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Not a good time to ask

Posted on 02 Mar 2020 @ 8:35pm by Commander Amelia Fox & Lieutenant Mitchell Graham

Mission: Mission 3 - Whom gods destroy ...
Location: Corridor Deck 8
Timeline: MD1 1700
727 words - 1.5 OF Standard Post Measure


Having arrived back on the ship, she away team slipt up. Lieutenant Belikov had been taken to sickbay and Fox decided to head to her quarters. Trying to look casual, eventually, she found the right deck but she was still unsure whereabouts Amelia's quarters were on this massive ship. She stopped at a computer terminal in the corridor.

"Computer, display deck layout with room directory."

The computer brought up a map of the deck with and a list of all the room scrolling down one side. She studied it intently, trying to pinpoint where she was and where she was heading. She was so engrossed in the map that she did not hear footsteps behind her.

"Hey there. Back already? How did it go?" Mitchell asked with a grin. He glanced at the bulkhead panel, then back at her. "What are you, lost?" He said with a bemused frown.

His voice from behind her caused her to jump and spin around, like she was ready to defend herself. When she saw who it was, she relaxed slightly. “Of course not..” She had to stop herself adding you fool! to the end of that sentence. “An ensign told me that the deck listing was all screwed up and it was showing my quarters in the wrong place. I was just checking to make sure but I think he was winding me up. Ah! You see, exactly where they should be.” she said as she pointed to them.

“Well, it’s bee a log day.” She said, hopping he would take the hint and not follow her. She started walking off in the direction of her quarters.

Mitchell fell into step next to her. "Hey, before you wander off, I had a talk with the Captain. He wants me to get some time in the center seat. You'll have to modify my spot on the duty roster so I can squeeze it in."

She sighed inwardly and rolled her eyes upward. Why me she thought. Then she decided to have some fun with him. She had managed to get hold of the crew manifest but she was still wracking her brain to name this insufferable guy. “The Captain wants you to sit in his chair? Is he trying to get his ship blown up? I wouldn’t trust you to captain an old Ferengi garbage scow.’ She said to him with some relish.

Mitchell laughed, taking the insult as a good-natured ribbing. "Well, you do it all the time so how hard can it be? Wanna get together for a drink later and talk about it?"

Fox blew air through her lips. “Sure. Why not? It’s not as if I’ve got a life or anything. Oh, wait! I do. If the Captain wants you to sit in the big chair. Fine. But I really don’t feel like having a drink with you this evening. Now, since you obviously can’t take a hint, Get... “
She stopped as she watched his face and quickly backtracked. “You know I’m kidding.” She tried to laugh it off and slapped his arm playfully. “But that away mission really took it out of me. Raincheck?”

"Sure, no problem," he said with a confused smile. "Are you okay? I heard Belikov got hit down there, but also that she was doing all right. I'm sure it must have been a shake-up. If it's bothering you then you don't have to pretend otherwise."

"Yeah, I'm fine. It takes more than a couple of Son'a who think they can do what they want to rattle me. I'm just exhausted. You understand, don't you? She didn't mention Belikov.

"Of course," he replied. "Go unwind. Relax for a bit. I'll talk to someone about the desk listing. Don't worry yourself about it." He squeezed her shoulder and turned away down another corridor.

Once he had disappeared around the corner, she let out a sigh. It had taken a lot of will power not to break his nose when he touched her. She brushed her uniform with her hand as if to remove any trace of him touching her, then resumed her search for her new quarters.


Lieutenant Amelia Fox
Executive Officer
USS Andromeda

●● Lieutenant Mitchell Graham
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Andromeda



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