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A Time to Wake

Posted on 07 Jul 2020 @ 11:13pm by Lieutenant C'Tora Kuroka & Lieutenant Syvar MD

Mission: Mission 4 - Race against the machine
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD5, early evening
1093 words - 2.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Readings were stabilizing, though the Vulcan lying on the bed remained very still. The respirator was fogging over, an indication that he was fully breathing on his own now and had no longer any need of respiratory assistance.

The tiny rodent lying in the crook of his arm squeaked softly, its nose twitching as it sniffed the air. It was almost, as if the tiny rat had been keeping watch and now seemed to sense a change.

Michael smiled at Ratty, he had brought her in, let her see her human. "Is something up, Ratty?"

He looked over towards C'Tora, "Hope you don't mind my bringing her in. Don't worry, she's been cleaned."

C'Tora looked over to see what Michael was talking about and saw the rat. His breathing slowed and tail stopped moving, his hind legs sank down a few inches and then he stopped. He shook his head to clear his thoughts.[i]Stupid primitive instincts.[/i] He brought himself back up to normal height."Of course not Ensign Hawkins,and your pet is welcome here." As he walked over to remove the respirator from Syvar.

"He's breathing on his own again,so no need for the respirator any more." he ran the medical tricorder over Syvar and checked the readings."Hmm. It seems he has entered the vulcan healing trance so he's out of danger at this time. Learned about that in xeno biology in the academy,facinating stuff." He turned to stow the tricorder back on it's shelf. If you'd like to stay and sit with your friend for awhile you may,just let me know if he starts moving or talking."

"Actually, Ratty is Syvar's pet, she's been missing her person so I brought her in." Michael stated, giving a nod in answer to C'Tora. " he took a seat next to Syvar to keep watch.

The young Vulcan remained very still on the bed, though colour seemed to return to his features. The monitor showed an improvement in his vitals and brain activity but there seemed to be no indication that he was going to wake up on his own.

After a few minutes, Michael realized something. With the readings being healthy, and normally a human would wake up from the deep sleep. This wasn't going to be the case with Syvar. He had gone and studied up on Vulcan physiology, and also from what Syvar had mentioned. Michael was going to have to do something. He hated the idea of causing Syvar anymore pain but drastic measures were being needed.

Gently he moved Ratty from where she was nestled, placing her inside the carrier he had made to bring her in. "Ratty you are going to have to be here. I don't want you to get hurt." he then called to C'Tora, "Doctor, I am going start the procedure to wake Syvar up."

"Hmm.This is the first time a non medical personal has taken this kind of initiative in my sickbay." He stroked his chin and nodded approval. "Proceed then." as he stood back and observed. "He will most likely appreciate being struck by someone he knows better." The Caitian doctor stated.

Going back to Syvar's bedside, Michael took several deep breaths, he had to be careful due to his martial arts skills and yet, hit Syvar hard enough to wake him up. An open handed slap is what he did, striking Syvar several times on the cheeks, wincing as he did so due to a remembered slap in the face, a hard slap from an angry woman.

The Vulcan grimaced as he was struck, his readings spiking. Finally, his hand shot up, grabbing Michael's wrist to stall the next strike. "Enough," he said as he opened his eyes. There was a strength in his hold that belied the rest of his current physical strength. His eyes took focus as they settled on his friend, his brother. "Thank you Michael."

C'Tora moved over by the bio bed. "Well done Ensign Hawkins,you seem to have a knack at that. Perhaps you should consider volunteering for the emergency medical program,we always need trained people to help out in times of crisis." He then turned his attention to Syvar. "Well Syvar you gave us quite the scare,but you seem none the worse for the wear. Your most likely hungry after your ordeal,Care for something to eat?"

Visibly relieved at Syvar being awake Michael grinned. "Your welcome, Syvar. I am glad to see you awake. I am sure Amelia will be happy as well." giving a bit of a smile to Syvar before turning to C'Tora. "Actually that isn't a bad idea. I probably need a refresher course in first aid, CPR and such."

At the caitian doctor's comment about food, Michael's stomach grumbled loudly. "I think I need to attend to that myself, and I'll take Ratty back to her temporary abode, I'll return her to you tomorrow, unless you would like her to stay here?" looking towards Syvar.

"I want to keep her here," Syvar answered softly, holding out his hand to receive his little pet. "I'm not really hungry but I'd like something to drink please. How long have I been out?"

Michael gently handed Ratty to Syvar, smiling as he did so. " I think almost a day and a half." he answered. "I'm not truly certain."

C'Tora glanced at the read out at the side of the bio bed."Mr Hawkins,you are correct in stating Syvar has been healing for the past day and a half." As he walked to the replicator. "What would you like to to drink Syvar? Anything for you while I'm over here Michael?"

"Nothing for me. I've got to be leaving very soon. " he stated then looked at Syvar. "I'll be seeing you later, my brother." Michael smiling fondly at him.

"Just water," Syvar answered softly, cradling his tiny pet carefully in his arms. He smiled gratefully at Michael. "Thank you," he whispered, "this must've been difficult for you."

Michael gave a slight nod, "It was, but worth it to see you awake." he answered softly. "Be well."

He turned to leave, pausing only for a moment, to look at C'Tora "Thank you for your care of Syvar."

"You're welcome" C'Tora replied, with a wave. before he turned back to work.

○● Lieutenant JG C'Tora Kuroka
Chief Medical Officer
USS Andromeda

● “ Ensign Michael Hawkins“
Chief Operations Officer
USS Andromeda

Ensign Syvar
Medical Officer
pnpc Aidan


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