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Calling Syvar

Posted on 25 Dec 2020 @ 4:00am by Lieutenant Syvar MD & Commander Amelia Fox

Mission: Mission 5 - Season of the Witch?
Location: Meladoste colony, Syvar and Amelia's quarters
Timeline: MD 4 1700
594 words - 1.2 OF Standard Post Measure


Amelia was feeling lonely. She wanted to see Syvar and hold him. She thought to herself... I bet I can talk to him. Praying it would work, she cautiously tapped her comm badge. "Syvar? Hello?"

Syvar perked up as he was just about to step into the shower after his shift. "Amelia?" he queried, "are you alright?" He hadn't expected a call from her, fully convinced she'd be focused on her mission and not have any thought or concern for him.

Amelia sighed and spoke, sounding quite disheartened. "I miss you. No one down here wants to have any fun. I mean, I've got my teddy to cuddle but he's not my Savvy bear. Are you coming down?"

Unseen to his wife, the Vulcan frowned. "I'm sorry Amelia, I can't go down, not unless doctor Kuroka approves it. I'm needed in sickbay. I'm unfamiliar with a savvy bear though... where did you get a teddy and why?"

That last comment made her chuckle "You're my Savvy bear silly. I got this teddy from the..... thing... you know that machines that makes things. He's all soft and furry. Someone tried to take him away so I hit him. No one takes my teddy." she added, sounding much like a spoiled child. Her tone then changed to one of pleading "Please come down here, you can tell me stories."

"Amelia, are you sure you're alright?" Syvar was starting to get concerned now. "You sound... different, and I still don't understand why you replicated a teddy. What's going on?"

Amalia replied with a huff. "I wanted something to cuddle. The cat doctor says I'm acting all funny and a load of other stuff but it was dead boring so I didn't really listen" She then brightened up slightly. "Hey, you know I've got a baby in my tummy. That's so cool."

Amelia stomped her foot. "Look, if you're not coming down here, I think I might cry. You're making me sad... and Oh! Look, a furry kitty" Amelia had spotted what looked like a small animal from the windows of the Runabout, similar to an earth cat and it completely derailed her train of thought. She frowned. "What was I saying?"

Now definitely concerned, Syvar wasn't sure what to do. He couldn't just beam down, if something was happening, he'd be endangering himself, and possibly the rest of the crew. "Amelia... is doctor Kuroka near you? I want you to go see him sweetheart, and I want him to scan you and then have him call me. Can you do that?" Never really having dealt with children, Syvar didn't recognize the behaviour as such.

Amelia blew sir through her lips. "Nah, the doctor has left me here and anyway I don't want another scan. Look I'm feeling sleepy now so I'm going to cuddle my teddy and have a nap and when I wake up I want you here." Amelia replied.

"I'll have a chat with the doctor but for now it's safer that I don't," Syvar told her, wishing he could see her now. "Be careful Amelia, please don't do anything silly."

Amelia had laid down on a small bed that was set up. She yawned and hugged her teddy. "Ok, my Syvar. I'll be careful....yawn......Love you snuggle bunny."

Snuggle bunny? Syvar lifted a single eyebrow in surprise, she normally wasn't one to call him nicknames. And why was she sleeping when it wasn't even dinner time yet? "I love you too," he finally answered, a feeling of unease creeping upon him.



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