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It's just routine

Posted on 31 Jul 2019 @ 11:27am by Lieutenant Syvar MD & Lieutenant Mitchell Graham

Mission: Mission 1 - In the pale moonlight ...
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: just after launch
864 words - 1.7 OF Standard Post Measure


Mitchell sighed. He was alone in the turbolift, contemplating whether or not he could make up some excuse to put this off another day. He already knew the answer was no. Han the Ops guy had told him. "You have to get it done by the end of Gamma shift or your security access will be revoked until you do."

"Wonderful," Mitchell said in an exasperated tone. He had to. Without security access he couldn't sit at the helm. To him that was worse then a death sentence. He didn't understand why there wasn't some better way to prove that he was really who he said he was, and not some Romulan clone or a Dominion shapeshifter. And furthermore, that he was in perfect health. "I feel fine!" He said to himself in the turbolift.

It didn't matter. No argument was going to excuse him from his routine welcome-aboard medical exam.

The turbolift doors opened. The doors to sickbay were right across the corridor. Mitchell made the short walk and entered. He wondered who was on duty. Perhaps Dr. Hope? She was easy on the eyes, had a captivating smile, and looked absolutely smashing in her duty uniform. Maybe this wouldn't be too boring, he thought to himself with a thin smile.

He rounded the corner to the CMO's office and found...a Vulcan kid, sitting at the desk.

"Oh, hi there," Mitchell said. "I'm here for a routine physical? I Dr. Hope here?"

" sir," the young man smiled back, rising from behind the desk. "If it's just a routine physical I can help you with that instead if you like?" He approached at a rather bouncy and energetic step, offering a gloved hand. "I'm Syvar."

Mitchell shook his hand, a quizzical look on his face. "Uh, sure, but I think regulations say only a doctor can do it. You're a doctor? And also, if you don't mind my asking, a Vulcan?"

Syvar smiled broadly at him. "Yes sir, I'm a doctor and a Vulcan. Haven't been a doctor for very long though, I graduated from Starfleet medical a year ago. But, a mere physical I can do on my own. If we encounter anything I'll call for Doctor Hope. I'm a qualified doctor sir, even if I look young."

Mitchell responded with a reluctant nod, accompanied by a chuckle. "Well, alright then. Where shall we start? You want me to sit on the bio-bed?"

The young Vulcan chuckled, gesturing ahead. "Yes sir, that would be helpful," he said as he picked up a tricorder and followed the man to the indicated bed. He waited patiently for the man to hop on up. "Any changes since your last physical?" he asked dutifully, "anything we should know about, that might not be in your medical records?"

"Nope," the helmsman replied, resting his head on the small pillow and staring up at the ceiling. "Feeling as good as ever." He placed one arm behind his head and squinted. "Well, I did have the Thelusian Flu about a year ago. Had to spend one night in sickbay for observation. That was miserable. Does that count?"

Syvar flicked through the records, scanning them within a few seconds. "No sir, that's listed in here. It says you were very sick for a few days. You're not experiencing any lasting effects from it are you?" He arched an eyebrow as he looked up.

Mitchell shook his head. "No. Not at all. But the doctor told me I'll never play the piano again." It was a joke, of course. But Mitchell had a hunch this Vulcan didn't mind the occasional bit of humor.

"You play the piano?" Despite having grown up on Earth, and not following any path of logic, Earth sayings did tend to elude him. Syvar arched an eyebrow at.him in question.

"No, just kidding," Mitchell said with a wry grin. "So where do we start? Head to toe? Front to back? I kinda want to get this over with quickly."

"Uhm are already done," Syvar answered, smiling sheepishly, "it doesn't tell me anything unusual. You're as fit as the proverbial fiddle sir."

"Great!" Mitchell sat up and planted his feet on the floor. "My compliments on your ability to get things done quickly and efficiently. So, hey, if you don't mind my asking, was one of your parents human or something? Your demeanor doesn't fit the type of Vulcans I've usually met."

Syvar grinned openly. "Oh no sir, genetically I'm fully Vulcan. My parents were what Vulcans call V'tosh K'atur. We left Vulcan but under way to Earth we all got very sick. My parents succumbed to the illness and I barely survived. I was adopted by a childless Human couple when I was just ten years old. I couldn't have wished for better people sir. I absolutely love them and would do anything for them. I can apply emotional control if I really have to, but it doesn't have my preference. My emotions are very useful in dealing with patients even if I might not understand all of them."

::: TBD

Ensign Syvar
Medical officer
pnpc Aidan

Graham Mitchell


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