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I got what you wanted

Posted on 12 Feb 2020 @ 3:38pm by Commander Amelia Fox & Lieutenant Syvar MD

Mission: Mission 3 - Whom gods destroy ...
Location: Amelia's Quarters
Timeline: MD2, 1300 hours
1428 words - 2.9 OF Standard Post Measure

The four hours were up. Syvar had stalled for as long as possible but the longer he waited, the greater his anxiety became. And the greater that became, the more danger those around him would be in.

Anxiously, he approached the XO's quarters, PADD clutched to his chest, the three vials tucked safely away in the pocket of his coat. He was clutching the PADD so tightly, his knuckles turned a sickly yellow green. Releasing it with one hand, he quickly pressed the chime, looking down as he resumed his deathgrip on the small device.

Fox called out in a sickly sweet voice. "Come in." She knew who it was before the door even opened.

She looked up as he entered. "Ah! Here you are, and just in time too. I take it you have what I want?"

Still not looking up, Syvar nodded as he stepped inside, hearing the door slide shut behind him. He was shaking as he held out the PADD to her. "I have the file," he said numbly, "as you requested."

She barely looked at the PADD as she tossed it aside. "I got the information from the computer the moment you left the room. I wanted to see if you'd do it. And you did."

She stood from the sofa and came up to him. "You may prove yourself worth yet. Now It's been a long day. You will run me a bath. You will then bathe me and then pleasure me in your limited capacity."

His heart was pounding in his side as she approached him, he shivered as she issued her orders but he nodded anyway. He gritted his teeth to the point of his jaws hurting as he walked towards the bathroom and opened the tap. He hadn't even known the XO had a tub to begin with. but then that wasn't really his business to know was it?

He pulled off his coat, the vials in his pocket already forgotten, and tossed it across the sink. He then pulled up his sleeve and ran his hand through the hot water to check the temperature. Looking up, he rummaged through the bottles present and randomly grabbed one and poured some of the contents into the tub.

After a few minutes, he stood, and walked back towards the living area. "Your bath is ready," he announced, stepping aside to let her pass.

She stepped past him and stood in front of the bath. "Adequate. Now, remove my clothes." For the first time since he had entered, she looked at him in the eyes. "One thing you should know. With the help of your computer, I've rigged your agoniser to monitor my vital signs. If my heart should stop, you'll wish yours would as well. Just in case you had any ideas of holding me under the water."

The thought hadn't even crossed his mind, and he looked at her in horror. "I save lives!" he exclaimed, "I don't take them, not even my enemy's." He reluctantly stripped her of her clothes, carelessly tossing them aside.

She stepped into tub and slid into the water. "Well? I'm waiting..." She said as she closed her eyes.

Removing his jacket so not to get the sleeves wet, he sat on the edge of the tub and dunked a sponge into the water, squeezing it as he ran it across her shoulders. "Why do you do this," he asked softly, reaching to pull up her hair so it wouldn't get wet.

"This universe is so boring. I have to make my own amusement." She didn't open her eyes as she spoke. "I find the Ceta my kind of people. Ruthless and single-minded. Plus they give me a lot of latinum." She stopped and took a deep breath before raising her voice "Will you stop shaking already! Show some backbone! you're trembling has lost my interest. You'll know when you should fear for your life."

"I am fearing for my life," he told her, scooting back and out of her reach for a moment, "and everyone's life here on board. "No-one's safe while you're here. I got you what you wanted, I'm doing your bidding but to what end? You'll kill me anyway... so why should I bother?"

"Why should I kill you when I can cause you unimaginable pain which is far more enjoyable." She rose out of the water "Towel."

Despite his brief stint of defiance he did as he was told and folded a large fluffy towel across her shoulders, gently rubbing the cloth against her skin to dry her off.

As he dried her she continued "Now you'll do what I say because, when I grow tired of you I'll pick someone you love and I will see to it that they die slowly and painfully so you better hold my interest. She grabbed him by the face and kissed him. "I am in control of you now. Do not even attempt to grow a brain!" She took a deep breath. "You have a lot to learn. Now! Pleasure me while I imagine I'm with someone attractive."

Feeling both revolted and somehow excited by the kiss, he still did nothing to return it. "I need to clean up first," he said, turning away to clear the tub and put away the towel. as he was faced away, he grabbed one of the vials from his coat looked at it briefly, then put it back. It was too risky, what if he got caught?

It all took barely a minute before he walked into the bedroom, guiding her to the bed. Then, he stopped. "I can't," he said softly, looking away from her. "I can't do it." He still held her hand, but he refused to look at her. "I can't do it," he repeated, "I just can't." He closed his eyes, holding his breath as if to steel himself for something, holding her hand like a vice.

The pain in her hand was making her want him more. "I'll get what I want from you one way or another." She sat on the edge of the bed. She pulled him closer and held him against her. "Do this for me and I will release you. from your obligation."

He shuddered at her touch, knowing her promise was empty. "You're lying," he said as he eased her down, "I'll try... but you won't keep your word. You said it yourself, you'll get what you want." He watched her as he took off his own clothes, never once looking her in the eyes. Then he joined her on the bed. "It only works, if you touch me too..."

1 hour later

Fox lay on the bed watching Syvar get dressed with an expression that was almost tender. Suddenly she was aware that he knew she was staring and she put her usual mask of contempt for him. “You’re getting better and you’re right, I was lying. I’ve no intention of realising you now or ever. However, ” she picked up the control PADD “You came close to disobeying me and for that... you need to be punished. Let’s try... Ten minutes.” She said as she worked the PADD

The onset was so sudden and unexpected, Syvar had been unprepared for it. Agony lanced through his body and turned his muscles to jelly. He screamed involuntarily as he crashed to the deck, tears streaming down his face. He tried to curl himself up in a fetal ball, but he couldn't even move. "Stop," he begged, "please...stop... I can't take this..."

As she watched him in agony on the floor, she was suddenly aware that her cheek was wet. She lifted her hand to her face. She was crying! Why? Was it at the sight of him in pain? No! But then what. Was it at the betrayal that had caused her to dish out this punishment? Why would his betrayal of her cause her pain?... Unless?

No! She quickly pushed that thought out of her head but at the same time, turned off the device.

It had only been a minute.

She just looked at him for a moment before she whispered. “I’ll send for you. Now get out.”

Not even bothering to finish getting dressed, Syvar ran out as fast as his abused body could take him. He didn't even acknowledge her words, he simply wanted as far away from her as possible.


Lieutenant Amelia Fox
Executive Officer
USS Andromeda

Ensign Syvar
Medical Officer
pnpc Aidan


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