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Posted on 09 Mar 2020 @ 4:30am by Captain Jonathan Reynolds & Lieutenant Commander True Keading

Mission: Mission 3 - Whom gods destroy ...
Location: Reynolds quarters
Timeline: MD1 21:00
1589 words - 3.2 OF Standard Post Measure


Jon had a headache from everything learnt in his communications with the Orion scientist. Having left them safely in sickbay with Syvar monitoring Roseline and now the baby, deemed safe to be with her mother again he headed back to his quarters, report half written in his head.

He had good intentions of filing that but his belly grumbled. Eddie was at Charlottes so he was hoping ….. he smiled as he entered.

"I was hoping you were going to be here," he said softly sitting down next to True and placing a kiss on her lips. Then he caught it, she was bothered. Very bothered.

"What's happened? It wasn't the baby giving you a hard time was it?"

"No, not really. I mean she was fussy but no. Charlotte came to see me. Although she was helpful with the baby, she was, as usual, ready to accuse me of things. She thought I was parenting Eddie, accused me of setting him up with Tia. Apparently I can't do anything right. I can't even get her to see me as someone other than the enemy." True scooted closer to him, placing her head on his chest.

"Hmmmmm," Jon said. "Is she mad about the Tia bond thing and Eddie? I haven't had a chance to go broach that with her yet.

But if shes upsetting you I think …. as much as I hate the idea of it … perhaps we ought to all do a sit down …." he looked at her wondering if he was on to the right course of action. The fact was as far as he was concerned True was family now. He wasn't letting him imzadi go and well .. his ex wife would just have to get used to it.

"Very, thought I had something to do with it as if I had known that Tia had some Kriosian in her." She thought about it for a moment, the warmth of Jon calming her already. "Yeah, that's probably a good idea. She can't seek out and confront one on one if we're all in the same room."

"Well I haven't exactly formally introduced you both and us … thats here to stay. So we gotta figure out a way to coexist. For Eddie too," Jon muttered. Yeah this was going to be fun.

He stood up quickly, "Drink?" he asked suddenly feeling the urge for 2 fingers of scotch at this idea.

"No thanks." True said, moving away from him so her hair didn't get caught up when he stood. She knew he didn't really like the idea but he also, like her, wanted some peace. "We could bring in one of the other counselors too, if you want."

Jon ordered his whiskey and knocked it back. "No," he said after a moment. "I think … in the first case lets be optimistic here.

I'll pick a night Eddies with me then at least she can't try claim I'm muscling in on her time with him" he screwed up his face as his headache was back.

"Okay," True said watching him. "Did you have a rough day too?"

"Well a battering of Orion pheromones, catching an ensign in bed with sed lady was something I would have liked to have avoided. His face was a picture though once I had given him the pheromone blocker shot and he realised. Then I had a chat with this Orion and they are on to some scary freaky stuff down on that planet," he admitted.

"Ahh," True said understanding his jumpiness now. She got up and approached him. "Life never slows down does it, especially not for you. I personally love the quiet little moments in between crisis's." She wrapped her arms around him again and stood there looking up at him. "I trust you. Despite what Charlotte would have me believe."

"I think when it comes to full on Orion pheromones you ladies have to cut us some slack," Jon said seriously allowing his hands to fall down and cup her waist. "She keeps trying to make you think I'm going to hurt you? We really do need this sit down. Thats not fair or right."

True shrugged. "I understand where she's coming from. But anyway, what can we do to make you feel better? Dinner? Cuddle on the couch. I wouldn't mind watching an old movie."

“I need a shower and something for this headache,” Jon said honestly. She looked so good and after being stuck in conversation with that Orion he knew what he’d really like to do right now. Much more than a cuddle definitely. But that could be pushing his luck.

“I’ll just get cleaned up,” he pulled her too him and kissed her how he had been thinking about during that earlier time stuck with an Orion. It had been his girlfriend in his thoughts and he hadn’t gone way of Derek Han in any temptation. See he reassured himself Charlotte was totally wrong, True definitely had no worries.

“let’s do all of it. Eat, movie, cuddle ... as long as your okay with me finishing up a report,” he sighed. “The glamorous side of dating the CO right there.”

True smiled up at him. "Of course, I knew what I was getting into when I accepted on our first date. Besides, there are probably a few things I should finish up as well." She rubbed her face. "Been a long week."

"I know," he nodded. "Do you need something for a headache too?"

"No, I'm just tired. But thanks anyway."

He replicated something that didn't need doctor approval, although the computer did monitor how much you used. Then rammed it into his neck. Closing his eyes, the cloud seemed to lift almost immediately.

"Ahhhh thats so much better,"

"Sure you don't want in on this shower. I have lavender soap you know. Homemade from my nans garden on earth. Very relaxing," he grinned. "And good for the skin."

True grinned back. "Very tempting, but I don't know. I kind of just want to cuddle tonight. Is that okay? Cuddling has it's own set of healing properties. Your embrace is very soothing."

"You don't know what your missing," Jon replied. Okay one very cold shower for him then. Least he was going to be very alert for writing his report.

He chose a water shower over a sonic one, allowing the heat and steam to relax his muscles while trying to map out the remining half of his report. Drying off he then pulled on some jogging pants and a t-shirt, his stomach rumbling as he walked back into the lounge.

"What do you fancy?" he asked heading in the replicators direction.

"Umm, maybe just some hot chocolate?" She wasn't really hungry and her stomach was in knots from the events of the evening. "I wouldn't say no to popcorn though, for the movie . . . . when we are ready."

"Hot chocolate," he told the replicator and then added, "Chicken pot pie and green beans - Reynolds recipe 48 and a pint of bitter. I actually don't think I had lunch," he said. No one told him when you made captain just how much bureaucratic paperwork was involved.

He took the drink over to her first and then grabbed a PADD off his desk and ferried his plate and drink over too. Slumping down he looked at her, his face more relaxed. "Have I told you I love you today?"

True blushed. "Not that I recall." She offered him a kiss. "But I love you too."

"Well In that case I'll let you pick the movie," he smiled.

"Don't stress about Charlotte. Honestly. Let me do all that," he added.

"I don't want to stress you out either, you have plenty of that in your life. And I'm trying not to. How about we just sit here like we agreed and try not to worry about it all."

"You don't stress me out True, you make things so much better," Jon said. "Don't ever think things like that."

He dived into his dinner. "Besides I chose the promotion. The responsibility comes with it. I'm the one with the baggage and your being amazing with all of it. Taking me, my son and my illegitate daughter potentially on. I don't deserve you," he said simply.

"And you aren't allowed to say things like that. You deserve happiness just as anyone does. And I know you've made some really stupid decisions in the past, but I believe you won't with me. I just have faith in you, which is what you are supposed to do when you love someone."

Jon nodded. He placed his hand over hers, squeezed it and pulled it up to his mouth placing a kiss on her. "In it together then. Completely," he said simply.

It was enough to make her blush again. He could be so intense sometimes. "Yeah, I guess we're stuck with each other." She kissed him again softly, exploring. In the back of her mind she knew she should let him eat and finish his report.

Jon returned the kiss letting it develop into something more passionate. How he managed to get his dinner on the coffee table and not all over them he didn't know.

"Oh you're definitely picking the movie," he grinned when they pulled back for air.

●● Lieutenant True Keading
Chief Counselor
USS Andromeda

●●●● Captain Jonathan Reynolds
USS Andromeda


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