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A nice family dinner - Part 1

Posted on 06 Jun 2020 @ 6:16am by Lieutenant Commander True Keading & Captain Jonathan Reynolds & Civilian Eddie Reynolds

Mission: Mission 4 - Race against the machine
Location: Reynolds quarters
Timeline: MD3 20:00
1028 words - 2.1 OF Standard Post Measure


The mood of the crew was disappointment that the first idea had failed. Jon was just glad no one had been seriously injured on any of the ships. Just overloaded EPS conduits.

As the planet killer had set off again and the crews prepared for the second attempt on stopping things, all three ships travelling at matched speed, he had thought it prudent to perhaps offer the invitation out to Trues brother to join them for a meal.

"Dad do I really have to be here," Eddie was whining. He was wanting to get off Jon could sense. He had a secret. Jon assumed things were going better with Tia so wasn't going to push.

"Yes," he said simply. "Trues family now and your family. He meets you. And you need to be on your best behaviour. And go put on somethings smart. Hes a captain just like me. We want to both make good impressions."

His son had of course groused further but he stood up and did as he was told. Jon straightened his own shirt and got one of the real bottles of wine out that his grandfather had sent him in his last care package. It was a good vintage. Mind you he didn't know if Vern drank. True rarely did … maybe it was a family thing. He corked it and placed it on the table to breathe and waited for the door to open as his girlfriend and her brother arrived.

"Hi," True smiled, kissing Jon on the cheek.

Vern followed her in and pretended not to notice the affectionate greeting. He looked around the room. "They really knew how to make quarters on galaxy class ships," he commented and then realized there was someone in the room he didn't know.

"This is Eddie," True replied before Jon could open his mouth. "Jon's son."

"Hello," Vern replied offering his hand for a shake. You couldn't tell by looking at him but he felt a bit nervous. He knew how much True liked this guy, he could tell and he didn't want to screw anything up for her by deciding on a negative impression of the man.

Eddie hadn’t been expecting that but he knew from his dad it was a human thing. He held his hand out and shook it, “A pleasure to meet you Captain Keading.”

“Welcome,” Jon said. “Would you care for some wine? Real wine ..”

“My great grandad makes his own on Earth,” Eddie chimed in excitably.

“Yes,” nodded Jon. “On occasion he sends his grandkids care packages.”

"You can call me Vern if I can call you Eddie," he replied. "Calling you Mr. Reynolds seems a bit stiff likewise, don't you think? I would love some wine."

True smiled at Jon, things would be okay. Vern knew how to behave himself in public. It was later she was worried about, when she and her brother were alone. His opinion of Jon didn't matter she because she knew she loved him but she also wanted her brother to realize she as happy and to be happy for her.

“Deal,” the young Part betazoid said. “Here Vern sit next to me.” The blonde led him to the table which Jon had taken care to set out. Everything was neatly in place.

Jon poured the man a glass and handed it to him. “Love?” He asked True.

"Yes please," If she was going to get through this evening then alcohol was needed even though she rarely drank. She watched as Eddie offered her brother a seat and smiled a little bit. Vern always really loved kids and she was surprised that he'd never found anyone to marry and have children with.

"Thank you Eddie," Vern said, sitting down. "I hope you didn't go to too much trouble, I don't generally inspect to see if the silver is polished when I have dinner in someone's home."

"The silver is always polished around here, someone is a bit obsessive," True winked at Jon.

“I just like things clean and tidy,” Jon protested slightly, “and if I’m going to do a job, I’m going to do it right. This is an inherited set from Earth,” he indicated the silver. “It’s old and deserves love and attention.”

“At least he’s not insisting we eat with someone banging a silly gong,” Eddie interjected going and ordering a glass of juice from the replicator. “Grandmother has that back on Betazed. It’s very irritating. True you said your family were on Betazed for a bit didn’t you But very young?” The blonde asked interested to get there perspective. “Vern do you remember more?“

"I do. I was fourteen when we left. True was almost five." But he wasn's sure specifically what he should say about their time there. It had been home until it wasn't anymore and honestly he'd never wanted to go back after his parents had died.

Jon started ferrying dinner from the trays on his desk. His personal chef had pulled a blinder again. “I hope you like steak. And Mexican as much as your sister. Steak fajitas and some trimmings.”

"I'm not at all picky when someone else makes me dinner." Vern said enthusiastically. Suddenly it made him think of Lily and he clamped down his jaw.

True noticed that he didn't offer up much conversation and looked at him oddly. What was going on with him? This was the second time she'd gotten an odd feeling from him and she wasn't even slightly Betazoid.

Jon sensed once more the man seemed to get upset then attempt to shut down his emotions. Something had happened, perhaps to someone. Eddie he knew had noticed it too. He telepathically told his son to leave it. This was not the time nor place and they didn’t know Vern well enough to pry. They could mention it and ask True later.


●●●● Captain Jonathan Reynolds
USS Andromeda

Eddie "the half human dustbin" Reynolds
NPC Jonathan Reynolds

●● Lieutenant True Keading
Chief Counselor
USS Andromeda


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