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Intelligence Abounds

Posted on 11 Aug 2021 @ 10:23pm by Ensign Vince Stryfe & Lieutenant JG Rosaline Belikov

Mission: Picking up the pieces
1186 words - 2.4 OF Standard Post Measure

.:: USS Andromeda :: Deck 9 ::.

"Crap," Vince noticed on the crew manifest that there were clearly Intelligence officers on this ship. Even worse, there was one with the moniker of 'Chief' next to her name. He shook his head knowing the possibilities there. If there was anyone that was going to be able to see all the fun stuff from his past, and judge, it was going to be an intelligence officer, excuse him, Chief. Or, he could be just freaking out a bit, why would she care about his past, but they are serving in what is essentially a sealed box, that he pilots, she could care. Vince let out a slight moan, why him, at this moment, maybe he could just avoid her.

He walked through the corridor, paying attention to people passing. He started to wonder what she looked like. Belikov was her last name, probably Russian, maybe? He wasn't someone that studied that sort of thing, he basically went off of what he knew from meeting other people. She was in intelligence, so probably 5', short hair, absolute mean streak, and used words he wouldn't understand. In truth he needed to not try and picture her, but that was what he did. It was a fun game to him, and sometimes he got it right, but most of the time he was way off. Nonetheless, he probably wasn't going to just happen to run into her, so all should be fine.

He turned the corner, and a woman caught his eye, and dread came over him. What are the damn chances that he runs into an Intel crew member here. Couldn't be her though, or was it. Only one way to find out.

" Hi, Ensign Vince Stryfe, Flight Control," Vince put his hand out," I'm new here, how are you?"

On her way back to her office, Rose had payed a quick visit to Stellar Cartography to collect a few star charts they had made that were far more detailed then the ones she had from the database at Starfleet HQ. She found it quite facinating how the scientists could make such detailed maps from so many lightyears away simply by using computer models, and their maps were rarely wrong.

hearing someone introducing themselves, Rose looked up from the PADD she had been reading to see a man in a command uniform walking towards her. Judging by the single pip on his collar and the fact he'd introduced himself as part of the Flight Control department, clearly this wasn't an official visit but he must have been looking for her, or why else would he have been talking to her in the middle of a busy hallway.

"Welcome onboard ensign, is there something I can do for you?" Rose asked, stopping off to one side of the corridor

Vince awkwardly smiled," Not really, I was just going through the senior staff and thought you might be the Intel Chief, so I thought it would be good to introduce myself. Just a random shot, was I wrong?"

"Fortunately for you, no you were not wrong. though most people don't bother to 'check in' with Intelligence unless they have something they're looking for that is out of the ordinary" Rose said, thinking over the resent personnel transfers, "hmm, Ensign Vince Stryfe? Ah yes I heard about you, demoted for a friendly fire incident then decided to jump streams, that sound about right?"

Vince looked slightly confused," The demotion is correct, but not sure what is meant by jumping streams. Heard the term crossing streams before, but not jumping. I knew you'd have more access."

“You jumped from the Corp to the Fleet for a fresh start. So now instead of flying fighters, you fly starships with someone else’s hand on the weapons controls”

"Huh," Vince thought for a moment," never thought about it that way. Makes sense though, ofcourse now I pilot something way bigger that doesn't have the forgiveness of a fighter. In a way it's more responsibility to pilot a starship, way more lives in my hands given the circumstance."

Rose nodded, “i guess that’s true. So as long as you promise not to run the ship into any large interstellar bodies, then we should be fine”

"I absolutely promise that I will not intentionally fly into any interstellar bodies," Vince smiled," But if something runs into me I can't be held accountable. So how do you like working in intelligence, bet it can be a pain."

Rose shrugged, "more boring than a pain, but I've written a few search programs to help with the boring parts. Surely it's no more boring then being a pilot. Sitting in that chair up on the bridge for hours on end can't be all that fun"

Vince looked at her, smiled, and let out a small laugh," Being in the pilot seat is far from boring. Sure there's times when nothing exciting or flashy is happening, but there's always something to do. Just flying through warp isn't a simple point and click, there's math constantly happening, and if you get one thing wrong, bad days happen. I take pride in the boring stuff as much as the exciting, because in that seat, everything is exciting to me!"

Rose smiled, "well I'm glad you take pride in your boring work. One day you'll have to help me recertify myself on the shuttles"

"I'd be more than happy to assist with that. Always enjoy some time in the shuttles, and on this ship we have such a wonderful choice in our shuttles. We can make recertification quite fun!" Vince smiled," We'll getcha taken care of."

"I think the standard shuttle and runabout will be fine. I don't need anything fancy" Rose replied, a little amused at Vince's eagerness

Vince clapped then rubbed his hands together," Well I'm on Beta shift, and once I'm settled you name the time and we'll get that recert done. We can go holodeck, axtual shuttle, or both. I have multiple programs that are set up for this on the deck, so just give the word!"

"Why don't we start on the holodeck. less chance of sudden death for whoever I end up running into" Rose replied, trying her best not to laugh as Vince practically bounced around, "then we can move to the real thing."

Vince just smiled, Ok, it's a date!," He paused for a moment," err... it's a agreed time for quality training that I'll be more than happy to do. Just let me know when, and we can get this taken care of. For now I have somewhere I need to be, but it has been great meeting you."

“It was good to meet you too.” Rose replied before stepping out into the bustle of people going about their day and disappearing

Vince nodded and watched as she walked off. The meeting didn't go bad at all, which means he overreacted. Still, he'd be seeing her again, and wasn't against the thought at all.


Lieutenant JG Rosaline Belikov
Chief of Intelligence

Ensign Vince Stryfe
Flight Control
USS Andromeda


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