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The Fearful Summons

Posted on 12 Feb 2020 @ 3:39pm by Commander Amelia Fox & Lieutenant Syvar MD

Mission: Mission 3 - Whom gods destroy ...
Location: Amelia's quarters
Timeline: MD1 2300
1796 words - 3.6 OF Standard Post Measure

It was late, and Syvar had entertained a pretty long day. Most of his afternoon and evening were spent pondering over Amelia's behaviour. It was frightening, to realize she was not the Amelia he knew, but all the same he was curious about the motivations she had briefly outlined.

Naturally a curious individual, despite experiencing a touch of fear, the young Vulcan doctor made his way to the XO's quarters. Surprise registered on his face as the door opened upon his approach, and - though a little apprehensive- he stepped inside. "You wanted to speak with me?" he queried softly, as he hesitated by the door.

The room was dimly lit by several large candles that were burning, giving off a soothing scent. Several large pillows had been arranged in the middle of the floor. A voice purred out from the shadows "Come in."

Inching forward, allowing his eyes to adjust to the semi-darkness, Syvar glanced around the room. He couldn't recall ever having been here, and he wondered why the pillows were on the floor as he approached them. "I'm here," he said, eyes still traveling across the room, trying to find Amelia within the shadows. "You said you were going to explain..."

As the door slid shut behind him, from out of the shadows Fox emerged wearing a black silk robe that was tied around her waist. Her long hair hung loosely over her shoulders. In one hand was a bottle of wine, the other two glasses. "Precisely on time. I like that. Sit. Drink!" she added as she poured the wine.

"Now, what exactly do you want to know?" She asked and looked at him with the eyes of a predator.

"All you are able to share," Syvar answered uncomfortably as he sat down on the couch. He cast her an uncertain look as he gave her a once-over. "What are your intentions?" he asked, not only enquiring about her information, but also her presence here and her apparent lack of dress.

"Intentions? You make it sound so sinister..." She handed him a glasses and made herself comfortable on one of the cushions, patting the one next to her with her hand. "Come closer, you never know who's listening." There was, of course, no one listening, she just wanted him closer to her.

Nodding, he took the glass and slid down the couch onto one of the cushions. He didn't however, sip the wine he was handed. Instead, he just stared at her, taking great effort to keep his eyes on her face.

"As you've probably deduced by now I am from what you refer to as the Mirror universe. I came here to escape and help other Terrans. The Alliance is hunting me down as a renegade and a terrorist when all I do is help others. I was forced to make a trade with Ceta for some goods and Latinum. I explained all of this to your Amelia and begged her for her help and that of the Federation. These Son'a are dangerous and I've had to think fast and live by my wits to keep them from turning me over to the Alliance. Your Amelia agreed to help me. I'm so generous aren't I?"

"Yes ma'am, Commander Fox certainly seems to be," Syvar agreed, "but where is our Commander Fox-"

While she had been talking she had slowly moved closer and closer to him and started gently rubbing his shoulder. "My you are so tense." she commented as she felt his muscles through his uniform. "This cannot be good for you. Come here I can help you, she added as she started to remove his jacket.

The young Vulcan started to protest but before he could he was already relieved of his jacket. "Ma'am, please... this isn't proper..." he finally managed, carefully balancing his glass for fear of spilling its contents. He stiffened visibly upon her touch and tried to shy away from her. "I can't... please..."

She placed a finger gently on his lips. She could tell he was slightly nervous, inexperienced. Good, she thought, soon he will be mine to mold, dominate, control. "Shhhhhhh shhhhhhh there." She said soothingly in a quiet voice. "I'm going to help you relax" as she began rubbing his bare skin. "Someone I know told me all about Vulcan neuropressure therapy and I picked up one or two things as well. She quickly slipped off his vest that had been underneath his jacket.

As her hands moved over him she continued talking, softly, almost hypnotically "It's surprising what can be done by the laying on of hands. All your worries and cares seem to melt away ." One of her young Vulcan slave girls had shown her various deeply relaxing techniques and these were what she had started with. They were designed to and very effective at lowering a person's guard, leaving them almost defenseless. In a state of bliss.

Left only in his undershirt, Syvar sighed as her hands moved across his bare skin. He gritted his teeth. "Please don't touch me," he begged, "it's not safe, I don't have that amount of control." But as her hands moved, he felt his muscles relax. "Just tell me what you want."

