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Rocking the records

Posted on 12 Jan 2021 @ 12:42am by Captain Jonathan Reynolds & Lieutenant Commander Aidan Datari & Ensign Gwen Leighton
Edited on on 20 Jan 2021 @ 12:53am

Mission: Mission 5 - Season of the Witch?
Location: Meladoste (Epsilon Sigma 4- Main foyer/Engineering?)
Timeline: MD4 11:30
744 words - 1.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Previously on Hide and Seek,

"Okay doc get some scans and True do you want to take the lead in talking to him. He seems, like the ones we spoke to on the bridge to be acting childlike,"

"I don't think we are in any danger but lets access some consoles and get a firmer idea of the schematics of this place and see if we can find any recent logs as to what happened or records," he indicated Aidan, "at what they were working on."

Continuing on,

Michael nodded, "Yes, Captain." moving towards the consoles and began working on one, to bring up statistics and schematics.

It didn't come up yet and Michael raised an eyebrow. "There might be a little problem." crouching down to get a better look.

"It will take just a few moments." Michael looking at the components, realizing he may have to realign something. "I've got to rearrange some isolinear chips in here. It looks like someone had been switching things around for fun." referring to the adults acting like children.

He knelt down and made the adjustments. "You should be able to call up the schematics now." giving a nod towards Gwen and Datari.

"Adults behaving like children?" Aidan muttered, "where have we read this before? Didn't the USS Enterprise, under command of Captain Kirk not encounter some form of anomaly once? Or something viral that made people act out of character?"

Michael spoke up, "I remember reading a report about that. Could it be something like that?"

"I don't know," the Trill science chief admitted, "I'd have to find the original report and compare findings with data gathered here. If anything we really need thorough scans of people, and we need to keep a close eye on each other and perhaps perform frequent scans as well. I have no idea where to start looking..." He cast the others an apologetic look. "I'm not that kind of scientist I'm afraid."

"We'll get it figured out." Michael responded, as he thought over what could be done. "I think the first thing is see if we can pull up the original scans." He looked over at Gwen, "See if you can crack the security codes here, okay?"

Gwen cracked her knuckles, "I love a challenge." She began to tap away on the console, "I may not even have to crack them. A cautious and mildly paranoid person will always leave a backup or a backdoor in a place that's easy to find but hidden. Just in case." She then asked, "Given we do find them, should I send the info somewhere safe?"

"I have an idea on where we can send it to. Belikov is in command at the moment on the Andromeda, plus Bumble is up there too. Once we are certain that we've got a good feed to the ship the information can be sent there and they can start analyzing the scans as well."

Michael then looked at Aidan, "I can handle the scans if you'd like, get the readings and start really going in depth as to the earlier scans. Gwen and I can handle this part and hunt down any other sort of clues that we are going to be needing. Then we can send the details to you and the Captain, as to the progress. Sound good?"

The Trill nodded. "Sounds good," he agreed, "then I can assist the captain and hopefully cross any linguistical barriers we may encounter."

"Guess we should let the Captain know, then Gwen and I can finish up here, and move on to the next part." Michael said to Aidan. "Definitely got to get the area set up for an area for us to transport people or things needed."

Michael tapped on his commbadge =^=Captain, Lieutenant Datari will be coming your way, Leighton and I will finish up things here, and get to working on the next project.=^=. giving a nod towards Aidan, saying aside to him, "Hope things go well for you and the Captain and the others in talking to the leader."

=^=Excellent we may need his linguistical skills. Tell him to pack some hiking boots. Reynolds out=^=

When the captain signed off, Michael looked at Aidan, "Well looks like you are going to have a bit of fun. Hope it goes well."

Michael then turned to Gwen, "Okay, lets get this done and get to the next project." giving a bit of a smile.


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