but cringing inwardly at the sheer implied violence behind her comment.

"And so you shall have it mistress," Osil smiled, "but first I must find and detain this Bumble. By your leave?"

The Intendant raised her own eyebrow at Osil. "Good heavens Constable, you do have your own people to help enforce things here. And right good job that they do. Which reminds me, I need to go change as I have some business I have to attend to, I have a request for an audience in my meeting chambers." then gave a bow towards Cassie, "By your leave, Lady Cassandra."

"Please lead on!" Cassie waved a hand allowing the Intendant to lead the way as she shared a knowing look with both C'Tora and Ron.


Intendant Natasha Blackthorn
NPC: Michael Hawkins

Lieutenant C'Tora Kuroka
Chief Medical Officer
USS Andromeda

Lieutenant Ron Bumble
Science Officer
USS Andromeda

Lt. Jg Cassandra Higgins
Chief Counselor
USS Andromeda

Osil Haistro
NPC: Aidan Datari


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