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Rat a tuile

Posted on 26 Jan 2020 @ 5:39am by Lieutenant Syvar MD

Mission: Mission 3 - Whom gods destroy ...
Location: sickbay
408 words - 0.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Syvar turned his head as a scream came from one of the supply rooms. "Nurse?" he called out, jumping to his feet and running out of the office. "Nurse are you alright?"

The nurse in question came running from the room, never looking back. Curious, Syvar walked into the room, but found nothing out of the ordinary. He shrugged, and went back to the office.

After a few minutes, another nurse screamed and he ran out again, a hint of annoyance on his face as he was trying to get his records up to par and the disturbance wasn't helping. "What's going on here?" he demanded as he stormed into the supply room. He was pushed aside by a frightened nurse and he fell into one of the supply racks.

Uttering a very un-Vulcan profanity under his breath, the Vulcan crawled back to his feet, only to jump as something shot past his feet. "What the..." he exclaimed, jumping right back into the supply rack he'd just crawled out of.

Shaking his head, he started to walk out until a soft squeaking sound caught his attention. He turned his head, tilting it a little to listen as he tried to determine where it came from. After a few seconds he dropped down to his knees to peer under the supply rack. "Oh, hello..." he smiled, reaching out to pull the little nest he discovered from underneath the rack.

Inside the next there was a clutter of tails and legs, and curious little snouts. Smiling, Syvar got to his feet, cradling the nest to his chest, and headed back to his office. "The danger is past," he called out to the frightened nurses, "the monster has been found." Well several of them but not the main culprit....

He laid the nest onto his desk, realizing he couldn't keep all of them as he lifted a tiny creature onto his hand. Long pink tail, white feet and mostly white body that was dabbled with black spots. "Why aren't you the cutest little rat I've ever seen," he smiled as he lifted the creature up to study it. "I think I'll keep you, but I'll have to give your brothers and sisters away, probably. I doubt I can keep you all."

Reaching, he sent a quick message to the commanding officer, hoping he might have some ideas on finding four baby rats a home.

Ensign Syvar
Acting CMO
pnpc Aidan


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