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Posted on 11 Mar 2020 @ 1:56am by Lieutenant Commander True Keading & Lieutenant Syvar MD

Mission: Mission 3 - Whom gods destroy ...
Location: Counselor's Office
Timeline: MD6, 1600 hours
1239 words - 2.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Feeling good, and relatively happy, Syvar made his presence known as he stopped in front of the chief counselor's office. He was smiling, there was some colour on his cheeks and he actually felt relaxed.

"Hello Syvar." True said as the doors swished open. She stood there with a smile on her face and she liked what she saw. There was much more of the Syvar that she remembered in his eyes. "You look well."

"Thank you ma'am, I feel better too," the young Vulcan smiled as he walked in. "Especially now that thing is out of me, and she is in the brig. I haven't seen her since..I wanted to but I was....otherwise diverted. I'm still grateful for that diversion."

True wondered what kind of diversion he was referring to but she didn't want to pry. Whatever it was she was glad it had happened as well Seeing the mirror Amelia would not have been good for him at this early stage. "How are you feeling lately? Have you been sleeping well?"

"Quite well," he replied honestly, "though I've not been alone this past night. I did sleep in sickbay after my surgery, but I have been resting surprisingly well , all things considering." He sat down and folded his hands in his lap. "I met our real first officer," he confessed, "and unintentionally we... connected. I didn't mean for that to happen but it did. I think, without her intervention I would be in a great deal of trouble ma'am."

"I see," True processed what he said. While this ultimately could be a good thing, she hoped he wasn't just using her as a substitute for the woman in the brig since they were the same woman biologically speaking. Personality wise they were totally different. "Tell me about your evening then."

"I met with Amelia..." He seemed to blush a little there. "...I mean Lieutenant Fox... In the mess for dinner. We spent some time talking and then she was walking me home." He hesitated but realised it was probably wiser to talk about it and just get it off his chest. "I really wanted to see the other Amelia though," he confessed, bowing his head a little. "So I ordered the lift to the brig. Amelia stopped me however and we..diverted..." His flush deepened as he looked up, the darkness of his cheeks making his equally green eyes look light in return. "She kissed me," he added, somewhat uncomfortably, "and we... We... Were together..."

He paused. "It was very enjoyable," he continued, "she made me feel different. Better."

"I see," Well that was a bit surprising. Not that it was technically any of her business as long as it didn't interfere with duty. Still, she wasn't sure about this yet. He did seem to be more relaxed, but both of them were dealing with a lot and what if this new alliance backfired? "Well healthy relationships are based on things like mutual trust, appreciation, and respect as long as those are being honored . . . "

Syvar bit his lip before blurting out his next confession. "We melded... she asked me how it had been for me and I found it too difficult to tell her, so I showed her." He paused. "I know it's not wise, and I know how it looks. But she made me feel safe, and..." He paused again, looking down at his hands again. "wanted. And it made me not want her." He looked up. "I also don't want to go stir crazy, I need something to do, even if it's just tacking stock."

"Syvar, I really appreciate you being honest with me. I can look at you and know you are telling the truth. But I am just a little bit concerned and I'm not sure how to deal with that because as far as I know this situation has never come up before. My concern is that although I would have trusted Amelia with my life before she went down to that planet, she has come back a changed person, changed by her experience and while that's not necessarily a bad thing, both of you were recently changed by experiences brought on by the Mirror Amelia. I'm worried that you are latching onto her because of your experiences with the other Amelia and that she is trying to make up for what the other Amelia did. Do you understand my concerns?"

"She has expressed feeling guilty, and she's scared that deep down she might be the same," Syvar answered with a nod. "I understand your concern ma'am but I need to be trusted that I do know right from wrong, and that I do know what I'm doing. For now, this feels right for me, and for her."

"Well, I can't stop you and I have no reason to believe that our Amelia is not fit for duty. But I am going to ask to speak to her, I want to hear the words for myself. Until then, you are on limited duty but you are not to treat patients and I'm sorry to say I still want the guard to follow you to ensure you stick to just sickbay, your quarters and the lounge. Is that acceptable?"

Syvar nodded. "Yes ma'am," he answered softly, "that's acceptable." He was happy he could go back to sickbay again, he was trying to feel antsy not being able to go to the one pace he really liked to be. "The guard has been very mindful ma'am, and very respectable in terms of my privacy. I don't mind him following as long as he respects a patient's privacy too."

"Good," True smiled and stood up. "I think that's everything then unless you had something else?"

Standing as well, the Vulcan shook his head. "No not at this time." He cast her a most grateful smile. "Thank you," he said sincerely, "for being here. For allowing me to be useful, when I understand trust is something that must be earned."

"You're welcome, have a good day Syvar," True would have shook hands with him but she knew he did not like to be touched.

Full of surprises today, Syvar lingered. "Is it permitted to hug?" he asked, almost shyly.

True was certainly surprised. "Yes, of course, I don't mind at all." She let him move to her though, feeling like the universe might be ending. It had been such a strange day.

He quickly moved over and gave her a brief, ferm and clearly grateful hug. He took a quick step back, the grateful smile lingering on his face. "When should I come back?" he asked, certain that his visitations with the counselor were far from over. Since he had a good feeling when leaving, he actually didn't mind coming. Especially when it was for his own benefit to go and talk about things.

"How about tomorrow at 1300 hours?" It would give her time to talk to Amelia and figure out what to do with these two. True was rather stunned though and didn't think much past that as she watched Syvar leave.

"1300 Should be doable," Syvar answered, then gave her a small smile. "I'll be here," he promised with a nod, then quietly stole out of the office.

Ensign Syvar
Acting CMO
pnpc Aidan

●● Lieutenant True Keading
Chief Counselor
USS Andromeda


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