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Dreaded Medical...

Posted on 02 Aug 2021 @ 9:28pm by Lieutenant Syvar MD & Ensign Vince Stryfe
Edited on on 02 Aug 2021 @ 9:29pm

Mission: Picking up the pieces
Location: Sickbay
1368 words - 2.7 OF Standard Post Measure

.:: USS Andromeda :: Deck 2 ::.

Vince looked down at the PADD in his hands. It was the one he dreaded being handed, and the one he wanted to avoid at all costs, medical check. He spent the last year of his life being annoyed, and over analyzed by Starfleet medical, and now he gets to do it again. Most of the things that they felt were detrimental were sealed up to only the most important people, but of course the ship's medical staff would have access to all of it.

Now he stood just off from sickbay's doors. He stared at them wondering what the doctor was going to think when he saw his chart. Was he going to say not fit for the ship, or was he just going to judge Vince for past mistakes, and with the Halcyon incident, is he going to say the same overdone comment, PTSD. He finally just said screw it, he knows who he is and what he can do. He'd just let the doctor say and think whatever he wanted, doctor patient confidentiality was still a thing, even out here.

The doors to sickbay opened up and Vince stepped through. He walked up to the first person he saw," Hey, I'm Ensign Stryfe, I'm here for my pre duty physical," the person standing there turned around, and Vince's confidence sank... a Vulcan. He had nothing against Vulcans, but knew logic was about to be the topic of the day, and that was going to suck for him.

Bright green eyes seemed to study the newcomer for a moment, before their owner offered a gloved hand in greeting and a genuine smile in greeting. "Welcome aboard Ensign Stryfe, I assume you have a first name too? I'm Syvar, if you'd follow me please?"

" Yea, of course, my name is Vince," He said following Syvar," So are we going to make this a quick thing by chance? I was cleared by Starfleet medical before I came out here."

"It's just protocol," Syvar answered as he gestured to a vacant bed "It'll be as quick as we can. Is there anything new that might not be in your file? Any new developments I need to report to the chief medical officer?"

Vince answered without thought," Nope, nothing I can think of, I'm in peak physical condition as far as I know. I try to make sure I take care of myself nowadays."

"Nowadays?" the Vulcan prompted, arching an eyebrow at him, "you didn't before then? What do you do to keep fit?" He took the scanning wand from his tricorder and slowly ran it across Vincent's body as he waited for answer.

"Yea, it's in my file, I chose a stupid path once, and I don't like to talk about it," Vince said with a stern voice," and now I work out 3 hrs a day, doing everything from cardio to full body workouts. I use keeping myself in good shape to forget about, and avoid going back to the bad."

"I'm not a counselor," Syvar smiled, "and you do appear to be in excellent physical shape. Three hours a day might be a little overkill though. Perhaps reschedule some of that for socializing? There are other ways to prevent falling back, perhaps fellow crew members might be able to help with that." He replaced the wand in his tricorder and snapped the device shut. "Whatever bad happened to you is none of my business, but as someone who's had a few extremely bad things happen too, I'm happy to listen if you do want to talk."

Vince jumped off the bed," I'm good, on both accounts. I get my three hours and plenty of socializing. I even plan on hitting up the 10 when I get out of here. I have a thing about making sure I'm in peak physical condition now, and Dad always put two and a half hours a day, so I go for three. I appreciate the listening offer, but I usually don't even open up to partners, let alone a ship's counselor."

"Hitting up the ten?" Confusion crossed the Vulcan's face. "Trust me though, bottling things up will cause issues. I can speak from experience there. And a counselor is bound to the same confidentiality rules as I am."

"Yea, deck 10 lounge, not sure what it's called on this ship though," Vince paused for a moment thinking," I'm not bottling anything Doc, if I had something to talk about I would. I don't talk about things now because the past is the past. It's there to learn from, so you don't repeat it, but if you live in the past, the future will never come."

"True enough," the Vulcan admitted, "either way the offer stands. I've been through a few things myself so I do know how it feels not wanting to rake up sore memories."

"I will definitely keep that in mind, but I usually just let things go, don't dwell on them much, if ever. So on a change of subject, how do you like working in sickbay? Seems like it'd be a pain for the most part," Vince decided to let his guard down a bit, but wasn't going to give him much.

"I quite enjoy it and I'm learning a great deal," Syvar answered, happy for the change of subject. "I don't think there's any other department I'd rather be in to be honest. As long as I have time to go roaming on leaves...I'm happy. What about you? What department are you in?"

"Flight Control, and from what I've seen I'm the Asst. Chief which I wasn't expecting, but don't have a problem with," Vince smirked," Flight is the greatest place in the world, in my opinion, wouldn't want to be anywhere else. I'm also stoked to be out of Sol and back out in the unknown, makes for way more adventures."

"Stoked?" While he had grown up on earth, that wasn't a word he knew. "I'm not much of a pilot, even though I'd love to be able to fly a shuttle. I've never qualified for it, just never had the time to to he honest. What made you want to be a pilot?"

Vince thought for a moment before answering," First time I saw something flying through the air I was hooked. My dad, grandpa, and I restored an old P-51, and once I went up in that plane, all bets were off. I knew beyond a shadow of doubt, flying was where I was going to spend the rest of my life."

"That's admirable," the young Vulcan praised, "I've always wanted to be a doctor. Ever since I was treated in hospital, when I was very sick as a child, and they nursed me back to life. It's my passion, along with just getting lost and foraging for herbs and medicinal plants."

"I understand that. My Mom and Sister are both part of Starfleet medical. Mom is quite a ways up the ranks, sis is just getting started," Vince smiled as he talked about his family," they make being a wreck less flyboy a hard job. Always demand that I get frequent physicals and all other manner of tests because of being way out here away from Sol.

"And so now you are here as a dutiful son," Syvar grinned, "did you bring a family of your own?"

Vince just shook his head," Nope just me and a duffle bag, all I've got at the moment.

"Give it time, you'll find someone. I never thought I would, but now I'm expecting my first child in a few weeks. My mate is very pregnant." The Vulcan smiled proudly at that revelation. "Anyway, you're good to go. Don't hesitate to stop by if you need anything, even if it's just a chat."

"Sounds like a plan Doc, have a great day," Vince shot out of Sickbay like he'd been shot out of a cannon. After that, even though it wasn't too bad, he decided to head for the lounge. Time to kick back and relax for a bit.

Ensign Vince Stryfe
Flight Control, USS Andromeda

Ensign Syvar
Medical Officer
pnpc Aidan


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