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New Doc

Posted on 08 Jun 2020 @ 12:18am by Lieutenant C'Tora Kuroka & Captain Jonathan Reynolds

Mission: Mission 4 - Race against the machine
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD2
786 words - 1.6 OF Standard Post Measure


Jon walked down to sickbay happy to finally have a CMO. He hoped however the curse of the Andromeda did not strike again. One in a coma back on 308 and the last one having also fallen ill. He entered and looked around. A Catian was never difficult to spot.

"Dr Kuroka I assume?" he said walking up to the medic.

C'Tora stopped short as the Sickbay doors closed behind him,He was surprised to see the captain walking towards him.He gave a toothy smile and extended his hand in greeting. "Yes I am Dr. C'Tora Kuroka, It is a pleasure to meet you Captain Reynolds. I was just on my way to the bridge to come see you and report in."He cocked his head to the side as he looked at the captain. " Were you just coming down to meet with your new CMO, or is there some type of medical service that you require captain?"

"I just came down to meet you after meeting Captain Keating and him advising you were onboard. Its good to finally get a CMO," the part betazoid said.

"I do have a request though," Jon added.

" A request captain?" His whiskers went straight and his tail stopped briefly before starting it's gentle swaying back and forth again. "What would this request be captain?" C'Tora asked with a quizzical look. "Oh,Captain Reynolds.If it would make you feel more comfortable in informal settings you may call me by my first name if you'd like."

"Okay … C'Tora," Jon rolled the alien name round his mouth. "Dr Syvar. Take him under your wing and mentor him. He has potential. Hes had a little setback of late and just needs his confidence rebuilding."

" Captain Reynolds, I would be more then happy to take Dr. Syvar or any other medical personal under my wing to assist them in improving their skills and duties, it is the best way to run an efficient department." He paused for a moment to formulate his thoughts. " Captain Reynolds, I have a question for you and a request of my own. First the question, I would like to know the nature of the setback so that I may deal with it properly, and I will handle it in the best manner that I know how and keep it delicate and discreet as to help rebuild his confidence.

C'Tora lightly smoothed his whiskers back. " And the request I have is I would like to get your permission to start a program to train volunteers from various department to teach them to be emergency medics in the case of a crisis. That way they can treat minor injuries and act as triage while the medical staff handles the major injuries and surgeries. With your permission of course."

“I’m afraid I can’t really go into detail on the setback. It’s quite personal. I’m sure if she feels it necessary the Chief Counselor will speak with you On that score,” Jon said smoothly. “And your request, that sounds brilliant. Yes go to it doctor.”

" Thank you Captain Reynolds, for coming to greet me. I will do my utmost to help out Ensign Syvar anyway that I may to help restore his confidence weather as a friend or in his endeavors in the medical field." C'Tora quickly groomed the side of his face. " Besides, I believe he shows great promise as a doctor. He is intelligent, compassionate and a dedicated professional who most likely become a great asset to this ship and crew.

And thank you for permission for starting the emergency medic program, I shall get started with working out an announcement during shift briefings for those that may be interested. C'Tora's ears tilted forward slightly and his tail making short but rapid swishes.

" I was just on my way to partake of my midday meal, but I can delay that if you'd like. I have been going over the crew files and have noticed some of the annual physicals are overdue. With everyone's co-operation sickbay should be able to get the entire crew done within a week." C'Tora stated with a toothy grin.

"I am sure everyone still due a physical will cooperate," Jon said. "If not let the XO know and she will chase up. Well if you will excuse me Doctor. I better get back to the bridge."

"Thank you Captain Reynolds,I look forward to work with you and this crew." With that said he turned and headed towards sickbay.


●●●● Captain Jonathan Reynolds
USS Andromeda

○● Lieutenant JG C'Tora Kuroka
Chief Medical Officer
USS Andromeda


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