He tried to get up, move away from her. The glass of wine fell from his still gloved hand. "I should go, if you're not going to tell me anything, I need to go. It's late, I have an early shift."

"I Don't think you want to." She rose with him and blocked his exit as pulled on the tie holding her robe closed. It opened, and she let it slide off her shoulders leaving her naked in front of him. She drew him towards her, enveloping him with her arms, pressing her body onto his, all the time her hands were roaming his flesh.

Her eyes bore into his soul. "Please..." She whispered, "Please don't leave me." As she spoke in a very believable, vulnerable way, she changed her technique. Before, the pressure points she was focused on were designed to relax. Now she targeted the ones that aroused. The ones that made the blood boil, flooding his head with lust and desire.

Feeling disoriented, and unstable, he found himself leaning against her. He felt his skin warm up, as though he was having a fever. Syvar gasped, though he wasn't sure on the how or why, unaware that it was she who was doing this. "Please..." he murmured as he buried his face against her shoulder. Gloved hands rested upon her waist but instead of pushing her away, he pulled her closer, falling backwards onto the cushions with her in his arms. "I feel so strange. help me, please.."

She laughed like music as she moved onto him. "Oh Yes, I'll help you... You're all mine... all mine..."

Feeling like he was burning, he caved and gave into her, oblivious to the consequences.

"Wake up!"

Fox had replaced her robe and was now lying next to Syvar, looking at him coldly. "I said WAKE UP!"

Startled by the force in her voice, Syvar opened his eyes. They were filled with question as he stared at her.

"Ahhhh! There you are." She spoke to him very direct. All traces of intimacy and compassion were gone. "Right! This is how it's going to work. I will tell you to do something and you will do it without question, understand?"

Eyes widening, instantly knowing something was wrong, he nodded mutely. A feeling of dread started to fill him. Dread, and guilt for not following his guy feeling and report her to the captain.

She looked at him and picked up a PADD that was close by. "While you were... distracted I managed to get a small device into your body. A wonderful device for ensuring loyalty and obedience." She pressed a command on the PADD. "This will make it much clearer to you. By the way, this is the lowest setting."

The young man's body stiffened, and he gritted his teeth as agony ripped through his exhausted body. "Why?" He breathed through clenched teeth. "What is this, what did you do to me..."

He felt drained, as if some kind of current had gone through him. He lay panting for breath, still feeling very hot and awkward. Suddenly aware of his nakedness, he started to pull up the sheet. "I need to shift..." He wanted away from her, as far as possible.

"Why am I doing this you ask? Because I can." She stood up and folded her arms. "You'll never know how much joy it brought me to see your face contorted in agony. It's really quite beautiful. This also guarantees that you'll keep my secret safe because if you don't..." Her voice trailed off. "Go to your shift but when you're finished you will bring me a complete psychological profile of the Captain. Understood?"

"I don't have that kind of access," Syvar protested as he started to get dressed, "I'm only acting chief, I don't have enough experience and I'm not a counselor."

Fox sighed “What did I say?” She presser the PADD again. She waited until he had stopped twitching. “No questions. You’re on The medial staff. I’m sure you can be resourceful.” Almost as an afterthought she added “Also you will bring me 3 hypos parts of your best anaesthetic. Now, before you speak again remember what I said about questions and also each time you do I’ll add something to the list of things you’ve got to do... So...”

Looking pale and frightened, the young Vulcan nodded mutely as he finished getting dressed. His skin was tingling all over, his muscles feeling utterly sore. What was this thing she had put on him? Now finished, he stood and waited anxiously. Was he to go now, was there still more to come? He watched the woman who so resembled the XO he knew, and yet was so utterly and frighteningly different.

“Good. You have four hours to complete your tasks and get back to me. Now Go!”

Syvar all but bolted towards the door, as fast as he was capable of in his current condition.

“Oh! One more thing”. She called out before he had chance to activate the door. “I’ll be watching and listening to you. At the first hint of betrayal I’ll turn my little device on and leave it on till your screams echo through this ship.”

Closing his eyes for a moment, Syvar drew a careful breath then disappeared from her quarters. He didn't acknowledge her final threat, didn't feel it'd help his predicament.


Lieutenant Amelia Fox
Executive Officer
USS Andromeda

Ensign Syvar
acting CMO
pnpc Aidan


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