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Catching up

Posted on 31 Aug 2021 @ 1:31am by Ensign Gwen Leighton

Mission: Picking up the pieces
Location: Medusa's Head
1423 words - 2.8 OF Standard Post Measure


Michael watched as the newest helm officer took off to meet up with the Captain, he then turned once more to look at whom else was in the Medusa's Head, and his eyes stopped on Gwen. His eyes lit up when he saw her. He hadn't talked to her in quiet a long time besides just the occasional hello or hey there is something that needed to be fixed. He rose from the stool and headed over to the table where she was seated. "Hey Gwen, mind if I join you or are you busy." looking at whomever might be there with her.

Gwen smiled, "You're more than welcome." She motioned for him to sit. The previous group had lessened in size as two of the security officers had taken others company for the evening and it was now just Gwen and Sal. He'd been toweled off from the Andorian Pudding, "This is Sal, he's mildly useless but handy to have in a fight."

Michael cocked an eyebrow up at that. "Andorian Pudding? Sounds like a story there. Just met an interesting chap, Stryker. He says he's a helm officer, and yeah I took a gander at the listing." he looked over at Sal. "You may just want to get your clothing changed, its not going to come out that easily, much like beef stew." wrinkling up his nose. "That stuff isn't fun to wash out either."

Gwen laughed, "He's right, and you definitely need a shower still. Or two."

Sal left, mumbling something about helmsmen and the devil.

"It was actually that helmsman who deposited the pudding on Sal," Gwen after watching Sal leave and returning to the conversation, "He's made quite the impression in a short amount of time. Which can be both good and bad. We'll have to see." She shrugged, "How have you been??"

"Now why would he deposit pudding on Sal?" Michael being a bit curious on that. "besides that, I'm doing well, just working hard to keep the Andromeda running. Kinda strange starting out as Chief of Operations and then winding up in Engineering." giving a bit of a laugh. "Now how about you? I noticed that you are no longer Chief of Security, what happened?"

"It didn't fit," Gwen shrugged and took a sip of her drink, "I'm better off just doing things than organizing the things to be done." She felt that was a cop out but fit the closest to the truth, "So, do I need to worry that our ship is going to fall apart with an operations chief playing with the wiring? How'd you wind up there? "

"Funny that you mentioned not quite the right fit? It seems that I am more geared for fixing the wiring than just taking scans and such, well I did do some engineering projects as well, but. I do like it in engineering, due to my liking to work with my hands. There have been way too many times that I've seen something that needed to be fixed and I couldn't just go right then and there to do so. Would have been rude. However now I can go directly to the issue, or send some of my trusty engineers to go take care of the minor issue." Michael giving a grin.

"I'm glad you found a place that fits." Gwen laughed, "And directing people is fun." She swirled the drink in her glass, "Sometimes I wonder what happens to those people who never find their fit. Do they move ships till they do? Try a station? Find a planet base? Or just give up? "

"Well that is a question I had asked the woman I worked under. Admiral Cara Letsul, she used to be a Counselor and she told me that it depends on the person. Some will move to different ships to find one they might fit, some change their vocations, some find a base to be one whether it be a station on a planet or in the stars. One woman I know of who used to serve on the USS Europa, she had transferred to a space station to security, not being a department head. Some also decide to to go to a civilian job and be happy there. its all a matter of finding oneself, and be happy about it." Michael remarked.

"Sounds whimsical," Gwen laughed, "To be able to just float around in space till you find your fit." She smirked, "Or irresponsible. I wonder if one could gain a reputation as being less than dependable."

"I wouldn't say they were being irresponsible, maybe perhaps they just didn't find their place to be yet. They did their job and did it well and just moved on." Hawkins giving a smile. "Some may get that reputation as well. All depends on whom they are serving under."

"True," There was a light shrug, "I guess no matter what we're all doomed to have some kind of a reputation." She pursed her lips as she thought of something fun, "Okay. So, twenty years from now - what would you hope your reputation is? What would people whisper about you quietly?"

Michael gave a lopsided grin, "Oh I suppose they would be whispering of the dancing engineer." giving light laugh, "I do dance and I have a theater troupe as well. I'm sure you've heard the tale of my singing and dancing in engineering to the tune of singing in the rain." his lopsided smile turning into a full one.

Gwen did a double take, "No, no this is news to me." Her smile grew, "Ohhhh do I hope you aren't pulling me leg. I would love to see this."

"Well... Ames my right hand man caught me and actually filmed it. He showed me later on. I think he was planning on blackmailing me." he laughed. "But here I can show you it." pulling out his PADD and brought up the video, then handed it to Gwen. "Now you can actually see it."

In the video she could see him doing a modified Gene Kelly routine from Singing in the Rain, definitely having a fun time, and certainly seeing that he has talent.

"You can't blackmail someone with something they would," She pointed to the PADD to emphasize her next point, "And SHOULD brag about. I can barely shuffle my feet. I don't even know how you do that."

"A lot of practice, Gwen." he chuckled. " I can show you dance moves if you'd like or even one of my engineers to do so. Ames is really good, so if you want him to teach you instead of me, I get that set up. Or there are others." Michael stated.

"Oh dear god I walked into that one," Gwen laughed, "No. No I don't think that will be happening for a long long time. I can be a wicked cheerleader but that's as far as I go." Leaning back in her chair she asked, "So was it a hobby you picked up from life on a ship or something you were pulled into by someone else?"

"My mother, she made certain her children were kept busy and tried to keep us out of trouble." He laughed, "Besides I do love dancing. " Michael looked at her, then grinned. " A wicked cheerleader? They do dance routines. My sister was one, and pretty good at it. "

Gwen blushed. She'd walked into that one as well, "Nope, not that coordinated. I meant more with the pom poms and the encouraging loud words of affirmation." She laughed, "But who knows, maybe someday I will attempt such a thing. Just not here and definitely not sober." She laughed and then seemed surprised when her badge let out a tiny silent chirp, "Humbug. That's my alarm. Time for me to call it so that I can have a nap before shift."

Michael gave a laugh, "Hmmnn saved by the bell I see. Don't worry, I won't drag you kicking and screaming to my dance classes or theater classes either. The invite is open for you and anyone else. I even do sword fighting techniques too. I'll see you around Gwen." flashing a smile.

Gwen cocked her head, "Okay the last option might be something you get my willing participation." She stood up and smiled, "See you around." Then she left as her pillow was calling.

Michael watched as Gwen left, a smile upon his lips


Ensign Gwen Leighton
Security, USS Andromeda

Lieutenant Michael Hawkins
Chief Engineer, USS Andromeda


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