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Let the festivities commence .... Part 1

Posted on 01 May 2019 @ 11:30am by Commander Amelia Fox & Captain Jonathan Reynolds & Lieutenant JG Naiya Hope Dr & Lieutenant JG Lilura Karakalakss & Lieutenant JG Razant

Mission: Shakedown
Location: Starbase 308 - Officers lounge
Timeline: MD3 20:00
1464 words - 2.9 OF Standard Post Measure


Jons' new dress uniform was somewhat scratchy. He really wished that Starfleet would revisit the materials they used for the more formal dress they all had to endure. He tugged at the stiff collar several times and scratched his neck as he rang the chime in front of him.

"DAD," his son said excitably. Then his face fell. "You're all dressed up. You're not staying are you?"

"Eddy I came to say goodnight. Son I have an official event I have to attend this evening," Jon said sensing his boy's disappointment.

"I want to come,"

"That's not possible. I'm sorry. I just wanted to ……"

"FINE," Eddy yelled starting to stomp away then stopped and looked over his shoulder.

From out of the turbolift stepped Lieutenant Fox in her dress uniform, tugging at the collar. While it served a purpose, she was not a fan of her it preferring a form fitting black dress instead. She walked up to the Captain and his entourage.

"Good evening Sir." Amelia started before becoming award of a set of eyes drilling into her. She smiled coyly at the younger Reynolds "And who is this handsome young gentleman?

"Ah number one," Jon said noticing Amelia. "This is my eldest Eddy. Eddy my new XO Amelia Fox."

The young teen grinned goofily and then his cheeks reddened. "Hi Amelia."

Amelia regarded the young man for a moment. "It's a pleasure to meet you. Is it your job to give me a tour of our new ship?"

A blonde appeared behind him, "Ed we can't be holding up your father and his staff," she said looking over Amelia curiously.

"Charlotte," Jon said lightly, "meet my XO Amelia. Number one, this is Charlotte, Eddy's mother."

"His ex wife," she stated holding her hand out to shake the other woman's.

Amelia held out her hand to Charlotte. "Very nice to meet you." putting on her best poker face.

"Don't let him at the Kanar," she stated simply. "Have a good evening."

As the door shut, Charlotte's disapproving expression melting away he turned to his new XO. "My son now worships the ground you walk on doesn't he?"

Amelia raised an eyebrow "He's not the first Sir and I'm sure he won't be the last. I'll try to let him down gently."

Jon grinned, "You gotta be very careful wielding that sort of power Lieutenant. I mean not that I don't appreciate hes no longer mad at his old man but … that's my son. Its a crush. Just be careful."

"That's good advice in any situation Captain." Amelia replied with a wry smile.

They headed to the transporter room and beamed over. The Officers lounge was done up somewhat sophisticated. There were plenty mingling already and an array of exotic and alien food.

"Drink Lieutenant?" Jon asked watching her eyes flick to the food. "Yes go forth to buffet heaven," he chuckled.

Amelia was already knifing her way through the assembled crowd like a shark before the Captain had finished speaking.

The bar wasn't too busy and Jon passed the CMO on route. "Doctor, good evening."

"Good evening Captain. Good to meet up with you again and under informal circumstances this time." Hope replied with a warm smile.

"Have you meet our new CEO and CSO?" he asked noticing both aliens already in the room. It was somewhat hard to miss his engineer who seemed to be amassing a lot of attention.

"I've met Lieutenant Razant Sir but not Lieutenant Karakalakks, we've been flat out trying to catch up with the installations and stock up" she replied.

"Lt Razant came to see me in Sickbay" she explained.

The Reman looked to have different eyes and seemed far more comfortable in his surroundings than the last time he had seen him. His eyes flicked back to the beautiful doctor. "Ocular implants?" he indicated his head in the Remans direction impressed.

"Yes Sir, with a bit of a tweak." she acknowledged.

Earlier, Lilura had been busy rerouting diagnostic hysteresis algorithms to her head office in engineering. She finally got a suitable reading on her main display which showed completed work by Starbase, her crew follow up, and completed and ready systems. Now she could follow along and get any of her crew to trouble hotspots before they became a trouble hotspot. Her desk chimed its alarm she had set earlier after talking with the captain. It was time to get ready for the gala this evening. She went to her quarters tried on her fifth tweaked dress uniform. Fortunately, this time, it fit. The standard issue dress uniform was not designed for Humanoid Races with a tail, or of a slim, curvaceous build. She still left off the shoes, though, as they just weren't designed for her type of feet. She would tweak those later for wear. Right now, she had an event to get to.

Lilura did not transport to the designated officers lounge, she walked. She enjoyed the exercise and seeing the various modes of dress upon other sentients out and about. She arrived and entered. Of course, at the door was the obligatory Marine guards making sure only those designated entered this particular Officers lounge. A starbase was a huge place, with many ships docked, so each section area had its lounges for starbase personnel, visiting civilian personnel, and then on a per ship personnel basis. This particular one was designated for the USS Andromeda, and she passed only after a quick check, a further check, and then a remark about how nicely fitting her uniform was. She smiled and winked, sashaying a bit, just to show she appreciated the flirty comment.

Lilura had walked around scouting the food and drink while watching for others to interact with. She grabbed a mug of something or other with her tail, she was not sure what, only that it tasted quite good to her, as in her left hand she had a bowl of some toasted rather flavorful meal grubs from another star power, and went to be near the window. As one person approached her and found her rather sociable, she soon had a crowd about her who seemed more apt to watch her eat and then drink using her tail, than actually talking about fun stuff, like shopping, engineering, or fun bars nearby.

Lilura looked over to the bar and saw the Captain standing there next to another humanoid. She couldn't place him, but he looked interesting and rugged to her. There was another at the bar in science/medical outfit nearby them as well. She held up her rather large hand, well, to others, and waved to the trio at the bar.

Jon nodded as he saw his chief engineer wave at him. Holding his glass up he queried "drink," hoping she would come join them as otherwise he had no idea what to get for her.

Lilura saw the gesture and raised her mugg up in her tail to show she understood. She mouthed 'Be Right There' and then returned to the group around her to make her apologies and good byes. To tell the truth, she was happy to get away from the getting to close group to her.

The Reman was looking a little like a fish out of water. He waved in his direction to get his attention and cocked his head to indicate to come join them.

Razant had been standing in a corner, hoping no one would notice him. The whiteness of his dress uniform and the paleness of his pallid-grey flesh gave him the appearance of some kind of nude ghost. Federation party etiquette was a bit of an enigma to him. Normally, he would be more concerned with security, taking up a post for himself. Unfortunately for him, the event was surveilled by a marine detachment and starbase security in addition to his own men. It seemed there was little need for one more pair of eyes. Noticing his CO motioning for him, he complied. With a sigh, he crossed the room with long strides,

"Sir, it is good to see you again," Razant said in his deep, smooth voice. His ocular implants clicked as they came into focus on the half-Betazoid's face, "I'm pleased to report that all VIP personnel have arrived without incident. I have the report if you wish to see it"

Jon nodded, "Happy to take your word for it Lieutenant but this is a party, so I'm ordering you to have at least one drink


Commander Jonathan Reynolds
Commanding officer
USS Nogura

Lieutenant j.g. Lilura Siana Karakalakss
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Andromeda

Lieutenant Amelia Fox
Executive Officer
USS Andromeda

Lieutenant J.g. Naiya Hope
CMO - USS Andromeda

Lieutenant Razant
Chief Tactical/Security Officer
USS Andromeda


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